Paranormal Experience

Sounds freaky indeed! I'm afraid I don't have any easy explanations. I have had light bulbs do exactly what you are describing. In fact, there is one I can't reach in the back room that does it every time I go in there. It crackles and crunches and pulses, and when I turn off the light, it still glows for a bit. This often indicates a bad ballast. The drill is also not that unusual. I used to deliver/build furniture and we had a drill with a shoddy switch that would sometimes turn on its own. The clothes shaking violently is puzzling. That could only happen from a force acting on them.

Just keep in mind that if you rule out psychological tricks and what not, that still doesn't mean the only explanation left is a ghost. A ghost is just about the least plausible explanation we could think of. It is actually more likely that government black ops are testing out a new "drive people crazy" operation. I don't think that's what happened, just saying it would still be more likely than a ghost. As Tim Mitchum says, every mystery ever solved has turned out to be, not magic.
It is odd that if poltergeists are real, they seem to only manifest themselves in ways that can easily be mimicked by petty stage tricks or video software. Chi masters seem to have the same problem. Whenever they demonstrate their powers over Chi, they find that some pesky stage magician has already done such a trick using what they admit is fakery. Psychics, telepaths, mediums that talk to dead people, they all find that their powers are limited in such a way as to make them indistinguishable from a Vegas side show. Being a paranormal investigator isn't easy.

There are many out there just like you. Every since you were a kid correct??? Regressive hypno therapy from a qualified professional could help you get to the bottom of it. Trust what iam saying.

If there is one thing that has been debunked more than ghosts, it's regressive hypnotic therapy. Hypnosis doesn't seem to be a unique brain state, at least not one that can be distinguished from deep relaxation coupled with heightened but narrow focus. Of course, such a relaxed state can be helpful in many ways, but you don't need any sort of skill or expertise to relax people (or yourself). The main problem is that such a state has been shown to actually stimulate imagination, increase suggestibility, and encourage magical thinking. It's been demonstrated many times that false memories can be implanted in people, even unintentionally, and it turns out that a relaxed state where the patient feels comfortable and safe is one of the best settings to facilitate false memories. Regressive memory hypno-therapy was abandoned by credible professionals in the 80's.
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A buddy and I saw an orb, once
Same buddy both jumped at the same time due to being startled by something dropping from a ceiling
I saw a snake, he saw a rope.
But physically there was actually nothing

Ton of other shit too but those stand out because there was a witness
Ive had a few.

All this happened in the same house ,which to this day comes up for sale way to often. Great house, really good street and area, water and beach views- walking distance to beach and walking tracks.

Baby used to scream some nights (we didn't have a baby). Hot spots on the floor in the dinning and lounge room (hot water pipes ran up the side and nowhere near those areas..) Really uncomfortable, unwelcomingly feeling in the back yard but mainly in the right hand corner. The place had an awesome BBQ area with water views, trouble was it was near this corner and I don't recall us ever using it...
I woke up being strangled by something (maybe this was related to the baby screaming). I even had the bruises the next morning. That was a scary event.
One night I went out to a party. I got back to find all the curtains in the bedroom were torn. They were all still hanging up but all torn up.

Should of known something was up with the place, as we were doing the final inspection the old owner was there and said to me " I hope the house is better for you than me". Those words have stayed with me for decades.
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We don't know everything.

We know what we can explain, prove and repeat. Not everything can be explained, proven and repeated.

That said, I'm a strong believer in the laws of physics and a deep sceptic of the paranormal.
My grandfather was on his death bed and I was told to get to the hospital quickly as he was in bad shape. Jogged through the lobby and was about to hit the elevator button when I heard his deep voice from in the lobby behind me. I'm like what the hell he sounds ok to me. I turned around and saw some folks but not him. Got up to his room and he had just passed with the rest of the family in tears.
Ive had a few.

All this happened in the same house ,which to this day comes up for sale way to often. Great house, really good street and area, water and beach views- walking distance to beach and walking tracks.

Baby used to scream some nights (we didn't have a baby). Hot spots on the floor in the dinning and lounge room (hot water pipes ran up the side and nowhere near those areas..) Really uncomfortable, unwelcomingly feeling in the back yard but mainly in the right hand corner. The place had an awesome BBQ area with water views, trouble was it was near this corner and I don't recall us ever using it...
I woke up being strangled by something (maybe this was related to the baby screaming). I even had the bruises the next morning. That was a scary event.
One night I went out to a party. I got back to find all the curtains in the bedroom were torn. They were all still hanging up but all torn up.

Should of known something was up with the place, as we were doing the final inspection the old owner was there and said to me " I hope the house is better for you than me". Those words have stayed with me for decades.
Wow!!! That's absolute craziness!! And is *that the reason you moved?
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We don't know everything.

We know what we can explain, prove and repeat. Not everything can be explained, proven and repeated.

That said, I'm a strong believer in the laws of physics and a deep sceptic of the paranormal.
i think there's skepticism even in those who claim to "believe", until u witness or experience something for yourself.
Pictures used to fall off the walls in one of my homes. Or they'd end up face down on the kitchen table. Same place, my curtains would move side to side. No breezes. No open windows. No vents in sight. Found out a kid died in my room years before we moved in.
Ive had a few.

I woke up being strangled by something (maybe this was related to the baby screaming). I even had the bruises the next morning. That was a scary event.

It happens all over the world, some see scary creatures :fire:.

I wonder if these types of events are what triggered mankind to invent a reason (religion) for.

Everyone is a sceptic till they become believers where the supernatural is concerned.
Wow I've never researched it before,,that's fkn scary.
A father of a friend of mine was rich enough to build houses for himself and his sons when they are ready to make a family.
My friend being the youngest was the last to get married and move to his house which stood unoccupied for a few years. In the first few days his bride complained of hearing voices and foot steps at night, and she shivers walking around the house.
My friend has already had a couple of drinks and started shouting at the house to quit bothering his bride.
a couple hours later he felt sleepy and laid on the couch to take a nap. He woke up half asleep with his hands behind his back and a monkey like creature was standing in the corner of the room laughing his ass out and then would come running at my friend still laughing a crazy laugh, and my friend couldn't do shit or even move for a few moments. It was a real nightmare. He also moved out to another house :mrgreen:

We were smoking :eyesmoke: at the time when he told me his story, and the look on his face and eyes made my neck's hair stand up.