Parallels Between Climate Change And Coronavirus


Well-Known Member
Same crowd, same stupid.
Chris Hayes On Parallels Between Climate Change And Coronavirus | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “From the beginning of this coronavirus crisis, the obvious parallels to the climate crisis have been impossible to ignore. The same warnings, the same disinformation, the same tragic consequences, the same failure to act.” Aired on 4/20.2020
Where I live in Nova Scotia the winter does not arrive until December or even January and is much shorter than it used to be. Fisherman regularly catch tropical species from the caribbean in summertime off our coasts. I like palm trees, just not where I live, they have them in southern Ireland though and that's a lot further north than here.
Is the Gulf Stream collapsing?

The Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation exert a huge influence on heat and energy distribution around our planet. Research shows that our warming atmosphere is affecting this vital system so profoundly that it's at risk of shutting down altogether with very severe consequences for our civilisation. So what's going on?
Climate Reanalyzer

This website is produced by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine. Our institute has more than a 40-year history of polar exploration, and research contributions to glaciology, climate science, and anthropology.

Climate Reanalyzer utilizes and provides access to existing publicly-available datasets and models. Original data sources are provided on the Available Datasets page.
NEW STUDY : Greenland is melting seven times faster than 30 years ago.

There's been debate and dispute in recent years over whether Greenland, and Antarctica, are genuinely losing ice mass. But now a group of scientists from all the main research bodies has combined and consolidated their data to reach a solid, trustworthy result. A result that could scarcely have been less well responded to at the utterly catastrophic COP25 climate conference in Madrid in early December 2019.
Both "global warming" uh "climate change" and corona virus will be used to reduce your rights and further consolidate power in the hands of your overlords.

It snowed last night in Maine. Quick run away, the ice caps are melting !
It has been disturbing to watch @abandonconflict follow the climate science denier's handbook in his rants against lockdowns.

Yes, I posted this to provoke. I'm curious how angry his response will be.

Because lockdowns work and human caused climate change is real, no matter how much bafflegab is thrown at them.
Al gore and bill gates want to mind control me with a vaccine that hooks my brain up to their 5g towers

Al Gore wants to fuck Penguins before the south poles ice cap melts. It's gonna be COMPLETELY gone by 2015 !!! If Tipper finds out, she was dumped for a flock of oily penguins she'll go nuts!

Bill Gates does want to forcibly inject children, because like you, he doesn't care about consent.
It has been disturbing to watch @abandonconflict follow the climate science denier's handbook in his rants against lockdowns.

Yes, I posted this to provoke. I'm curious how angry his response will be.

Because lockdowns work and human caused climate change is real, no matter how much bafflegab is thrown at them.
Well he might consider this evidence... :D I hear cow farts contribute a lot of greenhouse gases too!

I've heard of fear of farting, but it was usually a deeply personal matter, after a night of drinking beer, not these days. Now when they speak of deadly farts, they are speaking literally and not metaphorically.

Meanwhile... Can Farts Spread The Coronavirus?

Quarantinewhile... It turns out that farts may be as dangerous as coughs and sneezes when it comes to spreading the coronavirus.
I like palm trees, just not where I live, they have them in southern Ireland though and that's a lot further north than here.
I found some interesting facts on palm trees......

Take a look at the statistics for this canary date palm in the picture below:

Location: Fota Arboretum, Fota, Co. Cork, Ireland
Latitude: 51.8972° N (Same latitude as Alaska, sun angle is 13 degrees at Winter solstice)
Date Planted: 1896 (117 years old)
Height: 9 m
Girth: 1.55 m

But I've seen them growing farther north than that at 55°N

There's a fella in Scotland at 57°N got one going
Ploctkon in Scotland looks like the Caribbean!

And in Norway lol
And in Southern Norway they have the most northerly growing Trachycarpus fortunei and Musa basjoo at 59 degrees latitude North! Its on a island in a fjord
Allegedly the same latitude as where you will find the most southerly polar bears in James Bay, Canada
I found some interesting facts on palm trees......

Take a look at the statistics for this canary date palm in the picture below:

Location: Fota Arboretum, Fota, Co. Cork, Ireland
Latitude: 51.8972° N (Same latitude as Alaska, sun angle is 13 degrees at Winter solstice)
Date Planted: 1896 (117 years old)
Height: 9 m
Girth: 1.55 m
View attachment 4542452

But I've seen them growing farther north than that at 55°N

There's a fella in Scotland at 57°N got one going
Ploctkon in Scotland looks like the Caribbean!
View attachment 4542454

And in Norway lol
And in Southern Norway they have the most northerly growing Trachycarpus fortunei and Musa basjoo at 59 degrees latitude North! Its on a island in a fjord
Allegedly the same latitude as where you will find the most southerly polar bears in James Bay, Canada
I live 46.2065° N in northern Nova Scotia and if the gulf stream moved just a bit further north we'd end up subtropical with the gulf stream slamming into us, the whole north east coat of the USA might end up that way too.
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That's apparently how Bill Gates and his father feel as well.
Welcome to the politics section.

Friendly reminder that with the current attack on our democracy, new members join here all the time who end up being sock puppet accounts, so people will tend to not be very trusting. If the trolling gets too intense just remember you have a ignore button under the person's username.
Welcome to the politics section.

Friendly reminder that with the current attack on our democracy, new members join here all the time who end up being sock puppet accounts, so people will tend to not be very trusting. If the trolling gets too intense just remember you have a ignore button under the person's username.
Thanks if that's genuine advice b/c I'm certainly not a troll :):)