yep i actually did. i tried them out because you didn't have to make a bulk order and i don't feel like dropping a hundred dolores on it until i try.
as far as how to use it. heat some water up to a boil. let it drop just below a boil to prevent loss of key elements

then throw your crushed poppy pods in make a tea strain and try to stomach it down. i hear adding honey or sugarless lemonade mixes help a lot. the artificial sugar in sugarless drinks is supposed to mask it quite nicely.
for pod puddy. make the tea and use evaporation to extract the key elements. this is done with a few different methods, but same basic idea as a thc extraction using butane for honey oil. use water or alcohol make your tea and let evaporate. you can speed this process up (be careful if you do it with alcohol) and what is left you can smoke, eat, do what you please with, but with what research i've done this seems to be foolish and your better off just drinking the tea even if it does taste bad. although one guy who seemed fairly knowledgeable of the plant insisted that if you refine it twice with the above method like they do to opium straight off the plant it makes it into a very nice smokable. i don't know this from experience so don't hold me accountable if you try it, but i read it on a forum specifically dedicated to poppies. i believe it was but not sure.
as far as best kinds i can't really tell you from personal use but gigantium seem popular, but any strain (not sure if thats the proper term for this plant) of the papaver somniferum poppy will do just fine. preferably those left uncoated for flower arrangements
what its like well i'll get back to you on that shortly but far as i know now i'm guessing a weaker version of an opium high.
hope i helped.
for further info i suggest going to as it is solely based on this most amazing plant.
and they say pot heads are lazy and don't do anything. i find it very helpful for rants. it helps motivate me to do many things i normally wouldn't have the patients to do sober..