Panic Attacks..

Stoned MJ

Active Member

So I was reading this article about how to strengthen our Endocannabinoids system and it was suggesting that the runners high from exercise is most likely caused by the same system and just like Marijuana, it's good for you!

So for some reason I thought of panic attacks from smoking too much, are similar to those where when I'm out of shape and running out of my stamina and getting that sick feeling..

Anyone? :mrgreen::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would say that sativas, harvested early, then smoked in an unfamiliar, uncomfortable environment, all the while with the ever-present specter of responsibility looming ominously, yeah - there is your recipe for a weed induced panic attack.

I don't know how to compare that to running, I can't imagine. my heart might try to beat!


Staff member
i used to get really bad anxiety attacks infact i did the other night when out with friends.

my way of it is
dont smoke other peoples weed ya dont know where and what it is
only smoke in a comfortable environment,
i had to quit for over 2 years , when i started back up id roll a joint and it would last me and entire day or two

But i have severe anxiety disorder which is different from panic attacks


Well-Known Member
Me too, if I smoke enough good weed I start to get really scared and paranoid. When I was younger I would smoke before or during school, before crowded places, and even hanging out with people I really didnt know, it happens, when I come down Ide laugh cus I bacame such a worry wart. Also most of the time I was pretty safe, but still tweekin.


Well-Known Member
I might also have a couple drinks too, its helps keep the nerves down, if you do it right, dont overdo it.


Staff member
Me too, if I smoke enough good weed I start to get really scared and paranoid. When I was younger I would smoke before or during school, before crowded places, and even hanging out with people I really didnt know, it happens, when I come down Ide laugh cus I bacame such a worry wart. Also most of the time I was pretty safe, but still tweekin.
yeah i used to go around when i was younger smoke smoke smoke than i got into heavy drugs and than everything seemed to just amp up my anxiety condition i already had slightly fucked myself over with that one


Well-Known Member
The weed im smokin now gets me excited, over what i dunno, im just sittin here. My hands are a bit shaky like im nervous.


Well-Known Member
yeah i used to go around when i was younger smoke smoke smoke than i got into heavy drugs and than everything seemed to just amp up my anxiety condition i already had slightly fucked myself over with that one
Ya I swear you feel like your gonna die from your heart exploding.


Well-Known Member
panic attacks are normally physical sensations that provoke an extreme anxiety reaction
"thinking you are having a heart attack"

weed as far as i know is not associated with real panic attacks, but can be associated with general anxiety or derealization which is more about sensations of altered perception

when new smokers mix weed and alcohol this is quite common "throwing a whitey" is the expression used here as folk often look very pale when this happens

if you suffer from panic attacks anyway then go for a run then smoke some weed i guess it might help trigger an attack


Staff member
Ya I swear you feel like your gonna die from your heart exploding.
i dont have the racing heart problems i have the i dont think my heart is beating enough problem.
so i have to count my heart beats, at the time it had become so ocd, i would do it like every hour ,
i eventually had to get myself to go from the full count to 20 counts,, to 15, to 10, now i do it like once ina blue moon when im really freaking out

switching my diet has greatly decreased the amount of anxiety i have via everyday living life


Well-Known Member
i dont have the racing heart problems i have the i dont think my heart is beating enough problem.
so i have to count my heart beats, at the time it had become so ocd, i would do it like every hour ,
i eventually had to get myself to go from the full count to 20 counts,, to 15, to 10, now i do it like once ina blue moon when im really freaking out

switching my diet has greatly decreased the amount of anxiety i have via everyday living life


Well-Known Member
very i also had about 350 other symptoms when my attacks happened too but i wont bore you with that list i have very sever generalized anxiety disorder everyday life is quite the struggle.
You might get bored listing them all cus thats alot, how do you cope?


Staff member
You might get bored listing them all cus thats alot, how do you cope?
when im out and it happens i try to tell myself
"im in control and i can leave the situation whenver i want cause im in control"
i keep saying that and telling myself that over and over again
it works sometimes and others if the area is too packed it does not and i do have to leave the area, generally i can push through it but this is a big overcome since before i would always "flight"

I am trying to treat myself without the use of medication by CBT, (cognitive behavior therapy)

However i have been unsuccessful with this at social gatherings or bars, so i tend to be go into the bar drunk before hand and have 1 drink while im there, if i get slightly tipsy or drunk my anxiety goes away (obvious reasons are obvious for that)

But no one can just be drunk 24/7 during life so i try to limit my caffeine intake , I just try to push myself a little more everyday by going to the grocery store, or a friends house,
simple normal everyday things for other people but standing in a line up at a store to me is hell, others dont get it

I find anxiety is a rather touchy subject to explain to those who've never suffered, they usually come up with responses like " so what just do it," "smoke more it'll go away"
"just have fine"
and i love this one
"just relax man"



Well-Known Member
Its very common, some more severe than others. Ive dealt with my public humiliations alot growing up, all the way til I was about 20, Im 25 now I work with alot of people and am very relaxed nowadays. I think the repetitive sayings in your head could be a trigger making you constantly think your having a disorder, I think its truly all in the head. Ive learned to be comfortable around others by putting myself in certain situations that would be ackward and dealing with it, turns out the outcome usually wasnt too scary. I like to approach others first because I know everyone suffers from a bit of self judgement, its not about you, we are all worried about ourselves deep down, what we look like, how we talk, act, present ourselves..


Staff member
Its very common, some more severe than others. Ive dealt with my public humiliations alot growing up, all the way til I was about 20, Im 25 now I work with alot of people and am very relaxed nowadays. I think the repetitive sayings in your head could be a trigger making you constantly think your having a disorder, I think its truly all in the head. Ive learned to be comfortable around others by putting myself in certain situations that would be ackward and dealing with it, turns out the outcome usually wasnt too scary. I like to approach others first because I know everyone suffers from a bit of self judgement, its not about you, we are all worried about ourselves deep down, what we look like, how we talk, act, present ourselves..
i only do the saying if i start to have an attack it forces me to rethink the situation and see it isnt scary and that i can do it.
i dont just go to a store and start thinking it in my head or else that will cause an attack but if i start to panic i say it so that i can finish my shopping trip


Well-Known Member
Smoking herb, indica specifically is my saving grace. I constantly get cold clammy hands, my heart races, it gets hard to breathe and if it gets really bad everything starts going black, I lose all control of my body and drop to the ground. Until you can learn to live with anxiety it can feel like being trapped. Still struggle sometimes but after having it most of my life I can usually point out triggers or know situations to avoid if I am feeling overly anxious that day which can be very helpful.

Stoned MJ

Active Member
Interesting inputs. I have a mild social anxiety or I just rarely like people. I definitely feel it more when I'm with people I don't really like. This might be somewhat unrelated but I stumbled upon a website that talks about 'noFap' aka no masturbating.. I'm on my third week and the results are great!! check it out.