Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems

Thanks for your reply.

Maybe I misunderstood but it looked to me like DIY was be accused of “promoting propaganda” and chastised for it. I disagree and don’t think that’s what he was doing. There was talk that it shouldn’t have been presented in a political forum. I disagree with that as well.

I enjoy reading your posts and respect your opinion. For the most part we see things the same but there will be times we disagree.

Im ok with disagreeing, I am not going to freak out or anything.

My thought on this is that this topic (and every other) gets politicized and amplified as propaganda. Because this website is just one 'touch' and people are getting pushed this subject on their Facebook feeds, their email spam stories, blogs, comment sections, the President and all of his minions, and that pushes it into the news. DIY said something about

I am not a doctor and am not going to waste my time thinking that I have some special knowledge about the chemical make up of this virus in order to know how to black board some equations on it, nor thinking that it in anyway changes things. So while I cannot point to what he is posting is real or not, but assuming for a moment it is not some religious nutter doing them, they would be over my head as it is advertised to doctors. Meaning it would be over most peoples head and is just simply 'noise' being promoted as @Fogdog pointed out by right wing propagandists across the internet.

Enough so that that guys videos popped up on my main youtube page a couple weeks after DIY started to post it here. I looked at it the way I approach anything I am curious about and looked at it here:

I dont trust the source at all. But it will continue to be amplified becsue Dear Leader apparently wants it pushed to create confusion and hope so he can have a chance to get to November with his cult infecting all the lower paid front line workers in our cities that have to clean up their messes and bring the virus with them back home.
Thanks for your reply.

Maybe I misunderstood but it looked to me like DIY was be accused of “promoting propaganda” and chastised for it. I disagree and don’t think that’s what he was doing. There was talk that it shouldn’t have been presented in a political forum. I disagree with that as well.

I enjoy reading your posts and respect your opinion. For the most part we see things the same but there will be times we disagree.

Hanimmal specialises in the effect of misinformation on the American public and every army needs specialists, he provides a valuable service in keeping people mindful of their sources of information. The quality of our decisions is often based on the quality of information we receive. This is apparent with Fox news, by far the biggest offender, the Russians amplify existing divisions in American society and try to take advantages of it's weaknesses and they work in all mediums, especially social media where they have their biggest concerns. I agree that this is an important area of focus in light of recent history and Donald's desperation. FOX and Russian disinformation are joined at the hip, one amplifying the other. Fox should permanently lose it's broadcast license under existing FCC regulations and law, perhaps next year they might be charged with manslaughter too, there is a case to be made.

His country is in a terrible plight and I'm here to help, not attack good people struggling for the soul of their nation, I will not willing add to their burden. Make no mistake, their fight is our fight, they are our allies, but more importantly our friends, in many cases our families too. If Donald ever got in again or America descended into open civil war our fate would not be a good one.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

I understand and agree with most of you’re positions on this topic but I would argue everything is political, even discussions about treatments for a disease. There have been similar posts and threads in this political forum without backlash. DIY has a lot of opinions. Some I agree with and some I don’t. I have the choice to read and respond to a post or I can choose to ignore it.

Most of us here are reasonable people and can decide for ourselves what to do with information provided. We don’t need to be protected from potentially dangerous ideas. At least I don’t.

This is a scary disease and the more we learn about it the less we know. I’m with you on being as cautious as possible. When my life is on the line I tend to err on the side of caution.

To answer your question, we are doing the same in Canada as different provinces are opening up at different levels. My province of Ontario is moving too fast IMO and I’m concerned about it.

That crap is mostly propaganda. That's been covered in other posts and just like equating idiotic photos of Biden being awkward with Trump's sick photos of him feeling out Ivanka, is fair game to be called out as such. DIY is pumping right wing bullshit on full blast and it would seem that he doesn't care if he does. Maybe that's his intent. What he's posting is no different than what anti-vaxxers do. It's effective at influencing people without the need to reason with them.

Regarding censoring. We all self-censor. It's part of behaving like an adult in adult society. We self-censor because we want to be understood and sometimes to get along. Censoring would involve appeals to authorities to remove his posts. I've never done that.

This is a dangerous disease and there are consequences in what we do. Not so much within the confines of RIU, but what shows up here reflects the zeitgeist of this epidemic. An unfiltered crank floods a political forum with pie in the sky sciency articles that further the objectives of right wing zealots. Sign of the times.
That crap is mostly propaganda. That's been covered in other posts and just like equating idiotic photos of Biden being awkward with Trump's sick photos of him feeling out Ivanka, is fair game to be called out as such. DIY is pumping right wing bullshit on full blast and it would seem that he doesn't care if he does. Maybe that's his intent. What he's posting is no different than what anti-vaxxers do. It's effective at influencing people without the need to reason with them.

Regarding censoring. We all self-censor. It's part of behaving like an adult in adult society. We self-censor because we want to be understood and sometimes to get along. Censoring would involve appeals to authorities to remove his posts. I've never done that.

This is a dangerous disease and there are consequences in what we do. Not so much within the confines of RIU, but what shows up here reflects the zeitgeist of this epidemic. An unfiltered crank floods a political forum with pie in the sky sciency articles that further the objectives of right wing zealots. Sign of the times.

