Palin still doesn't know what she's running for


New Member
I had an open mind when she came into this race, I heard her speak once and decided that rainman would be a better candidate.

My mind is as shut to her as your's is to Obama.

On the contrary, miss ... My mind is entirely open to Obama. That's why I find the man so scary. :o

By the way, did you watch Greta's two-part interview as suggested?



New Member

On the contrary, miss ... My mind is entirely open to Obama. That's why I find the man so scary. :o

By the way, did you watch Greta's two-part interview as suggested?

Vi, are you still singing the praises of Sarah Palin. Maybe you ought to lay off the Cialis. Maybe it's time to see that Dr., you know, the 48hr thingy.


New Member
OK Vi, please list what is scary about Obama. Not what is scary about people he may have run across during his career or life but him DIRECTLY. Him and his views.

this ought to be good, I can't wait.


New Member
Yeah, and we're still waiting. VI is the one that always accuses me of not responding to his absurd questions, but always runs away when proven wrong or can't field an answer. Hey Vi, RIU calling, BUMP.


New Member
OK Vi, please list what is scary about Obama. Not what is scary about people he may have run across during his career or life but him DIRECTLY. Him and his views. this ought to be good, I can't wait.
The fact that I've been on this planet much longer than you, miss, gives me an advantage over you ... more of an insight, if you will, because I've lived more history than you have. For me, history began a long time before the 1960s and '70s.

Here's what's scary about Obama:

As a kid, I watched news reels (Yes, this was before TV) featuring other men who stood in adulation among crowds numbering in the hundreds of thousands. They stood at the same place where Obama stood ... in Berlin. They too, were shouting platitudes while receiving adoring cheers for saying exactly nothing. Yes, saying nothing, like; "The individual must learn to sacrifice for the good of the community." While this says exactly nothing ... it says everything. It says all I need to hear about your Messiah Obama.

These "other men" were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their fellow countrymen who stupidly and most willingly followed these "leaders" into the Hell-pit of a certain type of socialism known as fascism. The people followed them because the people liked to listen to "nothing." Substance would have caused them to think. Obama's slogans of "Change," "Hope," "Yes We Can," "We Can Get There" and "We Are The Change We've Been Waiting For," says nothing, but that's all non-thinkers want, because asking questions requires some knowledge and effort. Just wave the flags, hold up the signs ... and don't think!

Do you need to look any further than the proposed government bailout of the Big Three to see what's happening here? The Democrats are already talking of what the car makers are going to have to give in return for being bailed out; the government will dictate what managers are to be fired and will determine who will replace them as heads of the companies. The government will dictate what type of car is to be produced. The government will be in charge of restructuring the companies. This is a classic textbook case of fascism in all of it's glory.

Has the 700,000,000,000 bailout of Wall Street escaped you? Did you have a vote in the matter? I know I didn't. Was Henry Paulson elected? If so ... by whom?

Obama will continue this madness, and in fact, ratchet it up.

If Obama makes good on all of his campaign promises ... that scares me, and it should you as well.



Well-Known Member
you write 8 paragraphs and it's all bullshit. it doesn't mean anything. if you are going to waste our time, say something that makes sense.
VI tried to explain history to you and it went right over your head.
Study up on fascism, dude. know what to look for...
It will come very clear to you where america is headed, by understanding the past.
get all the info you can on........
italian fascism
nazism(national socialism)
iron guard(romania)
national corporatism(ireland)
inperial rule assistance association(japan)
Austrian Fatherland Front(Austrofascism)
Notable Fascists links
Ion Antonescu • Sadao Araki • Zoltán Böszörmény • Marcelo Caetano • Gustavs Celmiņš • Corneliu Zelea Codreanu • Marcel Déat • Léon Degrelle • Giovanni Gentile • Gyula Gömbös • Adolf Hitler • Oswald Mosley • Benito Mussolini • Seigō Nakano • Eoin O'Duffy • Ante Pavelić • William Dudley Pelley • Vidkun Quisling • Plínio Salgado • Ferenc Szálasi • Hideki Tōjō


New Member
^^^ Thanks, Joe ... much appreciated. :)

Tipsgnob's response reminds me of the old saying: "There are none so enslaved as those who are enslaved but think they are not."

Tips ... What are your thoughts on the banking bailout? Are you aware that the federal government is considering taking part ownership of some of the banks?

US government may take part ownership in banks

And so far, its gotten mighty quiet in here. Where's the counter argument from "miss" and Med?



New Member
Vi...I really don't know what to think.
I do know that there is plenty of blame to go around and I don't worry about myself. I worry about my 18 year old daughter and my 21 year old son, who are just getting started on building their lives. my son starts law school in the fall and he has worked really hard to get there. I just hope there is something left for them.


New Member
I've never claimed Obama to be any kind of messiah. That's Vi's thing, he's the messiah to Vi. I think Obama is a man that deserves a chance to try to turn this country around.

Has it also escaped your attention that this bailout is a BUSH bill? Obama hasn't taken over as president yet, but you sure are ready to blame the Bush crash and burn on him.

If we aren't enslaved under the bush regime what are we? Homeland security, patriot act, can't take anything on an airplane anymore. Are you so blind and deaf to the civil liberties we've already handed over in the name of the war on terrorism?

I can't believe you are laying the failures of the current administration on Obama, that's really the American thing to do, pass the buck, thanks Vi for always defining the true nature of humans for all of us who suffer from compassion.


New Member
He can't help it,(VI), he blames everything on democrats/liberals/socialists/communists, in that order of progression, although they are all one in the same to VI. Don't you know, they all want his money so they can laze around the house smoking better weed than him. Gotta piss some one off that believes that.


Well-Known Member
Republicans ask: Just how bad is it? - Jonathan Martin -
Read this article today about how the GOP met to try and decide where they have gone wrong. Seems they feel they lost on Nov 4 because they didn't bash Obama enough. Let me repeat that, the head of the RNC thinks they lost because they didn't bash Obama enough. WTF? Then they go on to discuss what they can start to say to the public to bring back voters. Not what they can do for our country, not why people voted overwhelmingly against them, not why america is in the worst shape in a century following 8 years of GOP politics, but "what can we say that will put us back in office". Here is where dems and republicans differ these days. All republicans seem to care about is holding office, not actually getting anything done. Obama has gotten more done in 2 weeks as president elect than Bush has done in 2 terms as president. If Republicans stop hating gays who want to marry, get over legal abortion, and define themselves as the party that spends tax money responsibly (including the DOD), I will vote for them because i feel that dems are to quick to make handouts. But come fucking on, do they really expect me to believe Sarah Palin is going to lead this charge in 2012? Seriously? When Republicans speak it reminds of Michael Jackson when responding to a reporter who asked if he has ever had plastic surgery and why he looks like a 40 year old white man, his answer: "no I never had surgery I guess this is just the way I look"...their words are so completely false it's comical. Oh yeah, one more piece of advice for the GOP, ditch Rush Limbaugh as your spokesman, that drug addicted hate-monger is a liabilty of the highest order. Maybe Bush can take him back to Texass when he goes.


New Member
Vi...I really don't know what to think.
I do know that there is plenty of blame to go around and I don't worry about myself. I worry about my 18 year old daughter and my 21 year old son, who are just getting started on building their lives. my son starts law school in the fall and he has worked really hard to get there. I just hope there is something left for them.
I worry the same about my grand kids, tips. As I look at where the country has gone over the past 30 years, its really frightening. I see more and more government control over our every day lives. More and more regulations on the private sector is alarming. In my business, we can't turn sideways without filling out another form that's required by the state government. Our financial privacy is almost gone now. The only thing separating us from economic slavery is cash ... and we are rapidly heading toward a cashless society. Before long, within your children's lifetime, it will be nothing but electronic credit and debits ... all monitored by a government agency, probably the IRS.



New Member
I've never claimed Obama to be any kind of messiah. That's Vi's thing, he's the messiah to Vi. I think Obama is a man that deserves a chance to try to turn this country around.

Turn it around from where, miss? Obama has proposed spending another trillion dollars of OUR money on government programs. That will do nothing but increase the power of government.

Has it also escaped your attention that this bailout is a BUSH bill? Obama hasn't taken over as president yet, but you sure are ready to blame the Bush crash and burn on him.

Again, you are demonstrating your lack of historical history. This mess with housing started with the Carter administration and has continued since.

If we aren't enslaved under the bush regime what are we? Homeland security, patriot act, can't take anything on an airplane anymore. Are you so blind and deaf to the civil liberties we've already handed over in the name of the war on terrorism?

Again, this started long before you were born, miss. I find it interesting how you younger people take such issue, and for good reason, with the erosion of personal privacy under the Bush administration, but give no thought about the tax on income (labor), the withholding tax, the filing of your financial confession every April 15, and just take it like that's the way its supposed to be. You are already enslaved economically, miss ... and the sad part is, you don't even realize it.

I can't believe you are laying the failures of the current administration on Obama, that's really the American thing to do, pass the buck, thanks Vi for always defining the true nature of humans for all of us who suffer from compassion.
I don't remember blaming everything on Obama. What I'm trying to point out is, Obama is nothing more than a continuation of what's come before. I've seen what's come before ... and it ain't pretty. When the central (federal) government becomes part owner of the banks, and starts dictating who shall be fired from jobs and who shall be hired, that is not freedom and liberty ... its fascistic dictatorship. Obama will not stop this ... in fact, he will ratchet it up. He's a socialist ... and socialists love larger and more powerful government. Please ... open your eyes.

thanks Vi for always defining the true nature of humans for all of us who suffer from compassion.

Nice try at the old guilt projection, miss ... but I will not feel guilty about exposing other people to their blindness and sheer stupidity. If you want to live in a world where "need" is a greater virtue than achievement, so be it ... but I will not go there with you.



New Member
Republicans ask: Just how bad is it? - Jonathan Martin -
Read this article today about how the GOP met to try and decide where they have gone wrong. Seems they feel they lost on Nov 4 because they didn't bash Obama enough. Let me repeat that, the head of the RNC thinks they lost because they didn't bash Obama enough. WTF? Then they go on to discuss what they can start to say to the public to bring back voters. Not what they can do for our country, not why people voted overwhelmingly against them, not why america is in the worst shape in a century following 8 years of GOP politics, but "what can we say that will put us back in office". Here is where dems and republicans differ these days. All republicans seem to care about is holding office, not actually getting anything done. Obama has gotten more done in 2 weeks as president elect than Bush has done in 2 terms as president. If Republicans stop hating gays who want to marry, get over legal abortion, and define themselves as the party that spends tax money responsibly (including the DOD), I will vote for them because i feel that dems are to quick to make handouts. But come fucking on, do they really expect me to believe Sarah Palin is going to lead this charge in 2012? Seriously? When Republicans speak it reminds of Michael Jackson when responding to a reporter who asked if he has ever had plastic surgery and why he looks like a 40 year old white man, his answer: "no I never had surgery I guess this is just the way I look"...their words are so completely false it's comical. Oh yeah, one more piece of advice for the GOP, ditch Rush Limbaugh as your spokesman, that drug addicted hate-monger is a liabilty of the highest order. Maybe Bush can take him back to Texass when he goes.
True-truer-and truest!