Palin still doesn't know what she's running for


Well-Known Member
There's nothing odd about it, tips. Those people up there in Alaska are living 75 years behind the times. Palin probably goes to that turkey farm to buy her Thanksgiving turkey every year. Hell, she probably even picks it out of the flock and hands it to the guy in the video to slaughter it. This is the same thing my parents used to do when I was a kid. "Hey, you kids want chicken for dinner? Well then, one of you go outside and kill a chicken." No lie. :lol:

Oddly enough many people are going back to this logic. I think it's the whole local organic movement which if you think about it makes sense on a whole lot of levels for everyone except big business. So that means Republicans will try to outlaw it soon.


New Member
There's nothing odd about it, tips. Those people up there in Alaska are living 75 years behind the times. Palin probably goes to that turkey farm to buy her Thanksgiving turkey every year. Hell, she probably even picks it out of the flock and hands it to the guy in the video to slaughter it. This is the same thing my parents used to do when I was a kid. "Hey, you kids want chicken for dinner? Well then, one of you go outside and kill a chicken." No lie. :lol:

I have been to alaska several times, I have family there.
they are not 75 years behind, there are people that are very remote and they logistically behind.
that's how I get my chicken. but, what I am saying is....she standing there in one those neiman marcus outfits and the guy is killing turkeys behind her.


New Member
I have been to alaska several times, I have family there.
they are not 75 years behind, there are people that are very remote and they logistically behind.
that's how I get my chicken. but, what I am saying is....she standing there in one those neiman marcus outfits and the guy is killing turkeys behind her.
I see your point ... I think. Anyway, what's cool about the whole scene is that Palin feels perfectly comfortable with it, but it's driving the media snobs nutz. I mean what the hell ... that's the way its done down on the farm. :lol:



Well-Known Member
I see your point ... I think. Anyway, what's cool about the whole scene is that Palin feels perfectly comfortable with it, but it's driving the media snobs nutz. I mean what the hell ... that's the way its done down on the farm. :lol:

it was just little weird, I mean animals have sex too, but would you do an interview with a bull in the backround going to town on a cow, and cum shooting out and shit:shock:


New Member
Come on VI, get over the Palin thingy. Just admit she is a ditz and get on with it. It's starting to make you look retarded to keep standing up for all her fopaws. It was a giant mistake by the McCain campaign, even they have admitted it in so many words. They don't want to just come out and say it, as it might embasass Palin, on the other hand, I doubt she could be embarassed. VI, I guess I must ask you (Since you seem to roll right with them), are you really a holy roller evangellical snake handling christian zealot, have you ever been bit? Geeze, you guys have more balls than me. The closest I've gotten to a poisenous snake was about ten feet, other than in the zoo with glass between me and the snake. Are you waiting for Jeesuz and counting down to Armegheddon, Your political stance rolls quite parallel to those clowns, just curious


Well-Known Member
Today's Doonesbury. Apparently a response to Bill O'Reilly's recent assertion that Palin is a smart woman who can be tutored on the basics of international affairs and the economy.

I hope that Palin manages to stay in the spotlight and re-emerges as the rump Republican party's great populist hope in 2012, if only for the entertainment value.


New Member
Med ...

Do you honestly think that that last post deserves a response? :roll:

Well, it got one. We all know here on RIU that you voted for Bush, not only the first time, but ugg, the second time also. It was all about the Benjamins, the precious tax cuts. You, the supposed libertarian, voted in the worst president on civil rights since the office was established. You can lie all you want about not voting for Bush, but we know the truth. You are a selfish person that wants to keep all the money you make and fuck everyone else. Your alliance with Palin only shows your real ignorance. The only thing she has in her agenda that would make sense to a libertarian is the continuation of the Bush tax cuts, the rest of her ignorant agenda is akin to the Holy roller mantra, so gather up some snakes and start shakin and rollin. BTW, peace to you and your's. This is only about your Ideas.


New Member
Well, it got one. We all know here on RIU that you voted for Bush, not only the first time, but ugg, the second time also. It was all about the Benjamins, the precious tax cuts. You, the supposed libertarian, voted in the worst president on civil rights since the office was established. You can lie all you want about not voting for Bush, but we know the truth. You are a selfish person that wants to keep all the money you make and fuck everyone else. Your alliance with Palin only shows your real ignorance. The only thing she has in her agenda that would make sense to a libertarian is the continuation of the Bush tax cuts, the rest of her ignorant agenda is akin to the Holy roller mantra, so gather up some snakes and start shakin and rollin. BTW, peace to you and your's. This is only about your Ideas.
That has to be one of the stupidest posts ever made here on RIU ... and that's really saying something, Med.

By the way, your latest post doesn't deserve a response either. :blsmoke:



New Member
That has to be one of the stupidest posts ever made here on RIU ... and that's really saying something, Med.

By the way, your latest post doesn't deserve a response either. :blsmoke:

Vi, I see you're resorting to the tactics you have accused me of all these long years we have been feuding here on RIU, calling me stupid because you really don't have a legitimate response. We know that you voted for McCain/Palin because you thought Palin was so smart, shaking those snakes and rollin with her witch doctor preacher, BTW, must be hard to find poisonous snakes in Alaska, eh, so they must use harmless snakes, those big phonies. Plenty of rattlers in CA. though VI, go get some. Maybe your church could help her out, send her a few, ~LOL~.


Active Member
Palin is so under qualified, that Obama is now qualified?
Not sure where that leap comes from?

keith olbermann is as much as a journalist as seth meyers and amy poehler are.
The unqualified argument is ridiculous, every President since Ford has been the Rookie of the Year except George Bush Sr.


New Member
calling me stupid because you really don't have a legitimate response.
You missed the point, Med. I didn't call YOU stupid, I called the post you made stupid. And the other point was ... those stupid-assed type of posts don't deserve a response. And neither did your last one. :lol:

Here's a question for you though: Why are you Lefties so obsessed with Sarah Palin? Do you see her conservative principles as a threat in 2012? After all, 48,000,000,000 people voted for her instead of your Messiah O'Biden, right? :bigjoint:



New Member
You missed the point, Med. I didn't call YOU stupid, I called the post you made stupid. And the other point was ... those stupid-assed type of posts don't deserve a response. And neither did your last one. :lol:

Here's a question for you though: Why are you Lefties so obsessed with Sarah Palin? Do you see her conservative principles as a threat in 2012? After all, 48,000,000,000 people voted for her instead of your Messiah O'Biden, right? :bigjoint:

I hope and pray sarah palin is the repuke candidate in 2012...:bigjoint:


New Member
I hope and pray sarah palin is the repuke candidate in 2012...:bigjoint:
Not to worry tip-a-roo. After four years of a Democrat presidency, coupled with both houses of Congress being in the Democrat camp, there won't be a country left to speak of. :lol:
