Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Here's one for George.

i miss that funny old bastard
all of his jokes were funny because they were TRUE
i miss that funny old bastard
all of his jokes were funny because they were TRUE
Yep, you have to take responsibility for your actions, you are the one who decided to blow a load in the first place but don't want to deal with the consequences?what if the load that i busted in a condomn had the sperm that would create the boy who created a cure for cancer?
i can blow a load in a condomn or on the floor from my own doing, and stop life there, but if it gets one step past that then im commiting murder?
What about that one blown on your chin,~LOL~.Yep, you have to take responsibility for your actions, you are the one who decided to blow a load in the first place but don't want to deal with the consequences?
Yep, you have to take responsibility for your actions, you are the one who decided to blow a load in the first place but don't want to deal with the consequences?
aren't you the one that wants to be left alone?? leave off the grid as such?? why do you care what other women do?It really just pisses pro-abortion women off that we aren't fuckin' chickens eh? These women want to be so 'equal' it just pisses them off that our natural way of reproduction takes a larger toll on the female.
Baby outside the body, murder, baby inside the body, women's rights.. give me a fucking break.
How does being anti-abortion have anything to do with condoms? Being pro-life doesn't have some set of rules saying you must be married, you must do this, you must do that. Being pro-life is about the rights of that unborn child- being against murder. I don't care what anyone says- YOU STOP A HUMAN BEATING HEART THAT'S MURDER.
Don't want a child? Don't shoot your load in a chick- and if you choose to be ready to deal with the consequences, that's what being an adult means. Making choices, dealing with the consequences.
If there was an epidemic of mass murdering and 150 million children were killed- would you not care?aren't you the one that wants to be left alone?? leave off the grid as such?? why do you care what other women do?
Exactly, womens choice. It would be a wonderful world if all pregnancies could end full term with an adoption or loving parents, but the world just doesn't work that way. Just like not everyone is born rich, some circumstances are not conducive to completing the birth process, Just saying.Isn't it wonderful we can CHOOSE?
Exactly, womens choice. It would be a wonderful world if all pregnancies could end full term with an adoption or loving parents, but the world just doesn't work that way. Just like not everyone is born rich, some circumstances are not conducive to completing the birth process, Just saying.
How about life is precious before birth but once you're born, fuck you, as G.Carlin would say. The death penalty, sending "your" kids off to war, all these things are fine with the right to lifers.I understand there are varying views, and I respect the variance of opinions. As I've been barraged by angry questions and accusations I'd like to ask a question of my own to the other side- why you not condone the murdering of children by their mother in circumstances after the birth then? What difference is there?
I understand there are varying views, and I respect the variance of opinions. As I've been barraged by angry questions and accusations I'd like to ask a question of my own to the other side- why you not condone the murdering of children by their mother in circumstances after the birth then? What difference is there?