Well-Known Member
i cant even vote for ron paul anymore... and fuck nader
We are responsible. Unfortunately, it is political inertia which allows stupid public policy, like prohibition, to continue unabated. It is the same intertia which virtually guarantees the re-election of incumbents.I think it is amazing how many people like to complain about our elected officials.....
Why are they in office? hmmmmmm, maybe, cause we voted them in???? Why not cast some blame on ourselves??? Nope, that would not be acceptable. That is the problem with this country, no accountability.
We are responsible. Unfortunately, it is political inertia which allows stupid public policy, like prohibition, to continue unabated. It is the same intertia which virtually guarantees the re-election of incumbents.
That's why the two party system is a shell game. We'll never pick the right shell with the pea underneath because the parties have the perfect villain to blame, the other party. The stakes? Enormous, but like the compulsive gambler who does not understand it is a rigged game, we keep playing. Hoping our luck will change.
In 1996, I voted for Ralph Nader. It was a protest vote and it started the momentum which derailed Gore in 2000. In 2000, I voted for Harry Browne because I did not like either candidate. We all know how that ended up. In 2004, I held my nose and voted for Bush on the strength of the War against Islamic Extremists only. Except for the war, Dubya has been a dismal President. When it came to the war, he screwed it up, but I believe this is changing. This year I will vote for McCain because the alternative spells doom for our economy.IMO I think we ALL should be held accountable for the way the world is now.
I understand what you are saying about it being an shell game. I also know that if you know this going in and you still go in....shame on you. Instead of picking the lesser of the two evils, why not write in a better candidate? Run for office? Make a positive change.
Again, this is just MO, and I know a lot of people will feel different. I feel that no one has a right to complain unless they are actively doing something to make things better. Complaining has never done any good without actions to back it up...
In 1996, I voted for Ralph Nader. It was a protest vote and it started the momentum which derailed Gore in 2000. In 2000, I voted for Harry Browne because I did not like either candidate. We all know how that ended up. In 2004, I held my nose and voted for Bush on the strength of the War against Islamic Extremists only. Except for the war, Dubya has been a dismal President. When it came to the war, he screwed it up, but I believe this is changing. This year I will vote for McCain because the alternative spells doom for our economy.
The third party concept in America is the spoiler game. As it stands, third parties will remain in the shadows because the two major parties refuse to allow anyone else to crash the party. This year, the fate of my country hangs in the balance and I must choose between two candidates I would rather not vote for, one of which will be President whether I go third party or not this year.
You would cast shame on me for voting my conscience? To me, that is shameful in itself.
No candidate will agree with a voter on every single issue. For me re-legalizing cannabis is an important issue, but the reality is it will not happen until something forces the hand of those in power.a question for the hypocrits why do you support candidates that dont support you.. any pot grower or smoker should not support the same people who want to put you in jail for a victimless crime . i just cant understand someone voting for people who want to make life harder on you and your family
Even Med understands that every conservative going for a third party is a vote against John McCain. Normally his contempt for third parties is unambiguous. Now he's all for it.Write on brothers!
Geeze, you've found me out,~LOL~.No candidate will agree with a voter on every single issue. For me re-legalizing cannabis is an important issue, but the reality is it will not happen until something forces the hand of those in power.
Our economy will crash eventually regardless of who is in power. National debt, deficit spending, and the impending oil crash will all coalesce into economic disaster, and soon. So the choice we are left with is a candidate who will do it immediately, or one who will hold it off for a while. Just a little longer. Long enough to implement a survival plan for what is surely coming.
Even Med understands that every conservative going for a third party is a vote against John McCain. Normally his contempt for third parties is unambiguous. Now he's all for it.
My strategy is to lend my support to the Republicans in the hope we can get a seat at the table. Face it, Ron Paul cannot be President. But he can be a Cabinet member if McCain is elected.
The selection of Sarah Palin sent a message to freedom-loving, conservative Americans, and his acceptance speech showed that he is for change, too. I understand it was only a speech about change, but if only talking about change disqualifies the candidate, then it applies to the Chosen One, too.
Frankly, I don't seen anything funny about this at all. You are quite vocal in your political views and the fact that you now encourage third party voters sends a chill down my spine. It only proves my point.Geeze, you've found me out,~LOL~.
WTF are you all up in the air over??? This: Write on brothers! How trivial, and what is your point? That I have different ideas than you and what, I should shut up and go away, Re-fucking-diculous. This is a political forum BTW.Frankly, I don't seen anything funny about this at all. You are quite vocal in your political views and the fact that you now encourage third party voters sends a chill down my spine. It only proves my point.
Yes, but this is a political forum on a marijuana site....AND YOU DON'T EVEN SMOKE POT!!! SO WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE!?...This is a political forum BTW.
I made my point.WTF are you all up in the air over??? This: Write on brothers! How trivial, and what is your point?
I never suggested you do any such thing. What is ridiculous is you putting such a spin on my observation.That I have different ideas than you and what, I should shut up and go away, Re-fucking-diculous.
I do not recall claiming otherwise.This is a political forum BTW.
That was funny, but it avoids the point as it was designed to do.It's possible that I overlooked your point, but probably not, which would put your point on the top of your head~LOL~. Yeah, I thought it was funny!
I Meanwhile the governers mansion is located in Springfield, but the governer insists on living in Chicago and being flown back and forth.
With fuel prices the way they are, no wonder we're cutting services to pay for the commute of 1 asshole who's plane I wish would hurry up and crash.
I wish I had a dollar figure on the amount spent on fuel for that. I bet it's fucking amazing. Should't he drive and pay for his gas out of his own paycheck like the rest of us?
Oh yeah on a side note, even though the asshole doesn't and refuses to live in the governers mansion, they still spent a shitload of money putting in a driveway that heats up so they don't have to plow snow. DOH!!![/quote]
Quick! Find a Hockey Mom and elect her governor!