"Paid Actor" at the scene of 9/11 *FUCKED*


Well-Known Member
I see 2 problems with the truther group. Number one is how they actually get their message out there. I might be a dick but the second you start talking about the NWO or secret government you are tossed into the same bin as the guy who tells me that florescent lighting is making people go insane. The second is that the only people spouting these claims are either uneducated, or under educated in the particualr field. I keep coming back to the creation/evolution debate, you have guys like Kent Hovind on the creation side who got a PhD in "Theology" from "Patriot Bible College" (which happens to be housed in a storage trailer) who are great public speakers and really convincing till you call them on their bullshit. Then it comes down to "we see the same facts but you interperiate X and I interperate Y".

I got started on the net, and looking back on things there is a lot of information that really isn't beneficial to anyone. When I first started watching the "Terrorstorms" I took them as fact, and now looking back on it.They're over the top. They don't educate, they don't inform, they do nothing but push people to the edge. Like I said. Im in the fact finding stage. I've read Project for the New American century which was written by some Very accomplished people Including Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld. Now im moving on to more literature. Are the theorists right? Or are the powers that be right? That's what im working towards.

Im a "Troofer" But I'd like to think of myself as a somewhat rational "troofer"


Well-Known Member
Lets also think about the sheer number of people that would have to keep 100% silent about the whole operation. You have obviously never had any experience with any US government bureaucracy from the military on down to the DMV. If you had dealt with any of these wonderful folks you would realize that the idea of such an elaborate plan staying secret even for a few days is laughable.

If you still think that there is a huge secret conspiracy by a black ops group do yourself a favor and do some REAL research into previous "black ops" our government has carried out.
I think you misquoted the wrong person, I agreed with you.


New Member
You know what you are right. I am the asshole who accepts what the so called "experts" (ya, the assclowns that BUILD THESE FUCKING BUILDINGS) over a random guy on a pot growing forum who can't grasp the twin concepts of capitalization and punctuation.
wait i'm on a weed forum and i am supposed to be worrying about punctuation and capitalization? this isnt high school buddy,, no one but dicks like you give a shit if i cant spell or punctuate,,, i dont sit at a desk all day long and write and/or type words like your common lowly pencil pusher
so fuck off


Well-Known Member
wait i'm on a weed forum and i am supposed to be worrying about punctuation and capitalization? this isnt high school buddy,, no one but dicks like you give a shit if i cant spell or punctuate,,, i dont sit at a desk all day long and write and/or type words like your common lowly pencil pusher
so fuck off
Which is why you don't get any respect. If I came here talking about how I was a master grower and then told everyone the secret ingredient for getting huge plants was give them bleach instead of water I would be in your boat. The point is, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


New Member
I think you misquoted the wrong person, I agreed with you.
kiss-asser, get this dud on your side because you both hate me,, then it will be easier to make everyone think im a dick and hate me,,, this fucking creeper has been pming me and neg repping me on old closed threads.. he is also stocking my thread like a common pedophile


New Member
Which is why you don't get any respect. If I came here talking about how I was a master grower and then told everyone the secret ingredient for getting huge plants was give them bleach instead of water I would be in your boat. The point is, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.
never once did i say i was a master anything, your putting words in my mouth,, and i am giving no one false information,, take it how you please


Well-Known Member
never once did i say i was a master anything, your putting words in my mouth,, and i am giving no one false information,, take it how you please
If you want to try and make a coherent point try rereading it a couple of times and remember that when you end a sentence you use a period and there is no need for the extra spaces or the extra comma you keep using. Also every word that the beginning of a sentence requires you to hold down the shift key when you push it.


Well-Known Member
One little thing that wasn't reported in the US but was in Canada by The Fifth Estate, which is our 60 minutes.. At the time of the attacks Bush Sr. was meeting with bin ladens family, and that arrangements were made to get the other bin laden children from Harvard and fly them out of the country... odd ????


Well-Known Member
One little thing that wasn't reported in the US but was in Canada by The Fifth Estate, which is our 60 minutes.. At the time of the attacks Bush Sr. was meeting with bin ladens family, and that arrangements were made to get the other bin laden children from Harvard and fly them out of the country... odd ????
Not at all, do a little research on the bin Laden family (namely its size) and how rednecks attacked RANDOM arabs without the bin Laden last name.

Really good book.
Amazon.com: The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century: Steve Coll: Books

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Minoru Yamasaki the designer of the WTC towers said that each tower could take the impact of two planes Full of jet fuel.

The other thing about all these engineers is they're missing one thing

Jet fuels max burn temp is somewhere around 825-850 degrees C

Yet the a36 carbon steel in the wtc's columns melting point is around 1350-1375 degrees C

With all due respect, Minoru Yamasaki died in February 1986. He was not alive to see the towers come down or answer personally about what happened on 9/11/01.

Here is a link to an article from the National Academy of Engineering, written by Leslie E. Robertson, Lead Structural Engineer of the WTC.

Reflections on the World Trade Center

The whole article is good reading and easy to understand. I think everyone should read the whole thing... I've copied a few of the key paragraphs here.

The two towers were the first structures outside of the military and nuclear industries designed to resist the impact of a jet airliner, the Boeing 707. It was assumed that the jetliner would be lost in the fog, seeking to land at JFK or at Newark. To the best of our knowledge, little was known about the effects of a fire from such an aircraft, and no designs were prepared for that circumstance. Indeed, at that time, no fireproofing systems were available to control the effects of such fires.
Figure 3 shows the comparative energy of impact for the Mitchell bomber that hit the Empire State Building during World War II, a 707, and a 767. The energy contained in the fuel is shown in Figure 4. Considerations of larger aircraft are shown in Figures 5 and 6. The physical sizes of these aircraft are compared with the size of the floor plate of one of the towers in Figure 7. These charts demonstrate conclusively that we should not and cannot design buildings and structures to resist the impact of these aircraft. Instead, we must concentrate our efforts on keeping aircraft away from our tall buildings, sports stadiums, symbolic buildings, atomic plants, and other potential targets.
understandable. but can you please answer my questions?

or if Socata or Florida Girl can, that would be cool too. you guys forget about the other airliners!
What exactly is your question about the other airliners? Do you mean where did flight 93 debris go? So many theories about flight 93.... I can't answer what happened with certainty... but I will concede that it is a possibility that we shot that plane down as it was the one headed back towards DC. I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude that the Air Force took the plane down in a rural area before it reached a metropolitan area.

Given the events of that morning, if that's what happened then I think it was the right call. If I had to believe ONE thing about a government cover up that day... it would be that we shot down flight 93. I think that would certainly be easier to keep under wraps given the few people "in the know".

Both United Flight 93 and American Flight 77 had passengers and crew. If you believe the flights never existed (specifically AA flight 77) then where did these people go? Do you think our government kidnapped the people from the airport and then took them out and shot them? Please.... not a snowballs chance in hell! Phone calls were made from both planes... if the government had kidnapped them do you think they'd let them make phone calls?

We may have shot down flight 93.... but we didn't start the events of that day, nor did we participate in taking down the towers or parts of the Pentagon.


Well-Known Member
I never used to believe in the conspiracies, but after watching Loose Change I was deffinatly convinced. Anyone who has time, watch it. Its SUCH a good movie it goes through like EVERYTHING and gives facts. Here it is

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

Again, if this is real then why are these guys alive and why the hell is it on the internet for everyone to see. Don't you think that the CIA would have "taken care of" these guys long ago if this was real? Come on people, I know middle school kids that have better reasoning skills.


New Member
Again, if this is real then why are these guys alive and why the hell is it on the internet for everyone to see. Don't you think that the CIA would have "taken care of" these guys long ago if this was real? Come on people, I know middle school kids that have better reasoning skills.
just like you know tonnes of engineers right?

or wait,

i bet these middle school kids arrre the engineers,, right now i got it

i am sorry i have no respect for someone who creates a thread asking this question.

So I hear from a lot of conservative friends that only "hippies and dopers" smoke recreationally and much like heroin, after the first puff you are "lost" to the "drugs."

So my question is, how normal are you and how often do you smoke?

As for me, I am in my early 20s, married, own a home, own 2 cars, work full time and really only smoke on weekends when my "chores" are done.
if you want to take time out of your day to annoy people and make fun of their grammar and punctuation (wtf btw, this is a weed growing forum) then i will do the same. you are just a phony,, you dont grow and you only smoke "on weekends when your chores are done" lmao,, you dont belong on this site pal, you dont grow and you dont have any true love for the herb.

it also sounds like you have a great group of friends who have been brainwashed to think that only "hippies and dopers" smoke recreationally and that like heroin you get "lost to the drugs"

lmao, as if you came on here and posted that shit,, when i saw that (which was much before i started this thread) i about split my gut laughing. and thats why i chose it is my signature,, so i could laugh everytime i come on here.... i guess its just ironic that you found my thread and started arguing with me right?

and i love how you ask "how normal are you"

i can't believe you asked that on a weed forum,, normal, like there is some type of standard set for our lives that we must live by. I bet you have a great normal life being in the prime of your life and "working full time, owning 2 cars, owning a home.."

wow, good for you, i hope the success has came easy and you are enjoying your amazing life smoking dope when your chores are done. lmao,, it sounds like you are living quite the exciting life! haha

you dont belong here so fuck off :finger:

how normal are you... if you were any kind of free spirit you would hate that word as it sets a standard of life. you can go on living life how you were told to,, you can go on living life thinking that everything is just a-okay,, you can go on living your life as a narrow minded, ignorant boring sack of shit but dont come on my thread acting like you know something,,, these are not your people,,, your people sit in office desks striving for this unknown thing of success, wasting and toiling their life away for nothing,, missing out on everything in life

so one last time

take the wonderful home that you own, and the two cars you drive, and your wife and go join some conservative forum and talk about how wonderful your governemnt is and how "successful" you became so early in life.

i bet you have a sweet 50 years ahead of you,, living it up *coff coff*