"Paid Actor" at the scene of 9/11 *FUCKED*


Well-Known Member
Even though this guy thinks I'm a cop, I will say this on the thread. America is full of pussies nowadays, there will not be another revolution until said pussies are turned into worthy Americans... begin there and you will have your revolution.


Well-Known Member
Even though this guy thinks I'm a cop, I will say this on the thread. America is full of pussies nowadays, there will not be another revolution until said pussies are turned into worthy Americans... begin there and you will have your revolution.

No truer words have been spoken. Americans are docile. If a group rose up, the majority would simply write them off as terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Even though this guy thinks I'm a cop, I will say this on the thread. America is full of pussies nowadays, there will not be another revolution until said pussies are turned into worthy Americans... begin there and you will have your revolution.
because in todays america it is unamerican to think or speak like the men who founded this country....if i speak out in outrage because my government is corrupt and damaged i am un american if i act out against my government i am a terrorist....however it was Thomas Jefferson who said basically we will not need the 2nd amendment until my government tries to take it from me....here is a founding father advocating the shooting of our lraders for tampering with the constitution....in todays america he would be called a terrorist and so called american patriots and lovers of freedom would call for his blood....most of america is to blind or just dont want to accept that money and power run this country along with the other countrys in the world....they will tell you bush is a great president and that we are a bunch of idiots and unamerican for saying so....most of the people who say they stand for liberty dont want to be face to face with the liberty of others.......


Well-Known Member
I will say that I don't know a SINGLE engineer who thinks 9/11 was anything but airplanes. I see it a lot like the "evolution is a lie" crowd, they think that because they have no background in biology and will buy anything they read on the internet.

Personally I view the "truthers" like I see the holocaust deniers.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I will say that I don't know a SINGLE engineer who thinks 9/11 was anything but airplanes. I see it a lot like the "evolution is a lie" crowd, they think that because they have no background in biology and will buy anything they read on the internet.

Personally I view the "truthers" like I see the holocaust deniers.

I agree completely!


Well-Known Member
I will say that I don't know a SINGLE engineer who thinks 9/11 was anything but airplanes. I see it a lot like the "evolution is a lie" crowd, they think that because they have no background in biology and will buy anything they read on the internet.

Personally I view the "truthers" like I see the holocaust deniers.
Spot on my friend, I find it hilarious people believe there were controlled demolitions. No civilian firm would've done it, and to see a bunch of strange military/government folks around weeks/months? before it happened setting up explosives would've been quite obvious... I do not agree with the post in general, I was merely making a statement as to whats needed to form a revolution, and at this point in time in America it is impossible, cause we're full of fuckin' pussies. :blsmoke:


New Member
north america was founded by religious extremists,, the kind of people who will believe what they are told if it comes from "a higher source" and will force others to believe.
so in other words the whole continent (except mexico i guess) was founded on ignorance and unwillful obediance. I hope to oneday be part of the revolution that frees us from all of this. The lies, the corruption, the greed, the hunger for power, manifest destiny, capitalism, totalitarianism...
people have for too long settled with the thought that the gov is always helping and protecting us, and what they do is always for the better,, no questions asked...

that is the biggest downfall to north america,, no questions asked. we need to start asking more questions and we need to start giving orders. The governenment does not run us they are just being paid (by us) to protect us. It became very evident from the beginning of mankind that we needed to be governed,, but not in this way, not in this way at all

lately i have started a few threads trying to spark some anger among the people. i have been trying to make us all more aware of what is happening and how we are doing jack shit about it. our human rights are being thrown in the garbage more and more everday,, we settle for nothing now, we settle for nothing later


New Member
lately i have started a few threads trying to spark some anger among the people. i have been trying to make us all more aware of what is happening and how we are doing jack shit about it. our human rights are being thrown in the garbage more and more everday,, we settle for nothing now, we settle for nothing later
what i mean by this is,, this thread was not started to make people think 9/11 was a set-up (necessarily), rather just to show how fucked everything is getting


Well-Known Member
Spot on my friend, I find it hilarious people believe there were controlled demolitions. No civilian firm would've done it, and to see a bunch of strange military/government folks around weeks/months? before it happened setting up explosives would've been quite obvious... I do not agree with the post in general, I was merely making a statement as to whats needed to form a revolution, and at this point in time in America it is impossible, cause we're full of fuckin' pussies. :blsmoke:
Lets also think about the sheer number of people that would have to keep 100% silent about the whole operation. You have obviously never had any experience with any US government bureaucracy from the military on down to the DMV. If you had dealt with any of these wonderful folks you would realize that the idea of such an elaborate plan staying secret even for a few days is laughable.

If you still think that there is a huge secret conspiracy by a black ops group do yourself a favor and do some REAL research into previous "black ops" our government has carried out.


Well-Known Member
I can understand why people don't buy into the conspiracy theories. The truth angers those it does not Convince. From the Jet fuel, To NORAD standing down, The insurance policy taken out days before the fall of the towers, Project for a new American century, CIA, DOD, IRS, AND FBI offices being in building 7. It's alot of unanswered questions. When they answer them maybe I'll accept there explanation. You all are free to think what you please, But don't discredit a theory because you can't possibly fathom it happening.


Well-Known Member
I can understand why people don't buy into the conspiracy theories. The truth angers those it does not Convince. From the Jet fuel, To NORAD standing down, The insurance policy taken out days before the fall of the towers, Project for a new American century, CIA, DOD, IRS, AND FBI offices being in building 7. It's alot of unanswered questions. When they answer them maybe I'll accept there explanation.
So you think its perfectly sane to believe that easily 1000 people (AT MINIMUM) have not uttered a single peep about all this AND the CIA is actually letting the "loose change" guys live? Don't you think there would be an assassination team at their houses the second they uploaded the first draft?


Well-Known Member
Lets also think about the sheer number of people that would have to keep 100% silent about the whole operation. You have obviously never had any experience with any US government bureaucracy from the military on down to the DMV. If you had dealt with any of these wonderful folks you would realize that the idea of such an elaborate plan staying secret even for a few days is laughable.

If you still think that there is a huge secret conspiracy by a black ops group do yourself a favor and do some REAL research into previous "black ops" our government has carried out.

I work in with TACOM/ DOD. Trust me. Information is not passed around liberally. Either you're entitled to it or you're not. If they want a secret kept...it's going to stay kept. Im prepared to accept the fact that in 20 years I may have followed some false information. But what if you're wrong?


New Member
yea, i hear a lot of people saying there was no explosions... i guess you didnt read the thread because nowhere did i mention anything about the alleged explosions nor did i include any video about explosions.
no one can rightfully say there were no explosions,,
I will say that I don't know a SINGLE engineer who thinks 9/11 was anything but airplanes.
this is some dumb shit,, aparently this guy knows tonnes of engineers that will openly say there were no bombs and it was all from the plane.. you sound like the fuckers from the first video i put up,,, you are way too willing to give an "expert opinion" yet there is no proof because the buidlings collapsed to nothing

i think that if you dont think something was a little fucked with 9/11 than you are just another brainwashed american who cant grip the reality that they are being royally fucked by the government you are so proud of


New Member
So you think its perfectly sane to believe that easily 1000 people (AT MINIMUM) have not uttered a single peep about all this AND the CIA is actually letting the "loose change" guys live? Don't you think there would be an assassination team at their houses the second they uploaded the first draft?
and there is no way in fuck a thousand people would have known,,, this wasnt a school yard secret that only the big kids knew,,, this is tight shit... the president knew,, he is caught over his lies numerous times as i have shown,,, did you even watch the video?

why dont you come up with a valid argument before you go shooting your mouth that all your engineer friends are experts on planes crashing into buildings, and they somehow know, with absolutely no proof, that it was only the planes


New Member
dont you think they would have made those building strong enough to suffer a large impact from an aircraft?

or is this just like new orleans and the levies?


and neither should have those levies


Well-Known Member
So you think its perfectly sane to believe that easily 1000 people (AT MINIMUM) have not uttered a single peep about all this AND the CIA is actually letting the "loose change" guys live? Don't you think there would be an assassination team at their houses the second they uploaded the first draft?

The government has covered up several events, and you don't hear about it until 40 years later...so don't play that game.
Have you heard of Milton William Cooper. Author of Behold a pale horse. He was involved in Naval intelligence as well. He's done numerous seminars on conspiracy theories. He was also the person who "Predicted" 9/11 in june of 2001. He's now dead. He was killed on his own property. Unarmed. Because of his views. The powers that be know what a valid threat is. They realize that most conspiracy theorists are so over the top that they wont be taken seriously. The guys who make flicks like Loose change, and that Alex Jones character make things overly-fanatical. "9/11 is the pretext to Totalitarian gov't , and it's knocking at our door as we speak". My goal now is to read as much on the subject. I hope this thread is around when I finish reading the COINTELPRO papers.


Well-Known Member
yea, i hear a lot of people saying there was no explosions... i guess you didnt read the thread because nowhere did i mention anything about the alleged explosions nor did i include any video about explosions.
no one can rightfully say there were no explosions,,

this is some dumb shit,, aparently this guy knows tonnes of engineers that will openly say there were no bombs and it was all from the plane.. you sound like the fuckers from the first video i put up,,, you are way too willing to give an "expert opinion" yet there is no proof because the buidlings collapsed to nothing

i think that if you dont think something was a little fucked with 9/11 than you are just another brainwashed american who cant grip the reality that they are being royally fucked by the government you are so proud of
You know what you are right. I am the asshole who accepts what the so called "experts" (ya, the assclowns that BUILD THESE FUCKING BUILDINGS) over a random guy on a pot growing forum who can't grasp the twin concepts of capitalization and punctuation.


Well-Known Member
dont you think they would have made those building strong enough to suffer a large impact from an aircraft?

or is this just like new orleans and the levies?


and neither should have those levies
Minoru Yamasaki the designer of the WTC towers said that each tower could take the impact of two planes Full of jet fuel.

The other thing about all these engineers is they're missing one thing

Jet fuels max burn temp is somewhere around 825-850 degrees C

Yet the a36 carbon steel in the wtc's columns melting point is around 1350-1375 degrees C



Well-Known Member
The government has covered up several events, and you don't hear about it until 40 years later...so don't play that game.
Have you heard of Milton William Cooper. Author of Behold a pale horse. He was involved in Naval intelligence as well. He's done numerous seminars on conspiracy theories. He was also the person who "Predicted" 9/11 in june of 2001. He's now dead. He was killed on his own property. Unarmed. Because of his views. The powers that be know what a valid threat is. They realize that most conspiracy theorists are so over the top that they wont be taken seriously. The guys who make flicks like Loose change, and that Alex Jones character make things overly-fanatical. "9/11 is the pretext to Totalitarian gov't , and it's knocking at our door as we speak". My goal now is to read as much on the subject. I hope this thread is around when I finish reading the COINTELPRO papers.
I see 2 problems with the truther group. Number one is how they actually get their message out there. I might be a dick but the second you start talking about the NWO or secret government you are tossed into the same bin as the guy who tells me that florescent lighting is making people go insane. The second is that the only people spouting these claims are either uneducated, or under educated in the particualr field. I keep coming back to the creation/evolution debate, you have guys like Kent Hovind on the creation side who got a PhD in "Theology" from "Patriot Bible College" (which happens to be housed in a storage trailer) who are great public speakers and really convincing till you call them on their bullshit. Then it comes down to "we see the same facts but you interperiate X and I interperate Y".


Well-Known Member
I will say that I don't know a SINGLE engineer who thinks 9/11 was anything but airplanes. I see it a lot like the "evolution is a lie" crowd, they think that because they have no background in biology and will buy anything they read on the internet.

Personally I view the "truthers" like I see the holocaust deniers.
understandable. but can you please answer my questions?

or if Socata or Florida Girl can, that would be cool too. you guys forget about the other airliners!