Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow


Well-Known Member
I pulled the girls in today while it rained. Found some tiny green bugs on one of them. Probably aphids. I doused both plants with some Safer and put them back outside after the rain. Did the same with my recently planted flowers. They should have a good growth spurt with the warming weather.



Well-Known Member
They look nice pablo keep em comin bro..woah man the bugs are harassing your ladies again? that fuckin sucks hopefully that spray'll do homez.
Good luck with the rest of your grow man ,and hopefully youll give autos a good name out there on RIU :D peace



Well-Known Member
They look nice pablo keep em comin bro..woah man the bugs are harassing your ladies again? that fuckin sucks hopefully that spray'll do homez.
Good luck with the rest of your grow man ,and hopefully youll give autos a good name out there on RIU :D peace

Hey bro, thanks for stopping by and the comments! I'm not worried about those bugs. I found 3 on the one plant and removed/killed all of them. Then sprayed them down. I don't think these will be a problem, as long as I do regular preventative maintenance.

I'm getting ready for those friggin' budworms too, as those are the real threat (for me anyway - so far). I already have some Marigolds, and I'm armed and ready to spray the BT before I even see any eggs/worms. I like the fact that the autos are so small because it makes it much easier to keep an eye out for them. Because of the short life span of these autos, I need to put some more thought/research into when I can start/stop with the BT.

I'll go back and look at last season's journal which should help with the decision. Glad I did that journal.

Still no nutes yet, other than what is in FFOF.


Well-Known Member
How did you get it to flower like a christmas tree so fast and when its so small????
Because it's an autoflower strain. They flower automatically within a short period of time and are ready to harvest about 70 days after they sprout. Small plants, which usually don't get much bigger than 1 1/2 feet tall. Perfect for a balcony. There's quite a few people here who grow them and have good journals you can browse thru.


Well-Known Member
Running into my first problems with this grow. You can see the small tips have been burned. My thoughts are this could've been caused by the soaking I gave them with the Safer solution. Also seeing some yellowing in the new growth. Given that I have not added any nutes since they sprouted, I was thinking they're a little hungry.

So, I transplanted the one in the smaller pot into a bigger pot, something I was planning on doing anyway. Then I gave them both a small dose of Grow Big. And, I'll probably just stick with the Neem oil for future applications - and the BT when I determine it's time. Beautiful day today.



Well-Known Member
Day 25 and 26. Still no female pistils. Leaves are funny looking. I haven't done anything to them since my last post. I wanted them to dry out a bit just to make sure they weren't suffering from being overwatered - something I never do, tho. It appears the Grow Big may have burnt some tips a little bit. The soil in one of them is pretty dry now, so I may water that one sometime today.

Not really sure what to do with them other than just let them grow and hope they turn around. They are behaving completely different than the one I grew last year. These were the last 2 seeds out of my 3 pack. It's possible that they are not feminized, which I understand happens occasionally.

Any suggestions?

In the meantime I should place another order for some auto's in case I have to scrap this grow.



Hope you don't mind the intrusion. I've started a balcony grow and I'm wondering what stage the babies should be put out in the open. Also, does it have to be earth or will peatmoss do? I've started White Dwarf, Easy Ryder and a single Venus Flytrap.
Nice pics by the way


Well-Known Member
terryB, no intrusion at all - this journal is open for all comments. I'm not sure what you mean by "out in the open". Are they already outside? If not, then it will depend on your location/weather as to whether you can place them outdoors. Last year, I started my outdoor patio grow the last week of February. This year, several weeks later. But, as you can see, I'm in Southern California. I've only grown in dirt and never researched any other medium so I can't answer the peatmoss question.

By the way, I'm not too thrilled with my current grow. I'm beginning to have a bad feeling that they may be males, despite having purchased feminized seeds. Best of luck to you. If you have any more questions about auto's I would suggest checking out this popular thread:

If you start a journal and post some pics, I'd love to follow your progress. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
hey dude, just dropping by.
I know what you mean by being worried about the babies. My first grow went smoother then my current little baby Easy Ryder. I think she was root bound, actually I know she was root bound. (run out of pots for my pot haha) So I bought big square one for her and transplanted by the first true leaves are not looking good but the new growth is looking ok. I mean I know there hardy plants so should bounce back I just don't see why as she in same conditions next to a reg LA Woman and thats taking off and looks lush!

anyway feel free to chat if you ever need to compare :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dj. I'll post up some pics this week on either the autoflower resource thread and see if I can get some input. But they are looking more lanky than they should and no pistils, so it's highly likely I've got a couple of males. Maybe I should do some research on saving the pollen and possibly dusting some future females with the hopes of producing some seeds. Not something I know anything about, tho. I've been keeping an eye on your grow as well. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Day 28 and 29. Plant at day 28 finally showed female pistils. Whew! Nothing on the other one. They're still looking scraggly and just . . . weird. Not too much to do about it, tho. We had some rain yesterday, so I won't need to water for awhile. I'll just use small doses of Big Bloom from here on out - unless I pick up the Tiger Bloom, which I've never used before. Confirmed female is the one on the right.

