Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow


Well-Known Member
Huh. Once I download the pics onto this site, the colors aren't the same. This site has been acting weird lately. In any event, take my word for it, the pistils are a fairly bright pink/purple color. More than what appears on this site.


Well-Known Member
So, just over $200 later, I've got some more auto fems on their way from Attitude. Went for the t-shirt this time. Already got the mug. I ordered:

Lowlife Auto Blueberry Fem
Sweet Seeds Big Devil Fem
World of Seeds Pakistan Ryder Auto Fem
Lowryder Diesel Ryder Fem
Advanced Seeds Top 69 Fem

That's probably enough to last me for years.


Well-Known Member
Day 41 and 42. Starting to fill in. Plenty of pistils. They need watering today - I'll probably add a little bit of Big Bloom. I sprayed them with Neem again a few days ago.



Well-Known Member
Nothing new to report. Still cool looking pink/purple pistils. In hindsight, I should've waited another month or two before planting. Didn't know we'd have uncommonly cold/rainy weather in April in SoCal.

Also, I noticed the link I had in my signature was going directly to RIU's home page. I still haven't been able to figure out how to customize the signature - even after copying and pasting an example of how to do it. I'm not very computer literate.

Can't wait for my seeds to arrive!



Well-Known Member
Day 46 and 47. Fed today with a bit of Big Bloom and molasses. Just working on bud production now. They continue to fill in. I've got random butterflies too which is always a good thing.

My seeds arrived today. Along with a pretty cool t-shirt that I can actually wear despite not being a huge fan of black.

I'll pick 2 of the seeds and start germinating today or tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Day 50 and 51 for the Easyryders. Fed today with a bit of Tiger Bloom for the first time. And some molasses.

Also, the Top 69 and Pakistan Ryder seeds cracked open today. I just planted them directly into their permanent pots. Pots are bigger than what I have the Easyryders in, but smaller than the 3 gallon ones. Maybe 2, 2 1/2 gallon?



Well-Known Member
Day 53/54. Just more bud formation going on. Still waiting for the Top 69 and Pakistan Ryder to pop out of the soil. I picked up some lattice which will add a little more security.

One pic of what will be a huge red bell pepper plant. I'm sick of paying nearly $2.00 for one pepper.



Active Member
lookin great, i might have to look into some autostrains for my balcony... my babies, as great as they are, are making me get a little nervous about getting harassed about them! they smell f'n great, tho!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking out my grow, balconyfun. Yep, last years 4 1/2 foot bush was what prompted me to go with the Auto's. Now that I have them, I want to grow another big bush. I had one of my newly planted autos sprout today - I'm at the office right now, but will get a pic of it up later. I also got the lattice installed on each side of my balcony which helps with the stealthiness.


Active Member
I've heard good things about the Kandy Kush...would like to know how you get on with it and the smoke it gives you!

How much do you usually get dry weight from a single auto lowryder plant you grow indoors and also outdoors?



Active Member
Hey buddy!

Another question just sprang to mind! Whats the best way to control the height of my WW?

Don't want it any taller than give or take 3ft.

Thanks a lot dude!

Do you have any pics anywhere of a fully grow lowryder #2?


Well-Known Member
James, I don't have a scale so I'm not sure of the weight. Not much, as you can tell from my photos. These 2 Easyryders should be chopped in a week, maybe sooner. Maybe 3/4 - 1 oz. total for both?

Regarding controlling the height of your WW: LST'ing (low stress training - tons of info on this site about it) can reduce the height. I haven't done it yet, but plan on using it to train my Kandy Kush. I'm thinking about bending and tying down the branches horizontally and tie them to the lattice. My lattice extends up to 3 feet - same height as the top of my railing. I'm waiting for it to sprout, so I guess we'll learn about it together.

Day 62/63 for the Easyryders. I found and destroyed what I think were budworm eggs. I didn't think the moths came around this early in the season. Hopefully I'm wrong. I've inspected the bud with a little of prodding from a wooden bbq skewer, but I haven't located any worms or damage. But it has me worried, nonetheless. I could just chop them.

Day 7 for the Pakistan Ryder, and day 4 for the Top 69.

And the Kandy Kush germinated and is in a small plastic pot. I'll repot it if it survives. It was a super tiny seed.

