Well-Known Member
Those deficiencies your seeing are a result of the nutrient lockout. Too much of one thing was, or not enough of something causes other micros or macros to lockout. You can't just add nutrients at this point. As that just throws off the ratios even more, and furthers the lockout - nutrients are not available. It's not that they're not there
If it was truly planted in RO dirt, and watered with reverse osmosis water, you shouldn't need to do anything else but just keep feeding It water. I'd use a little cal mag though.
i think there's more to the story though. It just looks like he hit the clones with full strength Nute solution in tapwater.
I'll preface what I'm about to say with this: I use an RO unit. So I'm not necessarily on board the tap water bandwagon. BUT, I think you're over-stating things a bit here and you are making a blanket statement that will not hold true for everyone. First off, not all tap water is created equally. Some cities are bad, others aren't. The only way to know is to get a copy of your cities water analysis and see for yourself. Second, the harmful items we are talking about are expressed in parts per MILLION, and in most cases parts per BILLION, so it's typically a very minuscule amount to begin with. Chlorine easily dissipates from water in a short period of time, and a teaspoon of an organic item like molasses will neutralize chloramine very effectively.
I still use my RO unit, but when it takes a shit I will happily water my organic girls with tap water. There are people that have forgotten more about gardening than you and I will ever know that use tap water with brilliant results.