Oxygenated Water

It wouldn't hurt but I reckon it's pretty pointless because as long as you aren't over watering then the roots get air as the soil dries but if you're growing in water you need the air stone so your roots don't drown. Air stones do speed up the dissipation of chlorine however so I guess they could be useful in that respect for soil grows.
I ALWAYS throw a stone in my buckets of water... come back an its clean and de clorinated all the nutes are mixxed nicely, its gr8... i have a huge pump i use for my water that sloshes all around. lol
I'm in the boat that believes that fresh o2 for the root zone is just as important as having proper co2 levels

just my 2
I'm in the boat that believes that fresh o2 for the root zone is just as important as having proper co2 levels

just my 2
Co2 is only efficient if your large scale and burning. not using tanks. the effects aren’t worth it.i was at 770ppm last time i looked at the Co2 & my buds are dense.
I didnt say where the co2 came from
I just make sure I have an exchange of fresh air every 5 min
my point is peeps ovrr emphasize co2 and over look the roots lol
I would think yes, but the link you provided said that algae and other such life only need 1 mg/L which probably doesn't need to be pumped in artificially. It seems like it is at worst not a problem to add oxygen… though i think hydrogen peroxide and DO are not equal and that adding H2O2 is more like a poison than using an airstone to add more free O2. Also I don't know what the beneficial microbes are, maybe they need more oxygen than algae.

At the risk of derailing my own thread, the whole point of this question was to find ways to get oxygen to roots at the same level as aeroponics while using soil. This concern came up because i killed my first plants :( and got fungus gnats.

Having looked at how soil reacts to water, it looks like almost anything other than perlite is going to tighten up when wet and completely close off the roots and microbes that are at that level to the surrounding air, and most soil seems to stay wet (except for maybe an inch or inch and a half) for days at a time. This is why I still think the answer to your question is yes and I still can't figure out how plants and microbes survive in regular soil (the kind without people helping). It's like they can live without oxygen for days but i want to give them a continuous supply so its not water or oxygen its water and oxygen.

try using air pots bud, got rid of my gnat probs cause it allows the soil to dry out much faster