Oxygen to the root mass,why is hydro so much faster.


Well-Known Member
hell ya well im using rapid rooters in 3inch pots coverd with hydroton, i might just put the 3inch pots in some coco pots so they have somethen to grow into ya noo

well if possible i wanna see some pics with coco coir in a flood and drain if possssssssible



Well-Known Member
i am doing hydro and soil at the moment my soil ones need to be in bigger pottes but ohwell for my first grow deff conna step it up and my hydro plants are a hella of a lot bigger and a couple weeks quicker thicker main stalks and more branches but again prob to to my other [plants being root bound but to answer the why question hydro grows faster because the plant spends less energy wor the roots digging down to serach for water so more upward growth along with the ease or nute and oxegen abosorbtion