
Sometimes underwatering IS overwatering.

If you have a large pot compared to the root system, and you soak it. Then leave the plant, it will start choking eventually as the soaked area goes anaerobic.

If you add a bit of water to that same pot ever 2 days or so on one side of the pot, so that 10 or 20% of the water comes out the bottom. You will push some of that shitty stale water out and bring in fresh oxygen and food. Both systems are wet, but one is toxic.
Never even would have thought about the wand idea! Definitely a must for my next purchase!! but the scrog will have to wait lol I’m still trying to learn and master the basics before getting too wild haha but I appreciate it!
Okay i have run into that issue with run off before its full. Its because your soil was to dry to begin with. Take a little water and wet top of soil center out. Just a little though. Give it a few seconds to settle in and do it again. Keep it up untill you get run off. But the soil is so dry your water is bypassing and going straight to bottom. I have also taken a skewer and stuck in soil gently and worked it around to make a hole for water to get in deeper.
Okay i have run into that issue with run off before its full. Its because your soil was to dry to begin with. Take a little water and wet top of soil center out. Just a little though. Give it a few seconds to settle in and do it again. Keep it up untill you get run off. But the soil is so dry your water is bypassing and going straight to bottom. I have also taken a skewer and stuck in soil gently and worked it around to make a hole for water to get in deeper.
that would make sense because for me I’m thinking “I’m over watering them” so I let them dry out for a couple days and even after drying out, the water runs straight thru ... I’ve already checked on them and stuff for today but tomorrow morning I will try that. I suspected that could be it but am so foreign to this lmao thanks man!
I have 3 photos going all in a different mixture. One in all soil 10 gallon tote. Takes one gallon every week. 1 with soil coco perlite in 5 gallon it drinks 2 liters every 4 days then a 4 gallon laundry basket with same mixture just less perlite it's about 1 liter every 3 to 4 days. But i use led and it's not as harsh on evaporation. Best mix so far without flowering yet was 40% soil 30% coco 30% perlite. It drys super fast compared to all soil.