so about 2 weeks ago i transplanted into 3 gallon pots, and waterd (about 2 litres each). Then a 6-7 days later i t was time to water again, the plant pot was light, about 7 pounds. This time i wanted to water until i got runoff, so i did just that. It took about a 7 1/2 litres of water per plant to get runoff(which seemed like a crazy high amount). The soil is still pretty wet underneath 7 days after water, and one of the plants is showing symptoms.. of something, presumably over water. Because with brown spots there is droopings

havnt been using any cal mag or micro nutes. Just 10-2-12 organic, blackstrap molasses, and hummeca(from same company as fert, Ocean gold)
Thanks for imput, jael

havnt been using any cal mag or micro nutes. Just 10-2-12 organic, blackstrap molasses, and hummeca(from same company as fert, Ocean gold)
Thanks for imput, jael