

Well-Known Member
I think you are correct, we shouldn't get the idea that defense mechanisms have no value, in fact none of us could exist sanely without some degree of cognitive dissonance, among others. However, defense mechanism are not based in any logic other than the desire to reduce discomfort, so to compare the ideology behind skeptical atheism to a defense mechanism would suggest the position is simply rationalizing, or intellectualizing, the need for comfort.
Not to start shit on this thread, but the comparison seems more apt to theism than skeptical atheism...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
As promised I have thought about this idea, and I am afraid I have to label it as special pleading. 'This view is exempt from logic and standards of reason because those very standards prevent us from seeing it.' Keep in mind special pleading isn't necessarily wrong, not if you can demonstrate the request for special treatment is valid.

So I would have to ask...

Can you provide examples of this trans-brainial communication? What are the qualities theism teaches that allow for this? Are those qualities unique to theism? IOW, is belief in God necessarily the responsible out come? If someone masters this communication, what external, applicable knowledge do they gain? Will this knowledge compare coherently and consistently with other masters of the technique? If not, then what you seem to be saying is that a person can find personal support for their ideas of God if they look deep enough inside themselves and disregard everything they have learned about standards for accepting knowledge in all other areas of their life. <-- This is a statement I would have to agree with.

And yes I realize I am now asking for substantiation using the standards of reason. I'm not sure how else we can distinguish fantasy from reality? What other way do we have to differentiate theological answers from brain-cum? Fixation on this idea has to be a result of some sort of reasoning, or else it is simply random and carries no more weight than other random ideas.

It would seem fair to say that a vast number of believers do not even have a concept of what you are proposing. Are these people erroneous in their belief? Are you saying that most people know god falsely? I am having trouble understanding how this reinforces your belief in Christ.
...there's a lot here for me to answer. I intend to give answers to the best of my ability later on. What I do have time to answer is the 'how does this reinforce your belief in Christ?' question. The Bible is not as veiled as far as its deeper meaning goes. It's like the dust cloud at an atomic level.

Now, if a person looks out into the sky they see the sun. We know, scientifically, that the sun sustains life in our galaxy - and so on (just type-o'd "in our galaxy - and son" :) Sagan and his 'star stuff' was right, so keep that going. We are the 'sun' - the mind of the body...this is our cognitive awareness. IT spreads out the same way. Now I start to venture into talking about shadows, but I'm going to have to come back to it.

What makes the 'sun' superior is its ability to see in a bazillion different directions to dispel darkness. The darkness is already there, the sun develops it.

Have to jet for a bit. Will continue.


Ursus marijanus
...there's a lot here for me to answer. I intend to give answers to the best of my ability later on. What I do have time to answer is the 'how does this reinforce your belief in Christ?' question. The Bible is not as veiled as far as its deeper meaning goes. It's like the dust cloud at an atomic level.

Now, if a person looks out into the sky they see the sun. We know, scientifically, that the sun sustains life in our galaxy - and so on (just type-o'd "in our galaxy - and son" :) Sagan and his 'star stuff' was right, so keep that going. We are the 'sun' - the mind of the body...this is our cognitive awareness. IT spreads out the same way. Now I start to venture into talking about shadows, but I'm going to have to come back to it.

What makes the 'sun' superior is its ability to see in a bazillion different directions to dispel darkness. The darkness is already there, the sun develops it.

Have to jet for a bit. Will continue.
Slight scale issue ... the sun supports life in the shell in which our planet orbits it. The galaxy is larger. cn


Well-Known Member
Slight scale issue ... the sun supports life in the shell in which our planet orbits it. The galaxy is larger. cn
I believe what he means essentially is, we are the universe, courtesy of the sun. The universe is our body, and our consciousness is it's mind. Accordingly, it's consciousness is within our mind, and communicating with this aspect of our mind is one of the keys to understanding god, who created the universe. The universe, through the eye of the sun, is able to see all of our perspectives at once, making it the most enlightened force seekable. He feels the bible makes clear efforts to teach this type of communion.

This is what I got so far, I ask to be corrected if I am wrong.


Ursus marijanus
I believe what he means essentially is, we are the universe, courtesy of the sun. The universe is our body, and our consciousness is it's mind. Accordingly, it's consciousness is within our mind, and communicating with this aspect of our mind is one of the keys to understanding god, who created the universe. The universe, through the eye of the sun, is able to see all of our perspectives at once, making it the most enlightened force seekable. He feels the bible makes clear efforts to teach this type of communion.

This is what I got so far, I ask to be corrected if I am wrong.
As near as I can tell, that seems like a workable synopsis. I will confess that I am often left feeling a bit slow around eye's scintillant and agile metaphors ... but i really like their lyrical, playful and ultimately benign qualities. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I believe what he means essentially is, we are the universe, courtesy of the sun. The universe is our body, and our consciousness is it's mind. Accordingly, it's consciousness is within our mind, and communicating with this aspect of our mind is one of the keys to understanding god, who created the universe. The universe, through the eye of the sun, is able to see all of our perspectives at once, making it the most enlightened force seekable. He feels the bible makes clear efforts to teach this type of communion.

This is what I got so far, I ask to be corrected if I am wrong.

...whoa :clap: