

Well-Known Member
Its thinking outside of the box. Its taking a moment to say "what if".
Skeptics say 'what if' all of the time. Many times those ideas are rejected for varying problems. The skeptic is not afraid to leave it at that and admit to not knowing. The very idea that something unexplainable has an explanation is itself illogical. There are many things unexplained but if something is truly unexplainable, why bother trying?


Well-Known Member
Skeptics say 'what if' all of the time. Many times those ideas are rejected for varying problems. The skeptic is not afraid to leave it at that and admit to not knowing. The very idea that something unexplainable has an explanation is itself illogical. There are many things unexplained but if something is truly unexplainable, why bother trying?
You dont have to try. Those are the things that one must simply accept that the truth will only be revealed upon death.


Well-Known Member
I am only going off of what I have seen. Nobody on here except for you right now has said they accept the "what if" factor.
I think many clearly have mentioned how they have struggled with some of these questions throughout their life. Many atheists are former theists and pondered what-ifs many times. There is a difference however, between pondering it (and ultimately rejecting it) and asserting it as fact.


Well-Known Member
I think many clearly have mentioned how they have struggled with some of these questions throughout their life. Many atheists are former theists and pondered what-ifs many times. There is a difference however, between pondering it (and ultimately rejecting it) and asserting it as fact.
True, but either this doesnt apply to some of the guys on here, or they are just arguing to be assholes. Many times I have tried to get them to say "what if" and drop the subject but it seems like that is impossible for them.


I use to suffer from this looking back its sad I've been wrong and new it but would still make them feel wrong its a horrible thing to do to yourself and others


Well-Known Member
...could be. The three brains are a 'fact' of life (supported by many, in the same 'trust' as peer review would provide). Theism (in depth - and as far as I know) 'allows' for communication at that level. This is a form of meditation, to let the images come, and from there let them 'stew' until they 'create' something for us. To communicate 'with' these minds is the basis of theology, 3 - the triune nature of reality (so to speak)

I think I understood what you meant, if not, please let me know.

As promised I have thought about this idea, and I am afraid I have to label it as special pleading. 'This view is exempt from logic and standards of reason because those very standards prevent us from seeing it.' Keep in mind special pleading isn't necessarily wrong, not if you can demonstrate the request for special treatment is valid.

So I would have to ask...

Can you provide examples of this trans-brainial communication? What are the qualities theism teaches that allow for this? Are those qualities unique to theism? IOW, is belief in God necessarily the responsible out come? If someone masters this communication, what external, applicable knowledge do they gain? Will this knowledge compare coherently and consistently with other masters of the technique? If not, then what you seem to be saying is that a person can find personal support for their ideas of God if they look deep enough inside themselves and disregard everything they have learned about standards for accepting knowledge in all other areas of their life. <-- This is a statement I would have to agree with.

And yes I realize I am now asking for substantiation using the standards of reason. I'm not sure how else we can distinguish fantasy from reality? What other way do we have to differentiate theological answers from brain-cum? Fixation on this idea has to be a result of some sort of reasoning, or else it is simply random and carries no more weight than other random ideas.

It would seem fair to say that a vast number of believers do not even have a concept of what you are proposing. Are these people erroneous in their belief? Are you saying that most people know god falsely? I am having trouble understanding how this reinforces your belief in Christ.

jessy koons

New Member
Atheism - The inability to think outside of the box and the realm of what can be proven. Basically, a boring mind.
Kaender, you little sex bunny I love you. Are you taller than 60", 'cause if so I can take you on all the rides at the amusement park instead of just the kiddie rides. I'm looking for you.

jessy koons

New Member
You dont have to try. Those are the things that one must simply accept that the truth will only be revealed upon death.
You never have to try hard with me, I'm yours, little guy. When we die can you and I get married in heaven. I've heard that god has a much more accepting opinion of gay marriage then is usually believed here on earth. They have the most fantastic catering, or so I've heard. I want to dress you up in flowers and then eat them off of you, slowly until there is nothing left but stem.

I apologize to the sensitive members of this forum but I'm doing gods work here so let no man come between us.


Active Member
i think it also odd that a defense mechanism is now spoken of with a negative connotation. I feel a a strong wide array of defense mechanisms creates a happier more well rounded human.

I feel the "defense mechanism" of over-intellectualization is a very valuable method of dealing with some emotions and fears.

  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I find it odd how many people are denying it simply biased on the negative connotation of the term "defense mechanism".[/FONT]



Active Member
What if the flying spaghetti monster is your god? Will you bow down and pray to his noodly appendages?
If helps you sleep at night and live your life less burdened by the weight of fear and insecurity then by all mean you have my blessing.

If it helps you to employ intellectualism to achieve the same outcome, then i certainly hope you continue.


Well-Known Member
If helps you sleep at night and live your life less burdened by the weight of fear and insecurity then by all mean you have my blessing.

If it helps you to employ intellectualism to achieve the same outcome, then i certainly hope you continue.
All I'm asking is that kaendar accept the one true god: The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I fear for his soul! Bow down and pray to his noodly appendages and heaven will be full of stripper factories and beer volcanoes.

To accept any other god is blasphemy.


Well-Known Member
The Flying Spaghetti Monster does not require you to eat of his flesh. Unlike other inferior gods. Repent now!
Not required?...but is it acceptable to nibble a lil bit? Last wafers I had were a little stale,and I hate grapejuice.

Mmmm....pastafarianism...sign me up!


Well-Known Member
i think it also odd that a defense mechanism is now spoken of with a negative connotation. I feel a a strong wide array of defense mechanisms creates a happier more well rounded human.

I feel the "defense mechanism" of over-intellectualization is a very valuable method of dealing with some emotions and fears.

  • I find it odd how many people are denying it simply biased on the negative connotation of the term "defense mechanism".

I feel like it's a positive having the ability to remove yourself emotionally from a situation.

First time I've heard the term 'over-intellectualization' though, so I'm not sure if that's what it's called..


Well-Known Member
I think you are correct, we shouldn't get the idea that defense mechanisms have no value, in fact none of us could exist sanely without some degree of cognitive dissonance, among others. However, defense mechanism are not based in any logic other than the desire to reduce discomfort, so to compare the ideology behind skeptical atheism to a defense mechanism would suggest the position is simply rationalizing, or intellectualizing, the need for comfort.