As someone who has broken his toe 3x
You dont do anything. If you go to the doctor they give you a X ray and a stupid ass wooden sandal and charge you several hundred bucks.
while i would love to meet with you for lunch and discuss the best ways to treat a broken toe, my inquiry was designed at our good friend beenthere.
for some reason, he refuses to let me buy him lunch and ask him straightforward questions about statements he has made without a computer screen in between us.
Just set it, and forget it. Viccodin and peanutbutter sammiches. Fuck the hospital.
As someone who has broken his toe 3x
You dont do anything. If you go to the doctor they give you a X ray and a stupid ass wooden sandal and charge you several hundred bucks.
he in portland?
Can you imagine a woman so fat she cannot even see her toes standing up?
Can you imagine a woman so fat she cannot even see her toes standing up?
Great, maybe you can get someone to look at those feet of yours!
Those feet look like granny feet? I thought she was supposed to be young with smooth shiny skin? Whats up with that?
Those feet look like granny feet? I thought she was supposed to be young with smooth shiny skin? Whats up with that?
what a free country we live in, sign up for this healthcare plan or pay a FINE!!! can anyone tell me why part of my paycheck is taken for medicare? Canada is sounding better all the time if only they weren't trying to stop people from growing there i would be there already!!
Canada has singlepayer healthcare, you pay for it with your taxes moron.
Canada has singlepayer healthcare, you pay for it with your taxes moron.
let them cling to their guns and bibles and antipathy towards those who are different.
with every post, they make obama look smarter and smarter and smarter. almost psychic.
I want to play...
let them cling to their guns and bibles and antipathy towards those who are different.
with every post, they make obama look smarter and smarter and smarter. almost psychic.