<OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close


New Member
could be, not an ideal situation, always had heard that 1 shot won't enable another to lock in on direction, that it takes 2 shots
it's not for me, i'm not in that wild a section of the country, but i could see there some areas a gun could be a prudent thing to have
Only if you want to be given the maximum prison sentence.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
could be, not an ideal situation, always had heard that 1 shot won't enable another to lock in on direction, that it takes 2 shots
it's not for me, i'm not in that wild a section of the country, but i could see there some areas a gun could be a prudent thing to have

It's one shot for the area just outside where i was just talking about. On the res it's legal to shoot any animal, any time. Albino Elk! Boom. However, these elk rarely venture on the res, so most of the time if you want to bag one of these you have to go off the res. They have shot sensors all over the place to protect the elk. Go out there and pop off a shot and you can guarantee a helo will be flying over you in 20 minutes.
If it took 2 shots, the poachers would just know that they couldn't miss.


Active Member
obviously, if your camoed, choppers aren't goin to "see you running around with your a.k."

my partners and i had tree seats for hunting, so we weren't even ON the ground during the day.

if i have to kill a couple deer and elk to save myself 15,000 dollars, better fuckin believe they're gonna get shot. not too wise to NOT be armed in the middle of a forest. when you have animals like mountain lions and bears strolling through your crop, i would think better safe than sorry. we always made sure our grows were where no one could find them, but when you get that far out you need to start worrying about wildlife.

it's better to have a gun and NOT need it, than to NEED a gun and not have it.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
If the helo has a black dome looking thing on the front of it about the size of a beach ball, then your ass needs to be running. They are looking at you clear as day with a heat camera. If it doesn't then yeah, hang out, spark up a J, they can't stay up there for very long.
Again, more of a 'where you are' type thing.


Active Member
Only if you want to be given the maximum prison sentence.
oh yeah...... so sure that federal wildlife division can arrest for for having a firearm........ as long as your not standing in the middle of your crop, IF they show up, your fine. don't think there's any laws on hiking with your rifle.


Well-Known Member
It's one shot for the area just outside where i was just talking about. On the res it's legal to shoot any animal, any time. Albino Elk! Boom. However, these elk rarely venture on the res, so most of the time if you want to bag one of these you have to go off the res. They have shot sensors all over the place to protect the elk. Go out there and pop off a shot and you can guarantee a helo will be flying over you in 20 minutes.
If it took 2 shots, the poachers would just know that they couldn't miss.
yeah, acoustic sensors will lock onto you in one shot, this is more of an old woodsman type story where you just dealing with people, not a sensor network
always heard that the 1st shot gives a very vague notion where it came from, then when the head is swiveled towards the general area, someone can lock onto to you pretty close from the 2nd shot


yeah, acoustic sensors will lock onto you in one shot, this is more of an old woodsman type story where you just dealing with people, not a sensor network
always heard that the 1st shot gives a very vague notion where it came from, then when the head is swiveled towards the general area, someone can lock onto to you pretty close from the 2nd shot
are you sure , they use the triangulating method were i am , a grid of microphones times how long it takes for the sound to travel. it only takes one shot . they are the same found in the citys. are you talking about a different type system? lemmy know about it

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
i think your wrong theres no swiveling head , they use the triangulating method, a grid of microphones times how long it takes for the sound to travel. it only takes on shot . they are the same found in the citys.
They're talking about another human pin pointing where you are.


New Member
Uhhh, ur living in the 50's son.

All I'm saying is the very OBVIOUS. If you get pinched for ANY reason, you will rue the day you had a firearm on you.

It won't even make a good prison story on the inside unless you shoot the cops. If you don't, they;ll just think ur a girl. :lol:

You're of course free to do as you choose, but a gun is uneeded.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
Uhhh, ur living in the 50's son.

All I'm saying is the very OBVIOUS. If you get pinched for ANY reason, you will rue the day you had a firearm on you.

It won't even make a good prison story on the inside unless you shoot the cops. If you don't, they;ll just think ur a girl. :lol:

You're of course free to do as you choose, but a gun is uneeded.

I would agree with the gun being not needed in most cases, especially since most of the growers on here grow for private consumption, or for a few hundred on the side.
And I know there are people here who grow soley for profit, and they are smart enough to keep quiet.
I used to grow outdoors, and might again in the future. Right now I'm just growing for me and a couple friends.

But back to the topic about how to know if someone has been sneaking around, get a couple of those IR camera's and hide them really well where it will take pictures of as much crop as you have. It will also tell you if animals are eating them, and what kind and when, etc.
Another trick on the animals is to pour cayenne pepper around the base of your plants, this will keep most of them away. (Of corse this could be an old wives tale, but I can see the logic in it.)

Do NOT get the cheaper cameras that use the flash for obvious reasons. It's worth the money to get the IR flash and camera than it is to replace a few of the cheaper ones after you lose some of your crop, and the flash camera device after the thief takes both. "Score, weed AND a digital camera!"

Something like this:


Active Member
If the helo has a black dome looking thing on the front of it about the size of a beach ball, then your ass needs to be running. They are looking at you clear as day with a heat camera. If it doesn't then yeah, hang out, spark up a J, they can't stay up there for very long.
Again, more of a 'where you are' type thing.
If you cut up thermal blankets and line your camo clothing you're set....
millions invested in FLIR, and the shit cannot detect heat through a thermal blanket. yes the blankets that sell for around $5.00 in most stores


Well-Known Member
I would agree with the gun being not needed in most cases, especially since most of the growers on here grow for private consumption, or for a few hundred on the side.
And I know there are people here who grow soley for profit, and they are smart enough to keep quiet.
I used to grow outdoors, and might again in the future. Right now I'm just growing for me and a couple friends.

But back to the topic about how to know if someone has been sneaking around, get a couple of those IR camera's and hide them really well where it will take pictures of as much crop as you have. It will tell you if animals are eating them, and what kind and when, etc.
Another trick on the animals is to pour cayenne pepper around the base of your plants, this will keep most of them away. (Of corse this could be an old wives tale, but I can see the logic in it.)

Do NOT get the cheaper cameras that use the flash for obvious reasons. It's worth the money to get the IR flash and camera than it is to replace a few of the cheaper ones after you lose some of your crop, and the flash camera device after the thief takes both. "Score, weed AND a digital camera!"
those trail cams really look like a 'drop in' solution, i'd love to scope maybe 1-2 plants with a setup next year
anyone know if they can be purchased with a wireless link?
or maybe a cell phone connection - in these days i want to be able to waltz(metaphorically) to my grow with no worries


Active Member
actually dipshit..... since you haven't grown over a 100 plants at a time in the woods i would just shut the fuck up. you ever see an elk eat 10 of your fucking plants? not a pretty site. so we'd just shoot mother fuckers. what about bears? ever had to kill one? didn't think so...... i'm not going to invest tons of work and money and lose 30% of my crop b/c i didn't take ALL necessary precautions......

I NEVER SAID THE GUN WAS FOR SHOOTING PEOPLE. Thats what they camo is for. If someone stumbles upon your crop, your out of site and out of mind, but you still KNOW if someone has discovered your shit, as opposed to just NOT knowing if someone has found it, and plans on returning to retrieve YOUR goodies.

man, people are stupid is right.... ITS CALLED COVER YOUR ASS
You might not have said your are shooting people but you sure implied it. The OP's post was pretty clear:

lets all put a collection of ideas on how 2 keep people away fom are stash and ways 2 know if there getting close 2 it.
Your post made it sound like you were sitting there waiting to shoot anyone that came upon your crop.

Enough people think this is how it is already. Every time I hear about an outdoor grow getting busted they always make a big deal out of any guns they find. People then think these growers are super dangerous and ready to shoot anyone when really they are usually for animals. It just gives marijuana a worse image.


Active Member
In Humbold county, (I'm speaking about on the Yurok/Karuk/Hoopa Indian Reservation), they use bear traps; dogs; buried sharp scrap metal; the ever popular Uzi, along with any other choice of guns, these are only the ones that I have seen with my own eyes. If you wander into someone's patch and don't hit any of this, they won't kill you (cops and feds aren't a problem usually for these big boys), just rough you up a lot. However, if you are caught with their product on you, you are a gonner, and they have holes already dug in the ground on the backs of mountains ready for the lifeless bodies to go into.
They also use those IR wildlife cameras that you velcro to trees and stuff to take pictures of deer, etc. So even if you do get away, if they got a pic of you stealing, it's just a matter of time before you are dealt with. They also have video cameras in the trees surrounding their crop.
These are the big boys of Humblodt county though, were talking thousands of pounds here, where corruption runs rampid. These guys know who is getting busted that year before the crop is even planted, it's already arranged. What's even better is most of the lords are females, usually daughters of the previous lord, with the same entourage. Honeydew ring a bell for anyone that knows what I am talking about? lol
Everyone from there knows where is safe, and where is not safe to walk around in the forest.

But for the non murdering pot growers, like the rest of us I'm sure...those deer cameras are great. They're motion sensored, and have a IR flash, so you never know you got your picture taken unless you see the device.

I can understand if you think this is all bullshit, but alas, this is not the case. Don't believe me? Well there really is no way to prove it unless you are from the area and have seen it for your self. Or go there for yourself and see what happens.
Most growers, even some big growers on here i'm sure, don't think it's that big of a deal to get worked up over. But were talking about a place that time has forgotten, where 80% of the population down river don't have electricity, and where millions of dollars of weed are grown each year. The big growers there have done it their whole lives, it's just what they do.
Yeah the reservation is a whole different story. If you belong there you know where to stay away from and if you don't belong there you don't just go walking around in the woods. They can pretty much get away with anything on the res.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
those trail cams really look like a 'drop in' solution, i'd love to scope maybe 1-2 plants with a setup next year
anyone know if they can be purchased with a wireless link?
or maybe a cell phone connection - in these days i want to be able to waltz(metaphorically) to my grow with no worries

Check out #8
Good luck, my friend. If you get one, keep me posted;-)

LOL you could even link it to your iPhone and make a commercial on YouTube:
Want to check on your plants without the drive, or walk, or even getting off the couch becuase you're too stoned?
We've got an app for that. Only on the nation's largest 3G network...
It would be great.


Well-Known Member
As soon as you shoot that Elk, you've given away ur grow spot location.

like a year ago i saw in a news article something about how some fag park rangers went to ivestigate some 'poachers' and ended up calling police after this dude just ran from them into the woods and eventually they found a shit load of plants and animal bodys lol he was poaching ill look for the article