<OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close


Active Member
lets all put a collection of ideas on how 2 keep people away fom are stash and ways 2 know if there getting close 2 it.


Active Member
for large outdoor grows, my partners and I always made sure someone was camped and posted with a semi-automatic rifle......all camo'd up and stealthy....rotated a couple days camp between the three of us....


New Member
for large outdoor grows, my partners and I always made sure someone was camped and posted with a semi-automatic rifle......all camo'd up and stealthy....rotated a couple days camp between the three of us....
what would you really do with a semi auto? if your that worried your spot cant be good. shooting people walking in the woods over weed is never good. my votes for tall pricker patches that block sight and trespassers. put them in small groups so they wont be seen from above is the only thing


Active Member
for large outdoor grows, my partners and I always made sure someone was camped and posted with a semi-automatic rifle......all camo'd up and stealthy....rotated a couple days camp between the three of us....
LOL what did you plan on doing with the rifle? Thats all good for shooting animal pests but how would it help with people? You just shoot them and hope no one comes looking for them? You really sat there all day in camo waiting for someone to come upon your crop? :roll:


Well-Known Member
1. never plant more than 5 in one spot
2. Never put them in any pattern
3. Top some, leave some normal.
4. Find a place that has been clear cut , but has had at least a year to grow random types of vegitation with various shades of greens and browns.
5. Never go to your spots the same way over and over again. You have to mix it up. I recommend buying a plugger and plotting your points so you can get to them from anywhere. Once you've plotted them, write them down on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere safe. Familiarize yourself with a basic compass if you aren't already in case your plugger fails.
6. Stay away from linear paths (creeks, roads, wood lines, power line trails, etc.) these are the natural paths people tend to follow through the woods if they're available.
7. Stay away from known areas of interest in the woods, or easily recognizable landmarks( unique trees, boulders, caves, etc.)
8 Don't break brush. Walk softly. Have another reason to be in the woods if you happen to walk up on somebody.
9. Don't smoke cigarettes on the way to your spots. People can smell smoke if they're near by. If you do, put your butts in your pocket.
10. Don't set traps. It's a dead give away. As much as some people like to talk, they don't have the balls to set a deadly trap, nor are they prepared to deal with the consequenes in event somebody actually hits it. Even if they don't know it was you that set it, you better believe somebody will wonder why it was there. Try going out to your crop after that. Good luck.

Ways to know if you've been found out :

Pay attention to the way everything looks everytime you come and go.
If your spot is really good, you shouldn't have to worry about somebody walking up on it.
If they do, it just wasn't your day.


Well-Known Member
leave paper moneis laying around. if the bills are gone someone has been there. you may have to place a small rock on top of it so it doesn't blow away. :wink:


Active Member
good advice painwrek.... man people are stupid
actually dipshit..... since you haven't grown over a 100 plants at a time in the woods i would just shut the fuck up. you ever see an elk eat 10 of your fucking plants? not a pretty site. so we'd just shoot mother fuckers. what about bears? ever had to kill one? didn't think so...... i'm not going to invest tons of work and money and lose 30% of my crop b/c i didn't take ALL necessary precautions......

I NEVER SAID THE GUN WAS FOR SHOOTING PEOPLE. Thats what they camo is for. If someone stumbles upon your crop, your out of site and out of mind, but you still KNOW if someone has discovered your shit, as opposed to just NOT knowing if someone has found it, and plans on returning to retrieve YOUR goodies.

man, people are stupid is right.... ITS CALLED COVER YOUR ASS


Active Member
LOL what did you plan on doing with the rifle? Thats all good for shooting animal pests but how would it help with people? You just shoot them and hope no one comes looking for them? You really sat there all day in camo waiting for someone to come upon your crop? :roll:
yes we sat there all day. 1 person at a time, for two days, and rotated shifts until harvest.

Our mentality was that if someone found it. we wanted to know about it. like right away. we liked the security of knowing if the crop has been seen or not. not only by people, but choppers as well..... we didn't like the idea of walking to our spot every time, sketched out and paranoid, wondering if anyone had been there. when you have over 100 outdoor plants, you MUST take precautions. did we go overboard? probably. were we successful? yes.


Active Member
yes we sat there all day. 1 person at a time, for two days, and rotated shifts until harvest.

Our mentality was that if someone found it. we wanted to know about it. like right away. we liked the security of knowing if the crop has been seen or not. not only by people, but choppers as well..... we didn't like the idea of walking to our spot every time, sketched out and paranoid, wondering if anyone had been there. when you have over 100 outdoor plants, you MUST take precautions. did we go overboard? probably. were we successful? yes.
i like the way u think man we might end up doing that that the best idea yet!!!


Active Member
thanks bro +rep to you...

its like taking your young kids to the bus stop, ya know? they would probably be alright without you, but do you want to take the chance of leaving them by themselves?


Well-Known Member
i'm an inside grower these days, but used to do the outside thing, some good harvests, lots of ripoffs too
but i still yearn for another outside grow, mulling over the electronic surveillance angle
it's often mentioned here in various threads
the trade off is it's probably doable, but expensive - you need good equipment, and a thorough setup
loved painwrek's post, had thought about that way back, but just settled for sneaking up on the grow
and i have my bear story, didn't have a gun, and it wasn't a fun situation
but i think if you're willing to spend the money/time, you can do the electronic setup, but it's quite a project


New Member
Sure, mix ur guns with weed. That'll always help.
im calling either total bullshit or just stupidity. weed plants in that quantity should grow where people DONT go and if choppers see it you dont want them to see you running around with your ak too. pointless to sit there with guns( although id take a pellet gun to plink around when i do go and check up


Well-Known Member
im calling either total bullshit or just stupidity. weed plants in that quantity should grow where people DONT go and if choppers see it you dont want them to see you running around with your ak too. pointless to sit there with guns( although id take a pellet gun to plink around when i do go and check up
depends a lot on where you are in the country
he mentions elk, if there are elk, that could be grizzly bear territory
he did say it wasn't for people, and one thing i can testify on with experience - if you managed to get there, you'll be surprised how many other people may be there, you may think an area remote, and find out differently the hard way


New Member
depends a lot on where you are in the country
he mentions elk, if there are elk, that could be grizzly bear territory
he did say it wasn't for people, and one thing i can testify on with experience - if you managed to get there, you'll be surprised how many other people may be there, you may think an area remote, and find out differently the hard way

As soon as you shoot that Elk, you've given away ur grow spot location.


Well-Known Member
As soon as you shoot that Elk, you've given away ur grow spot location.
could be, not an ideal situation, always had heard that 1 shot won't enable another to lock in on direction, that it takes 2 shots
it's not for me, i'm not in that wild a section of the country, but i could see there some areas a gun could be a prudent thing to have

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
In Humbold county, (I'm speaking about on the Yurok/Karuk/Hoopa Indian Reservation), they use bear traps; dogs; buried sharp scrap metal; the ever popular Uzi, along with any other choice of guns, these are only the ones that I have seen with my own eyes. If you wander into someone's patch and don't hit any of this, they won't kill you (cops and feds aren't a problem usually for these big boys), just rough you up a lot. However, if you are caught with their product on you, you are a gonner, and they have holes already dug in the ground on the backs of mountains ready for the lifeless bodies to go into.
They also use those IR wildlife cameras that you velcro to trees and stuff to take pictures of deer, etc. So even if you do get away, if they got a pic of you stealing, it's just a matter of time before you are dealt with. They also have video cameras in the trees surrounding their crop.
These are the big boys of Humblodt county though, were talking thousands of pounds here, where corruption runs rampid. These guys know who is getting busted that year before the crop is even planted, it's already arranged. What's even better is most of the lords are females, usually daughters of the previous lord, with the same entourage. Honeydew ring a bell for anyone that knows what I am talking about? lol
Everyone from there knows where is safe, and where is not safe to walk around in the forest.

But for the non murdering pot growers, like the rest of us I'm sure...those deer cameras are great. They're motion sensored, and have a IR flash, so you never know you got your picture taken unless you see the device.

I can understand if you think this is all bullshit, but alas, this is not the case. Don't believe me? Well there really is no way to prove it unless you are from the area and have seen it for your self. Or go there for yourself and see what happens.
Most growers, even some big growers on here i'm sure, don't think it's that big of a deal to get worked up over. But were talking about a place that time has forgotten, where 80% of the population down river don't have electricity, and where millions of dollars of weed are grown each year. The big growers there have done it their whole lives, it's just what they do.