out-of-country order rules?


I’m pretty new to this all. Always smoked, never grew. But I really would LOOOOOooOOOOoOooOoVE! For that to change!! PLEASE HELP!If i order from attitude, and im from the US, would I have to pick up my order at the post office?? Or could it be mailed to wherever? 'cuz ive seen a few post, stating that now all foreign mail must be picked up at the post office? Fact or false? Can’t find the info anywhere... Also if youre still with me! ?¿? if there is a better way, then please let me know, however keep in mind, i can not order to my home address and i will not order with my own cc info (yes yes im sure its fine, im just weird) and also, NO! I can’t move to Colorado or Washington Thx!Ps sorry if this is in the wrong section And thx to all the great people out there who make this site up. Every member, ty!!!!!!!!


Active Member
messenger pigons? Or perhaps they could transit on your hopes and dreams? I'm sorry this post is dumb go buy and try


Active Member
Attitude is legit... no bullshit.
You should read their "terms and conditions"... by not using your "real" info, you are giving up any ability for Attitude to fix your order if something is wrong. Basically, if you're order is returned to Attitude, for whatever reason (wrong name with address, un-deliverable address, etc.) or if you have a problem (cracked beans, mis-count, missing portion of order) and they somehow find out that its not a completely 100% legit and good address and name... Then it violates their "terms and conditions" of ordering and they get to keep your hard earned money and you get nothing.
I have never once heard of a problem with Attitude that they didn't attempt to fix... I've also never heard of anyone having to go to post office to pick up a letter from England.
I think you should just make the order.