Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

I think it's a brave a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself. I also can't help but wonder if kids under 12 would still say stuff like this if they didn't have access to watching it on t.v. or the internet. It's okay to let your children be who they are but they also are looking up to you for guidance and the knowledge of what society deems normal and not normal in confusing and hard times.
I think it's a brave a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself. I also can't help but wonder if kids under 12 would still say stuff like this if they didn't have access to watching it on t.v. or the internet. It's okay to let your children be who they are but they also are looking up to you for guidance and the knowledge of what society deems normal and not normal in confusing and hard times.
There is evidence showing that was indeed the case far before tv/internet.

Humanity is a lot more than just what we are told to believe it to be.
I think it's a brave a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself. I also can't help but wonder if kids under 12 would still say stuff like this if they didn't have access to watching it on t.v. or the internet. It's okay to let your children be who they are but they also are looking up to you for guidance and the knowledge of what society deems normal and not normal in confusing and hard times.

Sorry, your "influenced by TV and internet" theory is bunk.
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For the first time ever kids in elementary school
Time for a different user account, dimwit.
There is a new documentary out on Netflix that's about Trans Gendered adults called "Disclosure" and there childhood experiences leading to adult hood and now looking back what they feel led them to those worst decisions in there life. I suggest for your child's sake you watch this and learn some things from Trans Gendered adults and not me cause it's not my fight. I pray for your child tho, education can go far please watch it.
I pray for your child tho, education can go far please watch it.
So ya wanna pray the issue away, there is no God so there is nothing to pray to. They are getting the help of qualified professionals, how transgender people are portrayed on screen by Hollywood should have no bearing on their decisions.
UncleBuck another great one for you and your husband to watch is" I want my sex back" this is a documentary by Trans Gendered people. No wonder your kid is confused, you don't even know how to talk to people, that poor child. Maybe your husband and yourself uncle buck should quit wearing dresses in the house infront of you kid, it may help.
There is evidence showing that was indeed the case far before tv/internet.

Humanity is a lot more than just what we are told to believe it to be.
I suggest you watch " I want my Sex Back" it's a documentary on transgenderd people and the decisions they made hanging there sex and now that there in there 50s looking back and telling you what it is they really needed and the parents they wish they had. Great info cause I'm trying to learn as well.
UncleBuck another great one for you and your husband to watch is" I want my sex back" this is a documentary by Trans Gendered people. No wonder your kid is confused, you don't even know how to talk to people, that poor child. Maybe your husband and yourself uncle buck should quit wearing dresses in the house infront of you kid, it may help.
You seem to have an issue with sex, you joined yesterday and found your way onto this particular thread in politics after just 3 posts that appear to be for the purposes of getting likes and permissions.

You are an asshole alright and a sock who's been kicked off here before.
For the first time ever kids in elementary school

There is a new documentary out on Netflix that's about Trans Gendered adults called "Disclosure" and there childhood experiences leading to adult hood and now looking back what they feel led them to those worst decisions in there life. I suggest for your child's sake you watch this and learn some things from Trans Gendered adults and not me cause it's not my fight. I pray for your child tho, education can go far please watch it.
Go pray for yourself. Pray real real hard that you get over your fucked up thoughts. Tell your neighbors to pray for you too, I think their kids are at risk.
UncleBuck another great one for you and your husband to watch is" I want my sex back" this is a documentary by Trans Gendered people. No wonder your kid is confused, you don't even know how to talk to people, that poor child. Maybe your husband and yourself uncle buck should quit wearing dresses in the house infront of you kid, it may help.
How long do you think transgenderism has existed
I think it's a brave a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself. I also can't help but wonder if kids under 12 would still say stuff like this if they didn't have access to watching it on t.v. or the internet. It's okay to let your children be who they are but they also are looking up to you for guidance and the knowledge of what society deems normal and not normal in confusing and hard times.
Keep wondering

With all the gender bias blaring on tv 24/7 the Christian right's norms, its a wonder that you would focus on a teensy bit that contradicts the vanilla "family values" you accept without question. With the blinders you have up, you'll continue to say you "wonder" but you really don't "wonder" do you? All I see is you telling.

Since others are insisting what I should read or listen to, I'll set you up with one:

That article says you have been brainwashed into a false belief in gender.
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