Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

For the first time ever kids in elementary school

There is a new documentary out on Netflix that's about Trans Gendered adults called "Disclosure" and there childhood experiences leading to adult hood and now looking back what they feel led them to those worst decisions in there life. I suggest for your child's sake you watch this and learn some things from Trans Gendered adults and not me cause it's not my fight. I pray for your child tho, education can go far please watch it.
Are you completely retarded? "Disclosure" is a documentary about how transgender has been treated in film.

You clearly have not watched it. Did Alex Jones review it? Rush Limbaugh? I remember hearing that fat windbag characterize an HBO show as "romanticizing kids doing drugs and showing how much fun it is" when in reality if was pretty much exactly the opposite.

Damn you people are so very, very not smart.

Time to open a new account, junior.
I suggest you watch " I want my Sex Back" it's a documentary on transgenderd people and the decisions they made hanging there sex and now that there in there 50s looking back and telling you what it is they really needed and the parents they wish they had. Great info cause I'm trying to learn as well.
Ok, you are a certifiable idiot. The "documentary" in question is "I want my gender back" and is a poorly done piece put out by RT (Russian Times) to enrage imbeciles like you.

It must be easy to do that since you are easily manipulated and enraged.

"I want my sex back" is what you said to your mom once they found a new home for your dog.

Edit: It seems like this "documentary" went by both names. RT screwed up by equating sex and gender which sort of tipped their hand that this was meant to be consumed by uneducated rednecks.
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It must be easy to do that since you are easily manipulated and enraged.


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Dick = male
No dick != male

You morons should stick to discussing the next killer variant that never materializes to anything

Remember you are all pathetic. Have a great day!
Because you said so?

Hows it feel to know deep down that you are up to your neck in hateful propaganda being pushed at your special kind of stupid?
Dick = male
No dick != male

You morons should stick to discussing the next killer variant that never materializes to anything

Remember you are all pathetic. Have a great day!
Hey that variant out of India will be a real Trumper killer, no masks and no vaccines with large social gatherings. Believe bullshit and die will become more true than ever. When the vaccines come out of emergency use statues and you are unvaccinated and catch covid, your healthcare insurance won't cover it. Stupidity will become a preexisting condition and a fake POV won't help you at all with the hospital bill, neither will claiming you had covid before and don't need a vaccine. Soon being a Trump sucker will have real financial costs for many, it already cost lot's of racist assholes their lives.
Amazing that one little troll could get so butthurt that he would have to use a dozen accounts.

At least it keeps him off the streets.
I'm surprised Buck hasn't started a transgender thread to suck them in. I think one of the reasons you attracted them to this thread, was they thought they sensed a certain vulnerability, like most bullies. When the landed here though their asshole started to hurt pretty quick, SURPRIZE! :lol:

Now if @UncleBuck wanted to do the same thing he should portray a certain vulnerability in the thread preamble and I'm sure it will attract them like flies to shit. You could experiment a bit to perfect this approach of attracting trolls, who are essentially bullies and they can be suckered like any other bully, they all look for vulnerabilities they can exploit.
I'll see your Rush Limbaugh "fat windbag" and raise you a Michael Moore. (said in a card shark kind of voice)

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See, your problem is you don't see the difference. Rush was a very highly paid racist blowhard, paid by billionaires and whose programs were distributed for free to radio stations, while he made hundreds of millions. Moore made relevant independent documentaries about pressing social problems and injustice, he made a few million dollars doing it too, but not too much money by today's standards and I understand he gives some of it away and supports social causes.

Moore is a caring conscientious human being, Limbaugh was on the psychopathy spectrum, a fellow travel with the traitor Trump. Support a traitor and you become one yourself.