well with the way people in higher places can do alot meaning people in protective custody given death certificates , a new name new place to live
kinda amazing how DNA results so they say proves it was him yet what did they use a pregnancy test kit??

) last time i looked at Dna it takes more then just hrs to complete it takes a while to do and i am pretty sure it can't be done in the field
have they actually showed his body remember this day an age plastic surgery is amazing
Scenerio americans have not one a war in the middle east EVER and to this day there losing how can we boost the moral of the united states ??? easy we killed binladen lets make a mock up hell we kill civilains there every day find a look alike give him some plastic surgery and wa laaa thats him
Scenerio 2 were pulling out of there end of year and the world is seeing how we cant even won this war we couldnt even find 1 person binladen contacted usa and said hey enough is enough let me live out my life as i was dead make it happen lol
i am just saying this cause this day and age with all the BS propaganda goin on you cant even believe anyone anymore