Original Breeders Packaging

Imho, HSO, DNA/RP/CFF , Dinafem, g13 have the best..particularly dna/rp & cff , aslong as they dont get soaked , they will last along time..that foam shit they use is like insulation loll. I also would like to hope HSO use good for nothing pulp wood that would of ended up in a scrap pile. Otherwise it would be expensive packaging and alot of nonsensical waste.

What seed company is cff
I also would like to hope HSO use good for nothing pulp wood that would of ended up in a scrap pile. Otherwise it would be expensive packaging and alot of nonsensical waste.

i agree... we dont need breeders packs to get any bigger. the NEW exotic genetix packages take up too much damm space in my jar! i like there old ones. simple disc and baggie.
i do like bodhi's simple packaging. takes no room. but heard of crushed beans a couple of times. so be careful!!!!
i think the best ones, are the small plastic disc with small baggies like ggg, archive, cabin fever, old exotic, og raskal, and plenty others.

i wonder how much aficionado mendocino would be without the fancy packing.....
Breeders packs get caught easyer ,i used to always get them now i always have them repacked better sucsess rate of getting threw customs and iv ordered alot of beans

All my orders have been in breeders packs and I've always got mine. And I've done a bunch of orders. I guess it's the luck of the draw. Customs must be bored some days more than others so they randomly check more packages.
Just got my first order from choice seeds went good

What beans did you get. And did you use the same username and password from the tude. Coz it will work. I think the tude changed names due to the credit card companies giving them hard time processing payments
Sounds like your stocking up on the tga gear. I got some cheese quake and querkle a couple months ago. Subs got some fire to be found in his packs.
I got like 10 coffie cups and some t shirts from the tude, breeders boutique and herbies are good just like the tude and choice because you get more beans for free

Same I have about ten different coffee cups from the tude. I have like fourteen cups in total. I got a couple doubles. Ordering twice in the same month lol was on a bean binge.
Ya got one flave left , also got some breeders boutique deep purple querkle and cheese quake x ak48 so got some tga crosses ,ima grow some dog and jakes dream this winter just sprouted purple trainwreck and giga bud