Well I'll be working with approxmatiely 140sq.. A buddy of mine wants to just get bags of FFOF soil but thats gonna be like $400-500 bucks.. What is the best route I should go? I feel like it's getting a little late in the game to do a supersoil (coots/subcool)..
I agree with the other folks here. Get some old cow poop. Till that in. Put foxfarm in the holes if you wish. If you want them big, get them in as early as you can.

Basically I run coots as well as I can without a great castings source. I throw in "extra" dry amendments like the subcool mix.
nobody gives away composted manure,thats why its called black gold! I can get free raw cow shit but compost is 30-50 a yard.

I don't know where you are but this is from my local Craigslist:

Posted 10 days ago

image 1 of 3


Free for the taking.
I load, you truck.

I will load your pick-up, trailer or 6-wheel dump.

Have about 60 yds of aged Horse
Manure mixed with paddock scrapings.

I picked up a yard last week, free for the compost, $10 to have him pull out the tractor and load my pickup bed.
I don't know where you are but this is from my local Craigslist:

Posted 10 days ago

image 1 of 3


Free for the taking.
I load, you truck.

I will load your pick-up, trailer or 6-wheel dump.

Have about 60 yds of aged Horse
Manure mixed with paddock scrapings.

I picked up a yard last week, free for the compost, $10 to have him pull out the tractor and load my pickup bed.
sorry I wouldn't call that compost,looks like top soil at bestIMG_2021.JPG an horse manure not good for compost way to many seeds an weeds in it.this is top notch compost black gold!!
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Amended with Kelp meal, Azomite, dolomite lime, neem meal, oyster shell, bio live, bio fish, gypsum, composted chicken manure, and bio tone starter. Rice hulls and lava rocks next. Gotta grind up some malted barley and get that down too. Till tomorrow maybe
can you order that neem meal on line?i would like to try it.what is the reason most people use neem meal I think its to help roots and to help stop mold,tell me what it helps the most for I have never used it befor but would like to try it out.
can you order that neem meal on line?i would like to try it.what is the reason most people use neem meal I think its to help roots and to help stop mold,tell me what it helps the most for I have never used it befor but would like to try it out.
Yes, you can order up to a 40lb bag of down to earth neem meal on Amazon. Clackamas coot talks about the benefits of neem and the studies behind it. It helps build resistance to bugs and disease. Decent source of nitrogen and potassium. Smells unique.
Do you not have gophers?....I cannot plant straight into ground, gophers kill 1in3....
As a kid I would hunt gophers with a pellet gun at my grandma's house. Luckily none have showed up at the garden locations. I did not realize they would ruin plants. They are easy to kill, though. Just dump a gallon jug of water into their hole. They will run right up into the jug. Grandma taught me that expert move.
As a kid I would hunt gophers with a pellet gun at my grandma's house. Luckily none have showed up at the garden locations. I did not realize they would ruin plants. They are easy to kill, though. Just dump a gallon jug of water into their hole. They will run right up into the jug. Grandma taught me that expert move.
the said part is they usually kill the biggest and healthiest plants.....:cuss:and many times by the time you know they are there the damage is already done:sad:
IMG_20190421_192217.jpg Got a bale of rice hulls down, a dozen bags of lava rocks, and till until the little tiller quit on me. Started building the top. Going with the cheap 3/4 PVC again.
I am close to finishing up my 24x24 cage it cost a little under $150 to build luckily I had a bunch of oak 1in boards. I just need to run the top boards some barbed wire and build the door. I plan to use grenade heads to build trip wire alarms that use a shotgun primer and a motion detection light to let me know if thieves are around. I plan on using dairy doo 301 soil for my plants this year everybody says its some good stuff. here is my cage and plants. you can find me in the grow journal section of the forum.20190427_200833.jpg 20190430_131934.jpg
what do they do eat the roots? gots lots of ground hogs here but they don't seem to bother plants.
yes they eat/kill the roots. Your best and biggest plants usually. If a plant just starts to wilt for no reason, dig around the roots and you will find the gopher holes. we put hardware wire cloth down to prevent this, or use pots
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