Looks good to me bro as far as the base goes! Def. will stretch a LONGGGGGGGG way especially when you add more EWCs and some compost maybe.
One thing I've learned tho, is that compost/humus based soils are much more forgiving than coir based soil simply because they have a higher CEC(cation exchange capacity), so they retain more or everything, and buffer the pH a better...
That's why ONLY reason I went with FFOF over Fox Farm Happy Frog as a novice!! Not I consider myself an amateur on the come up haha!
Ans sucks for the super soil as far as it being too dense. Just looking at the recipe for the mix, it's SOOOOO damn nutrient rich that it almost seems like too much is added to it!!!!
But yeah, everything sounds good boss! For 12 cu ft. of soil, you should need to add anywhere from 36-48cups of amendments in total. That not including your EWCs and compost! Just mineral and nutritional amendments!
I'd say do some diggin on Kelp Meal or hit @cannabication up and look for the little power point presentation I made to help me learn what my nutes do/how they work! Kelp meal can be used in the soil double time( added in two separate parts for mineral and nutritional purposes)!
The tomato tone will suit you for sure and then maybe add something with a bit more P, and don't FORGET THE MYCOS!!!!
They don't do much or really anything when you amend the soil with them as they need roots to do their do...But they will remain in the soil as dormant spores...
I think, in fact I know you're gonna be good man...Just a lil back tracking for you and bada bing bada boom! Back to your Jordan-esqe ways haha!
Just hit the lasses with what should be their last or maybe second to last AACT tho, and they're looking so damn good man. Nice and green and chunked up in ALL the right places hahah!
But lastly bro...As you've seen with this crop lol, and the 3 harvested, other than the molasses OD I haven't had one problem!
So with that said, I wouldn't hesitate to jump on my simple mix and see how it works for ya boss!
I'll be tweaking my mix ONLY the slightest from time to time to see what I can do better, but I think I got lucky and got really close the first mix, so the second mix just did it on em lol