Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 53

FLWR15.jpgFLWR1.jpgFLWR13.jpgFLWR12.jpgFLWR14.jpg So Rack #1 has been doing pretty good. very little signs of pm since iv started the 3 day spray regime. Have noticed the buds starting to swell this last week.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 23

FLWR23.jpgFLWR2.jpgFLWR22.jpgFLWR24.jpg Rack #2 has been doing pretty good. had to bend a couple of Super Lemon Haze tops as they were stretching too much. This rack is absolutely packed. been trying to thin her out last week or so.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 38

FLWR32.jpgFLWR3.jpgFLWR34.jpgFLWR33.jpg Rack #3 is just a massive rack. buds are everywhere and are starting to get real fat and juicy. this rack was on a clearex flush got a new res of nutes and going on the final run. This Rack looks like its going to yield very well.

dirk d

Active Member
hey george that branch there is 9.5" the branch to its right is at 11".

Was inspecting rack #2 and #3 seems that there is some pm at the scrog level. went and gave both racks a full trim job today. looks like airflow should be increased dramatically. the White Russian is really looking good. i'm going to do a full rack of 4 of them in about 4 weeks.

The super lemon haze rack has just massive budsites. however like rack #2 there was signs of pm at the scrog level. will need to adjust future scrog's to expect pm at scrog level and adjust pro-actively

dirk d

Active Member
thanks 4tatude. been quite the battle iv gone threw but im starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. just need a couple good harvests to help me get the rest of the gear i need to completely dial in this room.

still having some issues with water temps. looks like i need to get some chillers. was thinking of getting a few 1/4 hp ecoplus chillers to go on each aero unit. that way i can be completely done with the aero racks as far as the tri meters are concerned lol.

The Super lemon Haze is already starting to stink up my entire flower room lol. sweet lemon skunk to the max!


Well-Known Member
dirk what are you using for odour controll, n does it totally eliminare or mostly.? im soon to be setting up a larger space and will need total controll if possable. looking at options

dirk d

Active Member
dirk what are you using for odour controll, n does it totally eliminare or mostly.? im soon to be setting up a larger space and will need total controll if possable. looking at options
hey 4tatude i got a 8" eco plus fan with a 8" carbon filter. i didn't need one that big could of gone with the 6" but honestly why f*** around? i supersized! thing works beautifully and i got no odor issues. now my vegger thats another story lol. i got to get a 4" carbon filter for that room.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 57

FLWR12.jpgFLWR1OG.jpgFLWR1.jpg this rack is doing pretty good. been on flush for a day now. Im having water temp problems in the afternoon. been putting in gallon blocks of ice trying to keep the res at a decent temp but after about 8-9 hours the room has just been hot for too long. Next upgrades will be a 1/4 hp chiller for this Rack then will work to get chillers on each rack.

The PM issues have been kept to a minimal through my spraying regime. However i think due to all the spraying it has hurt trich coverage on the sugar leaves. buds still look packed with trichs. Hopefully i'll be dealing with the last of my PM issues. Will start hitting the clone room with eagle 20 in a couple days.

I also was having some air flow problems in the back of Rack #1 so i decided to move my scrubber against the wall to try and move that dead spot air around. do not know why i didnt think of this before.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 27

FLWR23.jpgFLWR2.jpgFLWR22.jpgFLWR24.jpg I went through the other day and gave this rack a full trim. Also went through and cut out any flower sites that were deemed "immature"

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 42

FLWR33.jpgFLWR35.jpgFLWR34.jpgFLWR3.jpgFLWR31.jpg Rack #3 is doing really well. lots of sticky gooey resin encrusted buds and leaves. The leaves are unbelievable when i look at them. Seems the trichs are just growing on top of more trichs.

dirk d

Active Member
So I was browsing my journal and thought it would be nice to just compare the growth on Rack #1
day17.jpg DAY 17
day24.jpg DAY 24
day34.jpg DAY 34
day41.jpg DAY 41
day53.jpg DAY 53

dirk d

Active Member
So went in to the flower room this morning and i guess my AC exhaust hose had come loose and was putting hot air into the room. temp was up to 95.8F!! Added cold water to every res and dumped all the ice i had in my house between the 3 reservoirs. Went through all the ice blocks in a matter of 15 min. It might be a mixed blessing in that i've read that the pm will not survive over 90F for long.

This was the 3rd time the AC duct had fallen out. guess im stubborn! went and duct taped the exhaust vent to the wall. will have to find some kind of locking vent tube so this doesnt happen again.

Also went through Rack #2 and cut out about 50 immature flower sites. This rack is looking much better, airflow is increased to the most susceptible area of my scrog and i will do this to every new rack from now on. With the removal of all these immature flower sites now the plants should focus more on the upper flower sites and add more mass there instead of redirecting energy to these crap sites.


Well-Known Member
dirk, those hiccups cost ounces, get that fixed asap.

I like the trimming technique, i do the same thing, but i do it once at 14 days and again at 21 days.