Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
i know george, im working on it. found some 4" locking vent caps at home depot but no 6" ones. they would have been perfect for what i need. thing is i need to upgrade my AC to that dual tube 12K btu one getting ready for my eventual CO2 addition.

I want to get some kind of trimming schedule going george. im thinking couple days before transferring to the flower room im going to lollypop all the veg girls. then around day 14 im going to give them their first haircut and then around day 25 im going to do a full "immature" trim job.

Was checking out my racks this morning and not much sign of PM, found a couple leaves around the scrog level in Rack #3 but that was it. I also hit my upcoming veg plants with green cure last night. just gave them a real nice drenching. Also seems that my movement of my scrubber behind Rack #1 is working pretty well. that area, that was a dead spot, now has pretty good air movement.

Was thinking of adding a couple more fans above my existing wall of 3 fans to increase air flow even more. Will have to think about that. already have 5 fans, need another one by my AC and then another 3 above my wall fans. so im thinking a total of 9 fans in my flower room.

Also got some Exel LG, supposed to be a systemic organic fungicide. will use that on the early veggers and then will hit my clones with the eagle 20 this weekend. This way i have a rotation of about 5 different PM products to use at different stages.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 62

FLWR14.jpgMACRO1.jpgFLWR1.jpgFLWR12.jpgFLWR13.jpg So this rack is coming to an end as well as this journal. will harvest on thursday. Very little signs of pm will know extent when i trim but this rack looks to be in very good shape.

Wanted to say thanks to everyone that came and visited my grow journal. Don't know when i'll start my next journal but i am going to be spending some time upgrading and improving my rooms.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 32

FLWR22.jpgFLWR23.jpgFLWR2.jpg So found some pm between racks 2 and 3 will go and spray these racks real good today

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 47

FLWR3.jpgFLWR33.jpgFLWR32.jpg So rack #3 is doing pretty good except for the pm i found along the scrog and between rack #2. buds are real nice and sticky gooey. lots of trichs everywhere.


Well-Known Member
looking great dirk!! hope you get it all dialed in by next run. you deserve it brother... drop in now n then n let me know how your doing, also be sure to post me a link to your new grow when you get it up n running....peace


Well-Known Member
dirk, definetly getting there, but at your own speed. You might want to try a fan underneath the scrog blowing straight up. This might help the circulation right at the scrog. Also, is that nute tip burn on the SLH? I will be flowering these in a few weeks, are they sensitive?


Well-Known Member
dirk, definetly getting there, but at your own speed. You might want to try a fan underneath the scrog blowing straight up. This might help the circulation right at the scrog. Also, is that nute tip burn on the SLH? I will be flowering these in a few weeks, are they sensitive?
great advice george, i forgot i had a box fan blowing up when i was running a sb system. just had it setting on the tube rack supports on low.

dirk d

Active Member
you know i was thinking about putting a fan pointing straight up inbetween my rack #2 and #3. Have it in my clone room. it's actually one of those vornado fans. might do that.

As far as the nute burn, im not really sure. i haven't ran the ppm's higher than 1200 but it does kind of look like some minor nute burn. I'll keep a closer eye on them.

thanks for everything guys. I just want to spend some more time on my girls and doing all these grow journals takes a lot of effort. I'll be around lurking in the shadows but i'll be sure and stop in and say hi to everyone.


Well-Known Member
Looks like we've both got fed up with the perpetual thread idea fella :eyesmoke:, I'm gonna miss your updates but wish you all the best in your future mate. Strain grow log reports are the way to go imo, more stress free...
Stay in touch though mate yeah, Stay Up's!! :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah dirk, it is the dog days of summer. It hits all of us newbies really hard. Once the room is fully upgraded and dialed in, time can be given back to the journal.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 64

FLWR12.jpgFLWR13.jpgFLWR1.jpgFLWR15.jpgFLWR14.jpg Alright so im cutting these girls in the morning. This racks looks real good. haven't seen any sing of pm at all. Even the collars look real clean. This rack will get the top feed upgrade tomorrow as well.

dirk d

Active Member
OG1.jpgOG2.jpgOG3.jpg And here's the OG Kush. I got to say this run with the OG has been my best. I know i can do much better. The buds are all nice and golden and dense. Lots of trichs everywhere as well. The buds are just covered in them. This is going to be some real nice smoke for sure.


Well-Known Member
ill take a #1 with a side of #3 n a big og kush to wash it down lmao dirk its like looking at a menue at the dairy queen :) makes my mouth water. look at the last 3 pages on my journal, ive been busy. i think you will like... keep growing hard brother!!!

dirk d

Active Member
GIRLS1.jpgGIRLS2.jpgGIRLS3.jpgGIRLS4.jpg here's the new girls Tahoe OG, Chocolope, Big Budha Cheese, and a DP Blueberry. and how do you scrog something like this you ask???