Oregon's Registry to Feds


Active Member
Here you go, you 4 patient growers maxing out your numbers all that extra that gets sold down south, lmfao everyone has extra to sell, now you see where that got ya, lol, here ya go:

A federal search warrant forced the state of Oregon to turn over some medical marijuana records, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is reporting.

The state, which administers and keeps all records of medical marijuana users, tries to keep card holders' identities private, the online paper says.

Since pot is still illegal federally, medical users are afraid they may face some retribution. But the feds say that medical marijuana growers are also selling their bud on the black market.

From the story:

The warrant was executed in November of last year against the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, the state agency that administers the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, voted into law in 1998.

As part of an investigation into growers in Oregon suspected of dealing on the black market (the PI doesn’t name suspects in investigations unless they have been charged with a crime), a special agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration obtained the warrant to aid in his investigation.

“I know that in order to effectively pursue this investigation,” wrote special agent Michael Gutensohn in his application for the warrant, “I need to investigate each of the patients, growers and caregivers associated with” names discovered in the investigation.

“I have probable cause to believe that records from the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program will contain evidence and instrumentalities of marijuana manufacturing and trafficking and conspiracy to commit marijuana manufacturing and trafficking offenses,” he wrote. __________________


Well-Known Member
So the Feds seize all of oregon's registered patient information and your laughing about it? That's pretty fucked up man. I hope all your ducks are in a row as they have your name too.


Active Member
But Im not selling to the clubs or to individuals, get it right. You can thank your friends for exploiting the law and it getting found out, remember THCF person in GP that got caught selling to NV residents, boy that looked good for the movement, eh? How's that gray area working out for ya? Now you see why nobody trusts those 4 patient per grower, 4 grower per site grows, its all bullshit, they export the extra of the patients, claim it is owed to them, and then wonder what is goin on when it gets found out. The multipatient growers have ruined it for the person growing his own. All over greed.


It can be googled also, funny thing is, it was done last November, lol, after the vote failed.

So the Feds seize all of oregon's registered patient information and your laughing about it? That's pretty fucked up man. I hope all your ducks are in a row as they have your name too.


Well-Known Member
Still pretty fucked up that you think the potential for people getting arrested over growing weed is funny.

Sounds like you have your agenda and your opinions all made up so whatever. But I for one don't consider someone that grows enough quality bud to sell to other people a "greedy" criminal that deserves to be locked up. Where the fuck do you think the weed in dispensaries comes from? People like you?

Your priorities are pretty fucked up dude.

Hater gonna hate.


Active Member
They are only looking for the goof's selling the extra to peeps, in state or out. If they were legal, they wouldn't be looking at them, eh? They are illegal and giving the med community a black eye, they get what they get. You notice they don't give the patient all that extra and say "oops, I grew too big a plant this year for ya" ,lmfao, they got extra patients to grow extra weight to sell to supplement their wallet, its not about compassion, lmfao, its about the greenback. Im not happy anyone goes to jail, but if you exploit this state's med system, you get what you get. You know good and well, they are looking at the max patient grower peeps, not the one or two patient growers, unless you are selling wide open. Let em close down the clubs and see what happens, you peeps in Portland have been spoiled for a long time, reality bites for the rest of the state. Its just catching up to that town now. Mr. Stanfords arrest and his asst's arrest didn't help matter, makes you think the compassion is phony, and it does appear to be so. The whole system was set up for the grow your own scenario and if you want someone to grow for you, or can't, you figure out how to do it, you don't rely on someone else. Was supposed to work that way, but then the dispensary's making all the money and the multipatient growers makin all the black market money, didn't take long for them to figure out the exploitation and profit margin goin on and still the patient gets shit for quality when it trickles down to him. Just the way its rollin, get used to it.


Active Member
and rumor also has it, those clubs that make a copy of your license and keep records of what you buy, when, your profile, etc. will be the first to go, Ive even heard they are gonna go after the patients, not just the clubs, but if you show up in the records they confiscate, for large amounts or frequent visits, look out. Supposed to be goin on next yr or so, and yes, its gonna hit Ptown, so lets's see how that goes over.


Well-Known Member
Your full of shit.

"Rumor has it". LOL. Yeah, I'm sure there is all kinds of rumors going on in hillbilly country.


Active Member
You;re just another stoner gash, wait and see what happens, they've had the shit since November, lmfao. Straight from the field office in Eugene, lol, see how you are laughing in six months or so, lmfao.

Your full of shit.

"Rumor has it". LOL. Yeah, I'm sure there is all kinds of rumors going on in hillbilly country.


Active Member
Also odd, I thought the state thought they were voting in an advocate at the AG spot with the new gal, pro MMJ, and all that, how fast did she cave in, lol?


Active Member
President Barack Obama’s drug czar toed a strict line on marijuana Wednesday, saying federal laws will prevail regardless of state-level efforts to legalize pot.

Gil Kerlikowske said enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 — which ranks marijuana as a Schedule One drug alongside heroin, LSD and ecstasy — remains in the hands of the US Department of Justice.

“No state, no executive can nullify a statute that has been passed by Congress,” the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy told a National Press Club luncheon.

“Let’s be clear: law enforcement officers take an oath of office to uphold federal law and they are going to continue to pursue drug traffickers and drug dealers,” he said.

Voters in Colorado and Washington last November approved proposals to legalize the possession of small quantities of marijuana by individuals in their respective states.

Earlier this month, a Pew Research Center opinion poll indicated that for the first time in more than four decades of polling on the issue, a majority of Americans — 52 percent — think marijuana should be legalized.

Several states have approved the medical use of marijuana with a doctor’s prescription, and the first marijuana clinic in the nation’s capital, just up the street from the Capitol, is near opening its doors.

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is meanwhile pressing his state’s legislature to decriminalize the possession in public view of less than 15 grams of marijuana.

But to the dismay of pot campaigners, many of whom voted to re-elect the Democratic president, the Obama administration has maintained its predecessors’ tough stance on marijuana as part of a broader, never-ending “war on drugs.”

Under US federal law, possession of marijuana is punishable by up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine for a first offense, going up to three years and $5,000 for repeat offenses.

On its website, the Office of National Drug Control Policy says marijuana has “a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States” as well as a raft of health risks.

Last week, the head of the US Drug Enforcement Agency, Michele Leonhart, told Congress it had seized $2.8 billion dollars in illicit drugs assets and profits, including some $750 million in cash.

Kerlikowske said the decriminalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington presented “a complex set of questions” to health professionals, school administrators, elected officials and law enforcement officers.

The former police chief of Seattle, Washington acknowledged that the drug debate in the United States is “extremely polarized” between those favoring wholesale legalization and those who prefer an iron-fisted crackdown.

“Neither of these extreme positions presents a 21st-century approach,” said Kerlikowske, who made a case for better youth education, more effective rehab programs and an end to the “stigma” that haunts recovering addicts.

“If you could fit an answer to the drug problems in this country on a bumper sticker,” he said, I think you can be assured of one thing — and that is that it’s wrong.”


New Member
First off with all the grey areas with the ommp, you'll always have people who will abuse it. The same happens with prescription pills some people use them the right way and then some people decide to sell them on the black market. Now how come the feds don't get all their records and prosecute them. People are to stuck on fighting about a flower cause that's all marijuana is after all.
If the feds would actually give the states their own rights to run their state how the citizens want then we would save so much money. The feds fight this " war on drugs" and honestly the thousands of lbs they seize each year is only a fraction of what's available to anyone. They need to figure out a way they can make money off it instead of wasting tax payers money.
I live in an area of Oregon where meth is a big problem but yet the cops down here focus more on catching someone with less than an eighth of marijuana on them. Makes no sense to me. In this small town everyone knows everyone and officers of the law use marijuana and they have to abide by federal laws but don't get drug tested or follow the laws. How are we expected to follow laws when the people who enforce them are also breaking the law. The government in our country is nothing more than organized crime and is crooked as all get up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So the Feds seize all of oregon's registered patient information and your laughing about it? That's pretty fucked up man. I hope all your ducks are in a row as they have your name too.
You think they just now got our name and # they have always had that imfo. That's why I have and always will stay in compliance.


Well-Known Member
Fuck anyone making money on patients or over flow meds you are the scum of the earth and deserve the jail and prison sentences you'll all get. Taking on a patient is somthing you should do out of the goodness of your heart and not for greed or to make a buck. If anything it will cost you money to provide your patient with meds not the other way around. 2 oz's a month to them with eitables oils kief etc.... Anything else and you are a fucking peace of shit unless your grow produces less. Anyone running more then 2000 watts for a single card even dual pateints are a fucking tool and thief.... Thats what you are doing you are tarnishing your patients good name and stealing their meds...... GROWERS ITS NOT ABOUT YOU ITS ABOUT YOUR FUCKING PATIENT!!!!!! That being said Im a OMMP grower for a single patient I dont make any money off of the grow and it cost me 100-150 a month to supply them with their meds. SHIT pisses me off some people NEED herb cant stand people trying to get over on the sick or disabled. MAKES ME SICK!


Whoa Whoa. You all are pretty riled up. Firstly Beacon, calling someone a "gash". Give me a break, that's ridiculous. This thread seems to have started about an article regarding the Feds being given our info here, and to that I say they most likely already had it, and it's not exactly a huge surprise. We need to stay in our limit's or accept the risk of growing more than what you are "legally" allowed.
I'm a patient and grow for myself, I don't pick up extra patients as I don't want to be a multiple card holder, however even if the growers out there are selling their extra meds to the dispensaries , why do you care? If you have 4 grow cards, you have a fairly extensive grow that requires a lot of work, maintenance and upkeep. It cost's money to operate it. Furthermore when you have an infection does the doctor give you free antibiotics? No, you pay for them because work was put into giving you that medication. I would love if everything was free too, but let's be real. If you have enough money to provide people with medicine for free than that's fantastic, keep rocking it. For others we need to consider the cost of the grow, and the time and energy it took up.


Well-Known Member
And who is to decide who these entitled individuals who "NEED herb"should be? You? The doctor who charges you 150$ just to take a quick look at your med records and sign off on it because you can afford to have established that medical history in the first place? "Our" government? Is it really sustainable to grow for someone at a loss and fair to expect growers to do so? You say you are a grower for one patient, does that mean you don't smoke ANY of the green you grow as the caregiver/grower as this would seem to be a breach of your supposed ethics?

Sure, the dispensaries turn a profit-- its how they keep their doors open. Hotels and restaurants charge money, even though shelter and food are considered necessities.It's a plant and it shouldn't JUST belong to you, me, or anyone else.


I agree, it's a plant and it's ridiculous to tell anyone they can't grow it. To answer the question on who Need's herb, I would say this. I have a card and a medical condition that causes me large amounts of pain , among other things. All though this makes life harder for me, I don't have cancer, glaucoma, etc. My condition will not kill me nor permanently alter my body. A friend of mine was arrested years ago for growing his medicine which he takes for his glaucoma. When he was arrested and put in jail they refused him his medicine despite his health continuing to decline. When he was finally released from prison he had completely lost sight in his left eye. He has one left. I would consider that more important than my need.

Lastly, re read my post. I said I am a patient and grow for myself. It's self explanatory, and obviously I smoke my meds that I grow. I also sometimes give to those I consider in a dire condition if I have extra. It's my right to decide who I consider to be in a dire condition since I grew the meds.


It would seem this discussion really comes down to: do you think it is immoral to grow and sell pot on the black market, or do you think that prohibition of recreational use is good?

It's easy to say "it's illegal so it's wrong and bad." I would encourage people, when looking at this issue, to assess the positives verses the negatives for OR. I grew up in OR and know how bad the economy is there. Pot used to be (and I'm guessing still is) the largest exported crop in OR, even surpassing timber. Imagine what would happen if it were timber not pot. How ridiculous would SlimJim's statement be? "Fuck anyone making money on lumber or overflow timber, you are the scum of the earth and deserve the jail and prison sentences you'll all get." Now I know there are people in OR who disagree with the timber market and think that it's wrong to cut down trees, and would like to see logging illegal. How do you view those folks? Do you think they are out of touch with reality? That's the same way I personally view supporters of prohibition.

So is it morally wrong to grow and sell pot on the black market? What would happen to Oregon's economy if it's largest export, even though it's in the black market, were eliminated? How much money does the state use to enforce marijuana laws? Who would be hurt or effected by repeal of prohibition? What does more damage, prohibition or legalization?

It seems simple: states like OR NEED to have the marijuana market (legal or not) in order to save it's economy. Recreational use of marijuana is safe and hurts no one but the person using it (that's even up for debate). So why would anyone think that growing and selling marijuana in OR is bad? I suppose if you believed that following the law is inherently good, and braking the law is inherently bad then maybe. I don't think that way myself.


Well-Known Member
jagerbomb, I guess I should have clarified that a marjority of what I was saying was in response to SlimJim's comments and not your own. You certainly should smoke meds you grow, unless like SlimJim you feel "

Obviously I don't feel this way, and believe everyone should have access to marijuana be it for medical or recreational reasons. I think medical and recreational smoking are one in the same, personally. I don't have a debilitating condition which would cause me to require the use of narcotic painkillers if I didn't have mary jane. This doesn't mean marijuana can't contribute to my overall well being..