Ordering online


Well-Known Member
Just wondering about ordering online, I need to order a light and am wondering if thats a good (safe) idea, dont really feel like getting heat.

Also, what would you guess would be a minimum hieght from light to plant for either a 250w hps or a 400w hps.

I have a traditional 4ft t8 32w x 2 in a 4'(h)x 4'(w)x30"(d) with a seedling mat and humiidity dome. I bought a few seeds (from a reputable source)
6 NL's, 6 Summertime Budha's and a couple Hindu Kushs.

Id like to use the 4 ft light for as long as I can (for Vegging), I dont have much $$$ and am only growing for myself.

Any answers or tips???

Id really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
yea its fine. you could be planting anything... if that was enough to put heat on people little old ladies would be getting arrested :)


Active Member
It's not illegal to buy the equipment. It's what some folks do with it afterwards that is. As long as you buy from a reputable dealer online. Other than that the only issue you should worry about is the package arriving intact. How many are you trying to veg at a time with those 2 flouros. I wouldn't try more than 3 to 4 small bushies under that. If your vegging more and bigger. I would suggest upgrading to some T5's 4 to 6 bulb/ or MH 250.


Well-Known Member
ID like to get a 250/400w hps from htgsupply but they wont ship to canada so I'll have to get one here. so you think the two flouro's will be ok to veg from for now (4 plants max)?? I'll get a bigger light when I can (before flowering) but I dont think I could shell out the cash for a good light right now


Well-Known Member
Im going to use Miracle Grow potting mix for medium, should I mix it, will it be ok?? Ive heard of plants burning because of it?? true/false??


Well-Known Member
If you use that soil, your plants will burn, and if they survive, they will do so in a mutated or possibly near death fashion (this is of course, for young plants) However, my plants took a considerable amount of burn from this soil, somehow survived and grew into bigger, badder ladies than the ones I had made before using soilless mix.


Well-Known Member
thanx, maybe I should look for something else, Ive heard fox farms is good but Im in the great wide north and I dont see that stuff much,


Well-Known Member
I'd start the lights about 18-24" away from the tops of the plants and move them closer until the plants show signs of not liking it.


Well-Known Member
my space is only 48" high (less the light reflector) so maybe I should use a lower wattage of light??? any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
BTW, I do really appreciate all the advice guys, I did some searching though and found what I was looking for in the lighting section, Thank you very much !!! Awesome site!! Lots of info!! Im looking forward to posting some pics!.......and getting high.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the site econofarmer! glad you found what you were looking for - and yes site is great - i get a lot of help.