optic led 650s help

my whites on 4 bars went out but the rest of the spectrum works. anybody know of the 3 drivers used for the optic led 650s? thanks in advance.
The only reason I say this is because even under warranty they will just send you the parts to fix yourself. They won’t send you a box or swap it one for one, rma it or anything. You spend all that on a light and they have you fix it yourself. I’m a network engineer by trade and a commercial grower I for one don’t have time to fix my lights after working and taking care of my family. Just their customer service isn’t what other lighting companies will do. Just my two pennies on the matter.
The only reason I say this is because even under warranty they will just send you the parts to fix yourself. They won’t send you a box or swap it one for one, rma it or anything. You spend all that on a light and they have you fix it yourself. I’m a network engineer by trade and a commercial grower I for one don’t have time to fix my lights after working and taking care of my family. Just their customer service isn’t what other lighting companies will do. Just my two pennies on the matter.
your right great lights but the service ehhhh
New! Optic LED Oklahoma City
USA Distribution Hub & Service Center #2
1101 Sovereign Row #D
Oklahoma City, OK 73108

Call Optic LED Oklahoma City - 405-326-0139
New! Optic LED Oklahoma City
USA Distribution Hub & Service Center #2
1101 Sovereign Row #D
Oklahoma City, OK 73108

Call Optic LED Oklahoma City - 405-326-0139
Thanks I'll try this one because the headquarters isn't doing the company justice, when i got through they said they'd call back after taking my number down to figure out the issue..... That was two weeks ago
3 drivers used for the optic led 650s
If it is the driver & it is a Mean Well call & send to TRC Electronics. They
are a Mean Well distributor / service center.

The Customer Support is FANTASTIC. Here is the contact info:
"Thanks for taking my call and requesting for a quote!

We save engineers an average of 11 hours of power supply research time per project by helping select the best power supply solution for their system. In addition, we solve any power supply problem.

Call me 24/7 at my mobile (908)894-9039 or reach me in the office at 267-705-2280 for support!"

Peter Reid
Power Sales Specialist
TRC Electronics, Inc.
their reply time is off the charts lol just trynna get some information in the meantime until they reply.
I hate to see the lack of customer support / service with any company!

If you purchased the light with a credit card, MasterCard use to provide a
1 year after purchase warranty. I do not know if this is still true. You could
call the cc company & see what they say. Good luck!
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Did you ever find out was the failure was, driver & repair the light?
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I own 7 different optic lights...so far never an issue... I ordered one of their single bar lights for a veg light about a month ago... opened it up and was missing the power cord... no biggie I had some extras laying around... I emailed the OKC store where I purchased the light... told them my issue... with a copy of my invoice... by the time I got home.. I had an e-mail response saying the were shipping out a power cord immediately... next day I received a tracking number and 2 days later I had a new power cord... that’s my only experience I’ve had with their customer service department in 3 years of using their lights... in my case... I would rate the customer service as outstanding...again this is my only experience...and it was only a power cord... but they resolved the issue promptly.
Man you are killing it with Red Bud Soil, KNF & those lights!
I look forward to seeing your posts keep up the great work &
thanks for the info!