Operation Starfish


Active Member
Hey everyone
So this journal is just for fun, so read, follow, suggest or comment freely. Just no negativity ok :)

To begin this novel I ended up with an accidental (broke a branch off moving it and didn’t want to trash it) clone Oct 9th from this bushy monster cropped large I have clone that’s like 60/40 Indica/sativa. She had a rough start, got freakishly bleached out in beginning cause I rooted her in my 3x3 tent under 525w actual draw of led light . But after like 2 weeks she rooted and was planted Oct 23. I initially named her “A III” her Mom being “A II” ect. since then I have been pegging her branches down, tucking others under the pegged ones, effectively scrogging it with its self and selectively pruning leaves and small branches, future “larf” sites ect... till she has become this beast I call her now and forever more “Operation Starfish” I’m probably done pegging the large branches now that they are circling the perimeter of the pot. But will continue to prune and LST secondary branches as they grow up vertically. She’s in a 1.5gallon plastic pot for now but will put her either in 3G fabric or plastic in a few weeks or so.
Join me on this journey, yes I want to gain as much yield as I can out of her eventually. But mostly this is being done for fun/experimentation lol. Pics are from random from Oct23-today Nov23
So enjoy the pics, feel free to comment ect. Just no negativity or trolling
happy growing.



Active Member
You got this lol
I know hahahahaha it’s just for shits. This is her mom, you can see how I hardcore LST’d her as well. The moms gonna flower solo in my 2x2 when it’s empty in 2-3 weeks. Starfish will get her turn after that. So she’s got 3 more months of veg time till then.



Active Member
Hello everyone
So to update I’ve continued my trend of “self scrogging” Starfish, tucking her own branches under each other. Twisting and even tying knots in single branches or with others. Using only the branches themselves. Nothing else except the branches themselves, I’m loving it!!! This plant is gonna lol beautiful/ridiculous by the time it’s done. A twisted knotted mass of branches and leaves. The Bonsai from hell!!! . Ironically enough it resembles a Christmas wreath right now, complete with hole in centre. Very festive I thought and completely unintentional. Zoom in on the pics so you can really see my evil twisting and bending of the branches. I’m messed up bus she’s gonna be a beautiful plant
Enjoy the pics of my creation muhahahaha
Happy Growing!

