*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Well-Known Member
i have my 400 about 24" from the light .you might want to put yours about the same or about 30" from the light as long as you can keep the plants cool .


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks i lowered it today to arround that, and filled the pots up with more soil to sort te stretching out, i am conducting an experiment & growing 9 ak47 under 1 600w HPS and 1 solo (soon to be joined by another) in my CFL room lol, heres the two new setups

Picture 1 & 2 the HPS set up and 3 & 4 the CFL set up, they are all 3 days old



Well-Known Member
great thread doc! ive got 3 or 4 weeks left of flower so i cant join u guys but will definitly follow along and follow your steps when i start my next grow...thanks for the advice uve given my thread...plants are doing awesome!...if you all follow the doc to a T u will be really impressed by your grow....good luck to all of ya!:weed:....my advice is if you have a problem, dont just strart doing shit! ask questions first then get answers, then fixx your problem

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
hello there just wondering if i could join in i planted 5 blz buds 2 weeks ago. And 2 supersilver haze along with 2 nyc diesels 1 week ago? got a few pics so far will have the whole way through one of the blz buds sproted 2 so i got six. lucky hay
please do...

Join what?

Can i join just planted 9 ak47 under a 600w hps in my new room and also have 1 solo ak47 planted in my old cfl room

They are all 3 days out of the soil
I think he meant the school.

I am Joining this class too..I just germinated my 10 AK48 seeds 3 days ago by putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours with a drop of superthrive. Most of the popped up last night.I planted them in 10oz. Clear cups and wrapped black plastic around them for covering the cups. and I can remove the plastic at any time to check the roots. I am using Happy Frog soil with perlite mixed in. The temp is 78 and Hum. is 60. I have them in a humitity dome with a heat mat below them. I need help..THIS IS MY SECOND GROW AND MY 4TH TRY. My first grow went great, but this second grow. I have killed messed up 15 plants with in the first month of there life. I cannot get them past the transplant stage. I look forward to more info.
We can help welcome aboard.

Cool, ive germinated 10 ak47 seeds 10 days ago, they all poped and are 3 days out of the soil

Good luck bro
very nice strain!!!

Can someone tell me the recommended hight to have my 600 w hps hood from my 4 day old seedlings, they have stretched a little
you could try The 600HPS but floro work very well for seedling/clone/ and the first phase of vegative growth. MH is a good choice for the latter veg stage but not nessesary. All of my vegative grow is under 40 watt floros----If I have density issues I use a T5.

i have my 400 about 24" from the light .you might want to put yours about the same or about 30" from the light as long as you can keep the plants cool .
watch the plants and make sure to watch for heat problems.

How long do I keep my 4 day old plants in the dome? For 1 week or 2 weeks?
as soon as they sprout--take them out. If you are reffering to the germanation---keep them under the dome till they break soil.

Ok thanks i lowered it today to arround that, and filled the pots up with more soil to sort te stretching out, i am conducting an experiment & growing 9 ak47 under 1 600w HPS and 1 solo (soon to be joined by another) in my CFL room lol, heres the two new setups

Picture 1 & 2 the HPS set up and 3 & 4 the CFL set up, they are all 3 days old
looks great..

great thread doc! ive got 3 or 4 weeks left of flower so i cant join u guys but will definitly follow along and follow your steps when i start my next grow...thanks for the advice uve given my thread...plants are doing awesome!...if you all follow the doc to a T u will be really impressed by your grow....good luck to all of ya!:weed:....my advice is if you have a problem, dont just strart doing shit! ask questions first then get answers, then fixx your problem
Thank you and thats good advice(the part about asking questions befor trying to resolve problems). If you don't know.


Well-Known Member
hey doc and everybody i went to the farmers co op the other day and got my P.H. meter,ppm meter and i got my nutes there that i will be useing and they are from green light 1:root stimulator and starter solution(5-15-5) 2:super bloom(12-55-6), i also got some organic flower booster from giant sea kelp that is a spray for the leafs the guy i was talking to there said they us them in there nursery. i already had from bonide is root and grow root stimulator(4-10-3) and some root tone for cloneing(that has not worked yet). from a hydro system i bought but have not used i got some general hydroponics that is a 3 parts: floragro(2-1-6),floramicro(5-0-1),florabloom(0-5-4). i have been using gh on the two plants i have growing now in soil.it seems to be working pretty good but i'm still new to growing anything and that's why i'm in this class to learn more.

p.s. i also got ph up and ph down

p.s.s. are these good enough nutes??

p.s.s.s. go steelers

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
That Neptunes harvest has alot of great things in it----If you use it I would add a high phos bat guano---(1-12-1) for flowering and some complex and simple sugars to feed the benificials and fungi.---Your plants will love you for it...

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I am going to be posting some new pics in the next couple of days along with my first feeding PH/PPMS and nutrients and additives---I hope by now you have your vegetative nutes on hand---If not get them.


Well-Known Member
Got the Alaska fish fert. along with molasses and superthrive. hope this works. do i need any other? found one last sprout last night. out of 14. 8 popped. new pics.
riu grow 101 003.jpg

riu grow 101 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Doc I need you help. Heres my grow they are 1 week old now after transplant, most of them look good but some of them are sickly! im really worried about 3-4 of them. The first week i watered 4 times and fed them only one of those times, at a mild 300ppm mix. The pH has been a steady 6.2 and the light approx 24 inches from them (1000w metal halide). Can you identify the problem thats causing this leaf detereoration? lemme know

Photos: One plant is healthy and the others are affected with some maladay. About 85% of the crop looks good though.



Well-Known Member
I think these seedlings are heat stressed how far would you recommend i have my 600w hps bulb from them (6 days old)

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
they are coming along. what do you all think ?.... thay are now 15 days old .

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They look great. So what do you think of the germanation method? Have you found it to be easy? How about fast?

I think these seedlings are heat stressed how far would you recommend i have my 600w hps bulb from them (6 days old)
Yes leaf burn---Look at the edges of the plants the margins are folding up. Get the light as high as possible---I use a 40 watt floro.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Ok thanks i lowered it today to arround that, and filled the pots up with more soil to sort te stretching out, i am conducting an experiment & growing 9 ak47 under 1 600w HPS and 1 solo (soon to be joined by another) in my CFL room lol, heres the two new setups

Picture 1 & 2 the HPS set up and 3 & 4 the CFL set up, they are all 3 days old
Way to close my friend---sorry I didn't see this pic post----A 600 can be 4 to 5' above the seedlings.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
First feeding is tonight and I will post pics of the girls---Please remember I used a 40 watt floro and some of the growers on here used 400/600 HPS-MH. When it come to the lighting, the choice is up to you. You need to weight the cost of operating a 400/600 for 18 or 24 hours.-------My 40 watt runs me 2.98 for 31 days of 24hour light. a 400 would cost 29.76 and a 600 would be 44.64. You look at the pics after I post and see the growth rates and lighting used.