One Seed Garden

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks I was wondering if everybody had me blocked. The buds are forming up real nice, soil/HPS is back ahead of DWC/CFL. I'll do a res change on Friday and move the soil pots off their risers next week some time, I'm hoping they have finished stretching.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm far more pleased with the soil's progress but I think the DWC is slowly catching up.

These are in essence one plant as they are clones all off the same mother.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks J!

The DWC is going nuts, drinking a ton of water.

Soil is starting to kick in and bud sites starting to fill. About 3" from the light, showing a little stress, but still have them on 6" racks, will remove the racks soon.


Well-Known Member
good to see your DWC is doing good, in veg i find my DWC plants dwarf my soil ones, though i do not really give the soil larger pots so they can expand... either way very nice setup!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks I did a rez change today and the bulkhead valve I put in worked like a charm. The roots looked real healthy, giving them lots of Hygrozyme.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
60 days is what the Attitude site says, medium height and medium flower what ever that means, 8 weeks I figure. About a third of the way there.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
The soil is finally putting all the energy into the buds:

Mother and left overs


Even though the DWC/CFL went to flower straight from clone at the same time as the soil they are still lagging behind.



Active Member
Dude Bonzi those babies are getting filled in nicely! Nice work bro..

The last two pics remind me of my room. Thats how it looks across my entire room. I can't even hardly move through it hugging the wall..lmfao. Next time will be different, live and learn! :)

Your babies look great mate.
