one of the great conservative legal minds of our time: voter ID is bullshit

Buck is your solution for people to keep their mouth shut about their racism, so they can stab you in the back?

I personally prefer they're a big mouth like yourself so I know right off to stay the fuck away.

are you saying that you have a right to cause harm with your racism?
Have you thought about maybe doing something outside?

i actually spent several hours today pickaxing through 12'' of hardpan to lay the cinderblocks that will form the foundation of my first greenhouse/workshop of many.

tomorrow i go to get the gravel to level the blocks before i mortar them down.
i actually spent several hours today pickaxing through 12'' of hardpan to lay the cinderblocks that will form the foundation of my first greenhouse/workshop of many.

tomorrow i go to get the gravel to level the blocks before i mortar them down.

good for you man, that's awesome.

Even mowing the lawn can give you a sense of pride. Well done!
why are you trying to deny the fact that you are opposed to civil rights, and favor allowing businesses to deny service based on skin color?

you have stated outright that you have no problem allowing david duke to open a whites only restaurant.

so why do you call me "dishonest" when i point out that you favor allowing businesses to deny service based solely on skin color?

why do you say you support civil rights and boycotts, but oppose title II, which came about because of civil rights boycotts?

why do you want to protect racist food spitters?


Yes, I would rather David Duke opened a white's only place so I would know to avoid giving him money. I'm considered a minority in the world of David Duke so I would fear him spitting in my food if he's forced to feed me, yes, I'm guilty of that.

I actually voted for Dave Bing for Mayor who hired only blacks at his steel company. I never did apply for a job there though, and didn't call the news stations crying about it. It's on him if that's what he wants to do with HIS business.

You seem to be in everyone's business, why is that? Have you ever thought about how much more peaceful life would be if we just minded our own and not everyone else?

I know you don't agree that people can be trusted to do the right thing so you need the force of government to comply with what you want. What you don't seem to realize is that many of those racist laws came about because people also felt the need to use the force of government to comply with what THEY wanted. You are no better than the moral majority.
Have you ever thought about how much more peaceful life would be if we just minded our own and not everyone else?

nice euphemism, but how did that pan out for blacks before the federal government stepped in and passed civil rights laws because people like you, who favor denial of service based on skin color, were just "peaceful" and "minding your own"?
nice euphemism, but how did that pan out for blacks before the federal government stepped in and passed civil rights laws because people like you, who favor denial of service based on skin color, were just "peaceful" and "minding your own"?

Why were blacks treated that way to begin with? Because the collectivist folks used force of the government to make laws perpetuating those actions.

Society changes, the collectivists still try to control those changes.

We advance as a society the more free we are. Free to make mistakes, free to suffer the consequences of those mistakes.

I know you don't agree and think we must succumb to how you think or we are racist, but that's because... you dumb.
Why were blacks treated that way to begin with? Because the collectivist folks used force of the government to make laws perpetuating those actions.


please cite these laws all across the south mandating that businesses must deny service to blacks then.

please cite these laws all across the south mandating that businesses must deny service to blacks then.

Ever heard of Jim Crowe laws? Think they might have had something to do with some of the shit?

It's odd that you think the south of 1950 is the south of 2014 when the black population is denser there than anywhere. Why is your opinion of blacks so low? Don't you think they would move north or west if it were as you say it is?

You should travel more. You need to spend time with blacks and you'll realize they are just people like you and me. You keep moving to all white areas and pass judgement on things you avoid. Get out more, mingle with society.
Ever heard of Jim Crowe laws?

indeed i have.

never heard of laws all across the south mandating that private businesses refuse service to blacks.

you claimed they existed though, so care to cite them for me?

Why is your opinion of blacks so low?

i don't, you are projecting your own thoughts like you always do.

just like when you and harrekin say blacks are too lazy to get an ID, that is something only you express.
indeed i have.

never heard of laws all across the south mandating that private businesses refuse service to blacks.

you claimed they existed though, so care to cite them for me?

i don't, you are projecting your own thoughts like you always do.

just like when you and harrekin say blacks are too lazy to get an ID, that is something only you express.

Uh dude, actually not all businesses were white only, not sure why you think so....

Oh and Harrekin and I never said that you sad pathetic little stalker snitch. We mock you for insinuating blacks are incapable of getting ID. You ride in on as the white knight to save the day for those who you feel aren't able, and every time you post stats you highlight the black.

Yes, it's always about black and white with you. Brown, yellow, red don't get your heroism, why is that?

I also realize you are not really going to try to see any other point but yours so I'm giving you a break now. Pat yourself on the head and tell yourself it's going to be OK, those racists that are out there denying service and burning crosses can't get to you.
Uh dude, actually not all businesses were white only, not sure why you think so....

you said there were laws mandating it in post #182. remember?

Why were blacks treated that way to begin with? Because the collectivist folks used force of the government to make laws perpetuating those actions.

We mock you for insinuating blacks are incapable of getting ID.

can you quote the post where i made that insinuation then?

maybe you'll have more luck with that then you did with your last claim about laws mandating denial of service.
you said there were laws mandating it in post #182. remember?

Why were blacks treated that way to begin with? Because the collectivist folks used force of the government to make laws perpetuating those actions.

so that says what you claim? yep, you dumb

We went from All Men Are Created Equal, to "well except those men, they are only 3/5ths equal"

And you think that has nothing to do with how blacks were treated here. Yep, you dumb.
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