one of the great conservative legal minds of our time: voter ID is bullshit


Well-Known Member

“There is only one motivation for imposing burdens on voting that are ostensibly designed to discourage voter-impersonation fraud,” he writes, “and that is to discourage voting by persons likely to vote against the party responsible for imposing the burdens.” More specifically, he observes, photo ID laws are “highly correlated with a state’s having a Republican governor and Republican control of the legislature and appear to be aimed at limiting voting by minorities, particularly blacks.”

As for its supposedly negligible cost, “that’s an easy assumption for federal judges to make, since we are given photo IDs by court security free of charge. And we have upper-middle-class salaries. Not everyone is so fortunate.” He cites a study placing the expense of obtaining documentation at $75 to $175 — which even when adjusted for inflation is far higher than “the $1.50 poll tax outlawed by the 24th amendment in 1964.”

A new study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, indicated that 6.4 percent of all non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election, and 2.2 percent in the 2010 midterms. Given that 80 percent of non-citizens lean Democratic, they cite Al Franken ’s 312-vote win in the 2008 Minnesota U.S. Senate race as one likely tipped by non-citizen voting. As a senator, Franken cast the 60th vote needed to make Obamacare law.
Never heard of this person Buck is Quoting, have any of you?

If he really is one of the great legal minds of our country, you would think I would have heard of him.

Like everyone knows all the Judges in the 7th circuit court of appeals in Chicago.
A new study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, indicated that 6.4 percent of all non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election, and 2.2 percent in the 2010 midterms. Given that 80 percent of non-citizens lean Democratic, they cite Al Franken ’s 312-vote win in the 2008 Minnesota U.S. Senate race as one likely tipped by non-citizen voting. As a senator, Franken cast the 60th vote needed to make Obamacare law.

is this group like the minnesota group, who said 80% of minnesotans favored voter ID, even though only 46% did? the one whose numbers keep changing in random and unexplainable fashion? the ones who endorse racial purity and call anti-bullying laws a form of homosexual indoctrination?

i see james o'keefe is involved with this group, isn;t he known for his history of editing videos to make them show things that never actually happened in order to further his agenda?

nice try, but you should probably go join another white nationalist group.
is this group like the minnesota group, who said 80% of minnesotans favored voter ID, even though only 46% did? the one whose numbers keep changing in random and unexplainable fashion? the ones who endorse racial purity and call anti-bullying laws a form of homosexual indoctrination?

i see james o'keefe is involved with this group, isn;t he known for his history of editing videos to make them show things that never actually happened in order to further his agenda?

nice try, but you should probably go join another white nationalist group.

43% of South Africans think it's pointless to vote, at the same time 79% think it's everyone's duty.

That's why voting and stats are meaninglessness. They change nothing and only delude dumb fucks. Allowing the puppet masters to control the masses and make them think their opinion counts.

Fuck voting!

“There is only one motivation for imposing burdens on voting that are ostensibly designed to discourage voter-impersonation fraud,” he writes, “and that is to discourage voting by persons likely to vote against the party responsible for imposing the burdens.” More specifically, he observes, photo ID laws are “highly correlated with a state’s having a Republican governor and Republican control of the legislature and appear to be aimed at limiting voting by minorities, particularly blacks.”

As for its supposedly negligible cost, “that’s an easy assumption for federal judges to make, since we are given photo IDs by court security free of charge. And we have upper-middle-class salaries. Not everyone is so fortunate.” He cites a study placing the expense of obtaining documentation at $75 to $175 — which even when adjusted for inflation is far higher than “the $1.50 poll tax outlawed by the 24th amendment in 1964.”

Never heard of him and I couldn't care less what opinion he holds on the subject. If some study showed voter ID laws would disenfranchise old, low income Caucasian voters and give the upper hand to the Democrat party, I'd still favor them. It's common sense to require proof of identity to vote. Anyone who says differently is full of shit. Give the fucking things away and have FedEx deliver them right to folks' doorsteps so nobody can say it's an inconvenience or poll tax. If you halfwit libs can blow BILLIONS on failed green energy companies to have "good feels", we can spend millions to alleviate ALL arguments against something Conservatives want.
Never heard of him and I couldn't care less what opinion he holds on the subject. If some study showed voter ID laws would disenfranchise old, low income Caucasian voters and give the upper hand to the Democrat party, I'd still favor them. It's common sense to require proof of identity to vote. Anyone who says differently is full of shit. Give the fucking things away and have FedEx deliver them right to folks' doorsteps so nobody can say it's an inconvenience or poll tax. If you halfwit libs can blow BILLIONS on failed green energy companies to have "good feels", we can spend millions to alleviate ALL arguments against something Conservatives want.
You are such a tool you dont even get the respect of my full response.
You have made the list though
You are such a tool you dont even get the respect of my full response.
You have made the list though

So you're down to 4 members posts that you actually see? Or what? Why are you even sticking around if everyone bothers you so much? I guess you always feel like you're winning though.
If some study showed voter ID laws would disenfranchise old, low income Caucasian voters and give the upper hand to the Democrat party, I'd still favor them.

well, isn't it just so convenient for you that it disenfranchises the minorities you abhor so much then.