One Of My Sprouts Is Turning Brown And Dying. What Should I Do?


Active Member
One of my sprouts is dying, and its leaves are turning brown. What should I do?

( I don't have a digital camera or I'd put up a pic ) :?


Well-Known Member
ughhh thats a little light on the info man.... ya gotta fill us in on everything!! What type of light are you providing them?? For how long? how old are the sprouts? anything and everything to how you are treating them... fill us in if u want help.


Active Member
Ok heres the skinny...

Lights: 1 6500K CFl

Temp. Growroom: 3*1*2 Hamper

Nutrients: Tomato Poles (Stick into soil)

Problem-Now all my plants are beginning to die. The leaves are becoming Light brown/yellow. I think the problem is that I didn't install an exhaust or im not watering them enough. What do you guys think?:-|


Well-Known Member
take the fert sticks out, you dont add ferts for 3 weeks or so... only water after a couple days when the pot feels real light, bone dry all the way down to the bottom, it promotes root growth. how many watts is your light? your gunna need a bunch more anyways. just put a fan blowing on the plant so it wiggles.. my guess is you burnt the hell outta the lil buggers with those nutes..