• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

One More Reason To Hate Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
they're asking you would you send back money to nambla... as you said that it
"Gotcha don't do the best thing or the right thing, do the thing the lemmings do.
Sending the money back is just grandstanding. I think it is typical of these hacks who do send the money back. It's just another example of these arrogant politicians knowing best what to do with YOUR money. The pattern is obvious, the foolishness continues. People need to wake up."

so would you "grandstand" like a lemming and send back the money or would you keep money from nambla?
I said keep the money, which is what Ron Paul does. Ron Pauls agenda has absolutely nothing to do with enpowering or agreeing with Nambla. He says, Here are my policies. Donate if you want. It's your money. That is exactly the message Ron Paul sends. It would be hypocritical for him to send it back when HE is the one who speaks of personnel responsibility and to NOT tell others what to do with their money.

In the scheme of things if a politician sends the money back or keeps it, that action is very far down on the list of things I care to look at when deciding who I want to vote for. I can state as a fact it has never been an issue for me on who I vote for.


Well-Known Member
kind of ironic that you accused me of not understanding when you missed the point of everything i said

first of all, what did i make up?

secondly, i never said ron paul speaks for nambla. that betrays your poor reading comprehension. i said YOU would take money from nambla. i base this assertion off post #133. after i asked you if you would take nambla money or give it back, you said, and i quote:

finally, there is nothing dishonest in me saying i fully endorse ron paul's positions on basically everything EXCEPT taking money from white supremacists, abortion, and gay rights. in fact, that is the opposite of dishonesty. that is me telling the honest truth about how i feel about ron paul. but i forgot, somehow you know what is in my head better than i do.... :roll:

obviously, you do not understand.
I believe YOU believe you are being honest about this. But, this is the problem when people scratch the surface and do not look deeper.
I will be clearer, because you honestly say how you feel about Ron Pauls policies, does not make it the truth or an honest interpretation on Ron Pauls policies. To call Ron Pauls stance on this issue hypocritical are the words from someone who does not fully understand where Ron Paul stands.


Well-Known Member
To call Ron Pauls stance on this issue hypocritical are the words from someone who does not fully understand where Ron Paul stands.
wow, again and again...i just don't understand. i must be pretty dumb. :dunce:

i fully understand where ron paul stands on this issue: he feels it is OK to take money from white supremacists.

prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
is it ok to exploit labor from countries without a minimum wage that is also known to employ children 7 days a week that doesn't get paid for overtime and countless other offenses? because every time you buy from china, that is what you support. yes it is ok to take money from the white supremacists. the key word there is take. enjoy fantasy land.


Well-Known Member
wow, again and again...i just don't understand. i must be pretty dumb. :dunce:
agreed and you must think others are also

i fully understand where ron paul stands on this issue: he feels it is OK to take money from white supremacists.

prove me wrong.
I DID prove you wrong on THE REASON. Now you are backtracking and trying to make it over the issue of taking the money and not the reason. It was never about taking money, it is about the reason why. You falsely portrayed the reason behind it because you refuse to accept his stated reasons for doing so. Like I said before, you cannot scratch the surface and expect to find the answer.


Well-Known Member
agreed and you must think others are also

I DID prove you wrong on THE REASON. Now you are backtracking and trying to make it over the issue of taking the money and not the reason. It was never about taking money, it is about the reason why. You falsely portrayed the reason behind it because you refuse to accept his stated reasons for doing so. Like I said before, you cannot scratch the surface and expect to find the answer.
well, thank you for at least making a response without insisting 'i don't understand'. quite refreshing.

and also thank you for the insult (calling me dumb). but i do no think the same of you.

it does not matter the reason. when it is pointed out to you that neo nazis are giving you money, it is a simple matter to return it, and the right thing to do. let them speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
If Ron Paul took the money of a Nazi Sympathizer and then used that same money to open a orphanage for Jews and Blacks would you still feel that the money should have been returned? Just because you accept someones money does not necessarily mean you support their cause. Im sure Dr Paul will put the money to good use.


Well-Known Member
if he went and built that orphanage using campaign funds, that would raise some questions, but it would ameliorate my opinion about him. but i ain't seen the dr ron paul orphanage center for jews and blacks....yet. i feel like i may be walking into a trap and you are about to unveil a photo of it.

you wouldn't do that to me, would you? :razz:


Well-Known Member
finally, there is nothing dishonest in me saying i fully endorse ron paul's positions on basically everything EXCEPT taking money from white supremacists, abortion, and gay rights. in fact, that is the opposite of dishonesty. that is me telling the honest truth about how i feel about ron paul. but i forgot, somehow you know what is in my head better than i do.... :roll:

obviously, you do not understand.
Do you blame me for not understanding you when you say the following in your posts-

unclebuck:i'm normally against the death penalty as well as cruel and unusual punishment.....but sometimes, it seems downright logical.

Ron Paul is ALWAYS against the death penalty

unclebuck: otherwise i agree with your analysis that us progressives think of the constitution as a living, breathing document;

Ron Paul believes the opposite. On all questions of the Constitution go back to what the framers said. He is not a progressive.

unclebuck:i liked the article AND was glad to see patient protection and affordable care act pass too,

Ron Paul is against Obamacare

in response to this question -First and foremost where in the Constitution does the government get the authority to regulate heath care?
unclebuck:commerce clause. they are regulating an economic activity

What should government do?

Ron Paul: Protect our freedoms. Have a strong national defense. Look at and take care of our borders. Have a sound currency. That was the responsibility of the federal government, not to run our lives and run everything in the economy and extend the interstate-commerce clause and the general-welfare clause to do anything they want to do.

I'll repeat myself, you think people are stupid. You have no idea what the reasons are behind Ron Pauls positions.You title a thread "One more reason to hate Ron Paul", and your posts show you DO NOT agree with almost everything he says. In fact you are not close.


Well-Known Member
If Ron Paul took the money of a Nazi Sympathizer and then used that same money to open a orphanage for Jews and Blacks would you still feel that the money should have been returned? Just because you accept someones money does not necessarily mean you support their cause. Im sure Dr Paul will put the money to good use.
He doesn't have to build anything. All he has to do is continue with his policies which are not the same as Nazi Sympathizers policies. To be sure, the nazi would agree on some issues Ron Paul has, like send NO money to Israel. But nazis reasons are not Ron Pauls reasons. The nazis reason is racism. Ron Pauls reason is about sending OUR money overseas when the Constitution gives Congress no authority to do so.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't have to build anything. All he has to do is continue with his policies which are not the same as Nazi Sympathizers policies. To be sure, the nazi would agree on some issues Ron Paul has, like send NO money to Israel. But nazis reasons are not Ron Paul's reasons. The nazis reason is racism. Ron Paul's reason is about sending OUR money overseas when the Constitution gives Congress no authority to do so.
but this whole thing is about appearances, the superficial is all that is important in most of the political arena. putting bad money to good use is not acceptable to the followers of the liberal establishment unless it is first stolen by the political animals they so trust and admire. conservatism is crucified because the religious are attracted to many of its core tenets and this somehow shows that they are all a bunch of fundamentalist nuts. libertarianism is pilloried because some fringe groups see the concept of non-interventionism as a way to punish those they see as inferior and this allows its opponents to bring out the broad brush. liberalism is painted as compassionate despite its long term harm to the rights of the individual and this allows its adherents to claim the moral high ground and accuse all others of being callous and uncaring. the superficial is placed above substance, short term gain overshadows the long term damage of foolish policy. this is what it's all about. what a shame.


Well-Known Member
why is it wrong to accept funds from the kkk or nazi's? why wouldnt someone want their support? They are entitled to their point of view as well as political representation. Its about time someone stood up for minorities


Well-Known Member
why is it wrong to accept funds from the kkk or nazi's? why wouldnt someone want their support? They are entitled to their point of view as well as political representation. Its about time someone stood up for minorities
Dr. Paul is a politician. Politicians get money from various groups. Some who want "something" in return, and some just agree with the policies. Dr. Paul, like any politician needs these donations in order to continue campaigning and running for office. Why would any politician in their right mind return money regardless of who it comes from?:?


Well-Known Member
Why would any politician in their right mind return money regardless of who it comes from?:?
for the sake of appearances. to assuage the fears of an ignorant electorate and nullify the slurs of small minded opponents. the political arena is a rigged game, slanted toward the benefit of those two parties that seem almost conspiratorial in their goal of twisting the will of the people to suit an agenda of centralized control.


New Member
for the sake of appearances. to assuage the fears of an ignorant electorate and nullify the slurs of small minded opponents. the political arena is a rigged game, slanted toward the benefit of those two parties that seem almost conspiratorial in their goal of twisting the will of the people to suit an agenda of centralized control.
You are such a pesimist. I wonder, the majority of voters must gobble up that hate rhetoric that is shoved down our throats day and night on the tube. It is no wonder that people hate the government, all they hear is how bad the opponent is, seldom hearing about the good things either candidate has done.


Well-Known Member
You are such a pessimist. I wonder, the majority of voters must gobble up that hate rhetoric that is shoved down our throats day and night on the tube. It is no wonder that people hate the government, all they hear is how bad the opponent is, seldom hearing about the good things either candidate has done.
it isn't that they hate the government. they simply distrust politicians and rightly so. since i seldom watch the pablum that passes for television news i can't claim to know all that transpires there, but the actions of our representatives give us no reason for trust and the mud slinging in every campaign gives us little of the positive side of any political debate. after years of studying these political animals i prefer to consider myself a realist, but call me pessimistic if you must and remember that i am never disappointed.
There are some very very paranoid individuals here.

First of all, how exactly is Ron Paul protecting our civil liberties? In what way have they been violated? The fact that Nazi websites, publication, and other hate-messages continue to be passed around is fact none of that has been violated. The ability of the press to work its way continues on. Are there biases? Yes, both liberal and conservative. If you haven't noticed that, you're out of your fucking mind.

Ron Paul is loony for having accepted the funds. This isn't so much about taking the money and using it against them, as blazin referred to, because that won't happen. I don't understand how it would. Imagine a situation where one of our politicians accepted money from Hezzbolah or al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Can you imagine the public outcry? The only reason the Nazi-party wants Paul elected is because he indirectly supports their notion about ending the fed. The Nazi and other conspriacy theorists and religious Christians maintain that the Jews, a group of 20million or less, runs the world and is standing in their way of economic progress. The only reason these muthafuckas can't economically progress is cause they're dumber than dog shit.

And economical libertarian policies are horse shit. Judging from the logic that the conspiracy theorists hold, you would not stand a change in such a radical free-market society. I doubt many of you even hold a college degree. You would probably being paid sub-par wages. Businesses would literally rape you just to extend their bottom line. Take it from somebody who understands American labor and labor in general; the rise of people within the last century was due to labor laws that went in their favor. You all sit there and make it sound like the government restricts freedom left and right. If it wasn't for the government action such as the civil war, temperance movement, extending voting rights, civil rights, and other actions, you'd all be shit out of luck.


Well-Known Member
There are some very very paranoid individuals here.

First of all, how exactly is Ron Paul protecting our civil liberties? In what way have they been violated?
Open your eyes and look around. Most see it. It is your short coming that you do not. How does someone not know about the Patriot Act? Are you that misinformed?

The fact that Nazi websites, publication, and other hate-messages continue to be passed around is fact none of that has been violated.
because a nazi website is allowed to exist everything is peachy? lmao

The ability of the press to work its way continues on. Are there biases? Yes, both liberal and conservative. If you haven't noticed that, you're out of your fucking mind.

Ron Paul is loony for having accepted the funds. This isn't so much about taking the money and using it against them, as blazin referred to, because that won't happen.
Yes it does happen. Are you biased or just plain ignorant. Ron Pauls policies are about the Constitution and rights for it's citizens.

I don't understand how it would. Imagine a situation where one of our politicians accepted money from Hezzbolah or al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Can you imagine the public outcry?
of course style over substance Yes We Can!!!

The only reason the Nazi-party wants Paul elected is because he indirectly supports their notion about ending the fed. The Nazi and other conspriacy theorists and religious Christians maintain that the Jews, a group of 20million or less, runs the world and is standing in their way of economic progress. The only reason these muthafuckas can't economically progress is cause they're dumber than dog shit.
what's your point pertaining to Ron Paul? You didn't say anything. Ron Pauls reasons are much different than the Nazis.

And economical libertarian policies are horse shit. Judging from the logic that the conspiracy theorists hold, you would not stand a change in such a radical free-market society. I doubt many of you even hold a college degree. You would probably being paid sub-par wages. Businesses would literally rape you just to extend their bottom line.
Our current economic conditions are not free market. It is corporatism. Get your money back from that college you went to. Obviously they didn't teach you much about economics.
Generally speaking, when the free market is allowed to exist prices stay low. Company A is successful, company B will want to do better since the free market tells us that. They accomplish it by lowering the prices or improving quality.
I find it hard to believe someone who claims he knows labor doesn't understand that in order to improve quality one important ingredient is the labor force.
Let me dumb it down for you.
You pay higher wages to the better workers.
Better workers = better product
If you don't pay well enough you have turnover which hurts production.

Take it from somebody who understands American labor and labor in general; the rise of people within the last century was due to labor laws that went in their favor. You all sit there and make it sound like the government restricts freedom left and right. If it wasn't for the government action such as the civil war, temperance movement, extending voting rights, civil rights, and other actions, you'd all be shit out of luck.
right we'll take it from someone named mastermind on a pot site instead of doing our own research which proves you wrong. You mention Civil Rights. If you had done any research you would know the discriminatory policies were put in place by this very same government you boast of.
Were you in a coma all these years to NOT know about the governments regulations in the housing industry? They were anti free market, along with the Feds manipulating the interest rates, gee another anti free market move. As far as economics go, you don't know squat.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He doesn't have to build anything. All he has to do is continue with his policies which are not the same as Nazi Sympathizers policies. To be sure, the nazi would agree on some issues Ron Paul has, like send NO money to Israel. But nazis reasons are not Ron Pauls reasons. The nazis reason is racism. Ron Pauls reason is about sending OUR money overseas when the Constitution gives Congress no authority to do so.
Hey quit making sense!! :clap: