One 600w HPS / One 2'x'4' Tent / Two Plants


Active Member
Reminds me of this one time when I was living in Europe - I was checking out this really damn cute girl on the trolley, she was around 20 years old and all dressed up for clubbing with a short skirt on and knee-high boots. She was hot as hell. But the trolley came to a turn and she reached up and grabbed one of those loops... revealing one of the most hairiest, unshaven armpits I'd ever seen. I was shocked and traumatized. =(

Oh yeah, but the reason for posting - I just checked on the two clones and one is popping out roots at a good rate, the other will probably be fine. So that's good enough for me. I'm going to switch the timers to 12/12 when the girls wake up this evening.

The fun part is about to begin! =D


Active Member
I stumbled across some pictures of another person's plants (HawkDidIt on these forums) and the similarities in leaf shape and plant structure stands out as insanely close to mine:

View attachment 1277815View attachment 1277816

All he knows about their genetics is that they are 'indica lowriders' (grown from seeds). In any case, they look awesome - especially for autos! The similarities make me wonder if some of my unknown bagseed genetics isn't closely shared with Lowryders (possibly AK47??).


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of this one time when I was living in Europe - I was checking out this really damn cute girl on the trolley, she was around 20 years old and all dressed up for clubbing with a short skirt on and knee-high boots. She was hot as hell. But the trolley came to a turn and she reached up and grabbed one of those loops... revealing one of the most hairiest, unshaven armpits I'd ever seen. I was shocked and traumatized. =(

Oh yeah, but the reason for posting - I just checked on the two clones and one is popping out roots at a good rate, the other will probably be fine. So that's good enough for me. I'm going to switch the timers to 12/12 when the girls wake up this evening.

The fun part is about to begin! =D
Thats awesome and I cant wait to see Athena and Isis flower and bud....I am sure they will bloom with joy!

Tao I am glad it was her arm she reached for the loop rather than her leg because just imagine the Chewbacca Wookie Tribe coming out from between her legs!:spew:

Ok sorry but I had too....LOL

That dude's plant looks very alike to yours but I prefer Athena cause I am all about the BUSH!



Active Member
About the plant bushiness though - keep in mind those plants are autos and are untopped. That's crazy bushy growth compared to most autos I see...

About the girl bushiness though - I wouldn't have felt as betrayed by a wookie crotch. There's just something about hairy armpits that is... ugh.


Well-Known Member
About the plant bushiness though - keep in mind those plants are autos and are untopped. That's crazy bushy growth compared to most autos I see...

About the girl bushiness though - I wouldn't have felt as betrayed by a wookie crotch. There's just something about hairy armpits that is... ugh.
HAHAHAHA!!!!! I just got off the phone and my mom is out of the hospital!!!! WooooHooooo!!!!


Active Member
Journal Note:

*Lighting Change to 12/12 Today*


Will picture update this evening along with the clones. Going to get the little cabinet setup today for them since I need to take them out of the tent now. Both have roots started but I've been neglecting them totally so they look a bit bad.


Well-Known Member
Journal Note:

*Lighting Change to 12/12 Today*


Will picture update this evening along with the clones. Going to get the little cabinet setup today for them since I need to take them out of the tent now. Both have roots started but I've been neglecting them totally so they look a bit bad.
Cool now that your on 12/12 we might finish close together come harvest time. Dont Auto's usually Flower on their own? Also do Autos Flower in less time or is it just depending on the strain as other non-Autos? Cant wait to see the pics. Its raining in Cali today so I have my Homer Bucket outside collecting rain.



Active Member
Sorry again about the confusion - my plants aren't autos just to be clear. That last group of pictures I posted belong to another person and his plants are autos. But yeah autos just grow up and flower and don't care about photoperiods.

I collect some rain as well just to spritz the plants with on occasion and give them a shower every now and then. They seem to dig it.


Active Member
Here's some quick photos of the girls:

20NOV 006.jpg20NOV 009.jpg

And here's some quick photos of the neglected clone I'm keeping. Made a quick little DWC bucket from a plastic coffee container. Hopefully it will start perking up and looking better now.

The clone:
20NOV 002.jpg

The bucket:
20NOV 001.jpg

Clone and bucket:
20NOV 004.jpg

What the cabinet looks like from the outside (door is only partially closed in the picture but it locks and is light-proof):


Well-Known Member
Wow I cant believe how nice and healthy Athena and Isis look. Bro those babies are exploding with growth, I cant believe how much bigger they both got, especially Athena. Very nice man, keep up the great work.

I love the mini DWC you got, thats a nice set up.

Any names yet for the clones? Were they taken from Athena or Isis or another?


Active Member
They were cut from Athena - I'm only keeping one as a temporary mother while Athena and Isis flower out. I'll clone two clones from the clone (hehe) a few weeks before flowering is done so I'll be ready for round two in the tent.

Oh and I'll need two names if you have a suggestion?

And I made the little mini-cloner with a cheap plastic container that was about to be thrown out, some panda film, and some recycled hydroton - took about 10 minutes to make and I did absolutely nothing to the cuttings after putting them in it. Roots showed in 4 days. I think it's crazy how much some people spend buying those pre-made cloning systems...

The mini-DWC bubbler was the same deal - took 5 to 10 minutes to make. Who says hydroponics has to be expensive? lol


Well-Known Member
They were cut from Athena - I'm only keeping one as a temporary mother while Athena and Isis flower out. I'll clone two clones from the clone (hehe) a few weeks before flowering is done so I'll be ready for round two in the tent.

Oh and I'll need two names if you have a suggestion?

And I made the little mini-cloner with a cheap plastic container that was about to be thrown out, some panda film, and some recycled hydroton - took about 10 minutes to make and I did absolutely nothing to the cuttings after putting them in it. Roots showed in 4 days. I think it's crazy how much some people spend buying those pre-made cloning systems...

The mini-DWC bubbler was the same deal - took 5 to 10 minutes to make. Who says hydroponics has to be expensive? lol
I would ask for you to name the healthiest one after my mom....Nancy, if you want i would be honored.

If not then I think Isabel or Jasmine. I say those cuz they sound cool with Athena and Isis! If none of those work then I have to say Daisy Bush. LOL!!!!
Tao hope you dont mind me using your style of a cloner....seems very basic and easy. I would use the Foam pod instead of Hydroton. Questions I have is the level of the water inside your mini-DWC (is it full to the top?)and also do I need to monitor the water temp for the clone?



Active Member
Funny, that's my mom's name too. lol I'll reserve the name for one of the two clones that comes from this clone for the next round in the tent then.

To start the cutting, I just put about a quarter to a half-inch of stem actually in the water (or about half of the lightly scraped/hormoned area above the water line and half below) and make sure there's a lot of bubbling action going on around them. I think they root fastest around 80f (on the surface) and around 75f water. It works for me anyway.

Once there are roots like in my picture, I transfer them into standard net pots and put the water level right below the lowest root tip (in the picture there is about a 1/4" gap of air between the bottom of the net pot and the water level and a few of the roots are already in the water). The roots will stay wet enough from the splashes from the bubbles. They'll grow down into the water pretty quickly, but I don't bother lowering the water level once it's about 1/2" to 1" below the bottom of the net cup - since the water is continuously aerated it doesn't really matter if the roots are submerged or not. If you aren't using net pots or hydroton, it's still the same deal: you just don't want to keep the stem itself submerged once the roots get going.

Here's another picture I just took:

20NOVroots 001.jpg

The water level is right about a 1/2" underneath the bottom of that net pot. so a couple of the roots are already mostly submerged.


Active Member
It looks pretty sad on the top, but the root growth is good so I'm sure it'll be fine once it gets enough feeding roots down to start growing again. I think I'll keep taking pictures every 24 hours and keep adding to the montage of root side-by-sides just for my entertainment. Isn't it crazy how fast the roots grow?


Active Member

Nothing exciting going on yet. But no real problems so couldn't ask for anything more. Their root masses are now solid clumps all the way to the bottom of the reservoirs.

22NOV AthenaandIsis 008.jpg22NOV AthenaandIsis 005.jpg22NOV AthenaandIsis 003.jpg

Journal Note: Reservoir change on 21 Nov. Nutrients increased to 5 tablespoons per bucket (all Bloom).


Well-Known Member

Nothing exciting going on yet. But no real problems so couldn't ask for anything more. Their root masses are now solid clumps all the way to the bottom of the reservoirs.

View attachment 1283217View attachment 1283219View attachment 1283220

Journal Note: Reservoir change on 21 Nov. Nutrients increased to 5 tablespoons per bucket (all Bloom).
Bro your box is full again...LOL Here is a pic of the Purple TrainWrek and Purple Snowcap I got it yesterday. Yummy!!! I hope one day I can grow bud looking like this. If you are ever in town I will be sharing kindly with you homie!!!!
Man your plant are very sweet!!! Are they smelling nice....
Peace Bro

