On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

My chiller won't stop chilling. How can I fix this with some kind of temperature relay?

Use a temp sensor connected to Arduino, a little code to establish a proper range and use a cycle timer approach to test for temp range. if out of range, signal is sent to relay with 5v to turn off chiller. When it falls back in range the chiller turns back on. Set off as your default condition and you will minimize relay usage. Just test for too cold and let that be your goal. peace
I've been struggling for days getting this complied and working. I'm using the exact recommended hardware. Can you please post the exact libraries that you are using in Arduino IDE?

It compiles and loads, but freezes after a few seconds.

If the problem does not go away. PM me, and I will post the new code for the rotary encoder and 20x4 lcd screen. I can modify it to be six channel for you to minimize the changes. At best you may have to change those two components. I have custom libraries I coded for this project, but I want you to be successful, as well. keep me informed on your build.
I posted the current eight channel code with additional libraries written by myself for the rotary encoder. If you decide to make the change you will need the following any 20x4 lcd screen with an adafruit lcd i2c backpack like this ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/2...74Iy0A-5yfJbqFPzFrcvqr6NiNLO7U0_TcaApBt8P8HAQ
a rotary encoder like this one, others have not worked well for me ->http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/...vz_hNr90bu84mg_9POTwLeMm80p8wuth38aAq2h8P8HAQ
and I use the DS3231 RTC -> https://www.amazon.com/Donop-DS3231-AT24C32-precision-Arduino/dp/B00HCB7VYS

I apologize for the problem, but this is my current model I am selling, I provided you the parts and code it should work fine. eight channels instead of six. Hope this helps. peace
Thanks for the updates. After a long marathon of troubleshooting I have it working. Problem is... I didn't really change anything. I think getting the clock working on its own(setting the time from another sketch) was the issue. Oh well, moving on.

I have the clock, an AM2302 temp/hum sensor and 10V PWM dimming all working. The start/photo/fade/max all work great.

Is it true that a HLG-185H-C1400B driver won't turn off with 0V PWM. Will it turn on 100% when less then 1V. I believe I will need a relay to turn off the driver power.

https://www.rollitup.org/t/meanwell-led-drivers-3-in-1-dimming-function.838760/page-2 Post 23 has HLD specs...

I have code working for watering (24V solenoid), using a relay. So all I need to do is add it with the same start/end times

Last goal.... lower the max variable when a high temp threshold is crossed.

Thanks again for your time!
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If you use the relay it will turn off the driver at the 10% range. Normally dimmer will only dim. Make a splitter for the relay at the pwm signal it can handle dual drivers. Peace
If you are interested in one of these GrowGreen LED Controllers with the 20x4 lcd and rotary encoder PM me for particulars. The price is fair and worth it. Peace
I have a laser and I laser cut my own cases now. cases are 3mm Black acrylic, perfect for every grow room. The final controller looks and works identical to the one shown, with 8 channel pwm and 8- 6" pigtails programmed for 6:am start and 6:pm stop. looks great works, great. peace
We have a new GrowGreen LED Controller, just born and waiting for it's new home, which is already determined. The next one could be yours. peace
so what are we loooking at the vw,is that 2 units that do the same stuff or do those 2 work together? maybe you can make a quick list of what these can do for us with our drivers and how many drivers or other devices it will run. im very interested in this,maybe a few of them :)
so what are we loooking at the vw,is that 2 units that do the same stuff or do those 2 work together? maybe you can make a quick list of what these can do for us with our drivers and how many drivers or other devices it will run. im very interested in this,maybe a few of them :)

this is the first production run model. more to come. sure I can.
1. 8 channel 5v pwm signal to drive 16 led drivers with a beefcake 30a relay to turn the LED off/on and dimming, as well.
2. Time schedule for ALL channels connected.
3. Each channel has independent start/stop/fade/duration timing.
4. Clock maintains and reports time/date and room ambient temperature.
5. Current settings are stored in EEPROM memory, meaning if you turn the unit off and on it will maintain the same lighting schedule, albeit you have to reset the time to current time or else it will start at whatever the time is.
6. You can control both LDD and all 5v dimming mean well led drivers, i.e. HLG-185H-C1400B HLG-240H-C1400B model as examples With a beefcake relay you can interrupt the Line circuit and turn the driver on/off without a timer. Dimming is achieved with plus/minus from pwm connected to both the relay and the driver. The beefcake relay works best with a 5v wall wort, power supply, to drive the relay, and the pwm signal turns the driver relay on/off.
7. You can control a mix of 3w leds, Deep Red, IR, Far Red, Royal Blue all scheduled independent of each other.

If you have up to 16 drivers, or 8 LED fixtures this controller can take care of all of them, turn them on and off, ramp up, fade out, and turn on your far reds or any other 3w leds you have on a timer. This unit will replace ALL of your lighting timers into one unit and all lights wil go on off on schedule without a problem or wearing out mechanics r digital timers. This is the solution to everyone with DIY lights timing and timers. One timer for all your lights. Put it on a shelf, check on your light status or schedule and rest assured they will go as scheduled. Hope that answers your questions.

I almost forgot. User friendly menu system. Set time/date, channel start/stop/fade/duration, and exit back to running mode. Simple menu , single screen for channel changes, and time screen for time date, etc, and exit back to operating mode. It just runs like a refrigerator, quiet and all the time.

If you are interested send me a PM. Peace
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sweet answers vw.just a few more things.one thing i keep seeing you talk of 5v pwm and im not the most informed on pwm but it talks about 0-10v pwm in the meanwell data sheets.just wanting to make sure this is going to last and also operate my mw 185 1050 and 1400ma drivers. also i need to be able to leave and not worry about power failures.i cant have my lights lose there timing cycles,thats why as of now i use no mechanical timers just digital for my entire flower room. one thing i could do is keep my led drivers on the current digital timer setup and then use your product for dimming only which is really all im after. i just want to be able to ramp up and down or sunrise sunset,plus have some type of high temp dimming or shut down.i have 2 homes basically so theres alot of times when im not around to reset shit when we lose power and it happens alot here.usually its just a brief deal but enough to screw with non digi timers lol
for 10v analog dimming it is recommended to use this ->https://www.amazon.com/XINY-voltage...3_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SK366VGPWCDYXDM5H1M0
sorry this converter.

regarding timers, had the same issues. power went out this summer. I just reset the time and everything else is stored in memory and returns to normal, as as son as you reset the time. I use it for all my timing needs, but like you I worked it in slowly until i got confident with working. I use it for both the LDD drivers direct and my HLG series drivers direct as well. I have dimming to 50% and turn off/on function. Without the 10v converter you get 50% light dimming, with the 10v converter you get 100%. I hope that helps you out. peace
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for 10v analog dimming it is recommended to use this ->https://www.amazon.com/XINY-voltage...3_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SK366VGPWCDYXDM5H1M0
sorry this converter.

regarding timers, had the same issues. power went out this summer. I just reset the time and everything else is stored in memory and returns to normal, as as son as you reset the time. I use it for all my timing needs, but like you I worked it in slowly until i got confident with working. I use it for both the LDD drivers direct and my HLG series drivers direct as well. I have dimming to 50% and turn off/on function. Without the 10v converter you get 50% light dimming, with the 10v converter you get 100%. I hope that helps you out. peace
I have the same concerns as @sixstring2112. To say that you just need to reset the clock when there is a powercut does not really work for me, as it happens almost every day. That would mean I would have to check it every day and I would never be able to go away and leave it. Is there not a more elegant solution to this problem? No way that the clock can keep time or reset to current time after an outage?
Also I would like to add that I (and I think others) are looking for a plug and play solution here. It would seem prudent to include everything in the package that a person would need to dim 100% with 10v dimming instead of 5v to 50%. my 2cents
I have the same concerns as @sixstring2112. To say that you just need to reset the clock when there is a powercut does not really work for me, as it happens almost every day. That would mean I would have to check it every day and I would never be able to go away and leave it. Is there not a more elegant solution to this problem? No way that the clock can keep time or reset to current time after an outage?

I do not know a clock that remembers the time after it has passed. The controller can only start where it left off. When power comes back on, it will be the same time it was when it went off. If the time was 2:pm when power went off it will be 2:pm when it turns back on. to get the current time you will have to reset the time. Everything else including channel controls are maintained in internal memory. Time changes cannot be counted when the unit is turned off. It has internal battery backup, but it cannot count when it is off.

I wish I could help with power problems, but I cant' but the Controller will do it's best to remember each day the power is on. Of course power outages is not good for growing either. So if power goes out for two hours timing will be off for two hours until it gets reset to current time and bam back to work on schedule. It happend to me once this year no problem, just reset time.

2 -20k resisters work the same as a voltage converter, stepping the 10v down to 5v from the mean well driver. simple if you have built your lights. The Controller is plug and play. You get, set it, connect it and your good to go. Placing two 20k resisters in series on the dimming circuit is not hard to do. Most folks did more than that building their lights. if you need two resisters added to the Controller that is no problem. The idea is flexibility. No product will meet everyone's needs. But if you have had one timer go out on one light out and the other lights timers were working, you have a problem you know what I am talking about. This controller ensures that problem does not happen. There are many solutions to the 10v pwm issue. you can buy voltage converters, or a couple of resisters. I rarely change my led settings, for COBS or 3w leds, I would imagine most folks are like me, seasonal. I do not worry about light controls, works great no surprises and no broken timers. I have a bag of those timers I removed and no longer use. I just go in check the status and check on the pumps and girls. focus for me is on ladies not lights any longer. No surprises.

this is as close to plug and play, I believe. Coralux and StevesLeds do not even come close to meeting the needs. Folks have bought both of those "other" controllers and they failed their expectations so I understand peoples concerns. The 5v to 10v pwm signal conversion is easy to resolve. but there is a cost involved. if you want low prices too, you cannot have both. The converters cost about $7/channel that can drive costs up quickly, while two 20K/channel resisters cost pennies. I hope this resolves your questions and concerns. Adding 16- 20k resisters makes the Controller plug and play, all is needed would be the patch cables that would be cost extra, like most controller suppliers.

Patch cables are 6' and would include resisters installed or you can do it your self. Depends how much you want to spend. My concept is to put the Controller in your hands so you can use it the way you want to use it. Flexible is the concept. The more gets added the more it costs end users. My idea is to put it in your hands cheap as I can and make very little. I already gave away the code for the 6 channel unit and it works great, folks have built it and using it. The 10v pwm signal issue was resolved with the same approach, the voltage converter for each channel. He built his, you can build it or buy it. If added it adds to the cost, as I have to buy, ship and reship to end user additional parts easily available on ebay or amazon. try to keep costs down for everyone.

I have also written code for recycle timers for two channels, but I decided for now 8 channels for light controls is best. many future options including blue tooth and wifi are in the future. I am already working the blue tooth approach, as soon as I get these out the door. Additional module for blue tooth or wifi capability. I am also looking at a Uno Mega for a bigger approach. Lost in the works, this is just the start to meet and exceed the needs of our community.

I will continue to make code available to diy guys, as that is what it is all about. I just have a 40w laser to cut and fabricate acrylic cases and make the GrowGreen Controller look pretty, so I can and do. Folks said the first version looked ugly now that is fixed too.
The concerns I had was putting 30a on a relay that is rated for 20a NO and 10a NC
using https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13815 that he has linked to they even say in the discription in open airflow the PCB can handle the full 20A for a few minutes at a time. I dont know about you but I run my lights more than a few min at a time. I would have to test the heat and longevity of the relay over time vs ssr
making a blanket statement saying it will handle 16 hlg 185s
The phase current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by the power factorPF times the RMS voltage V in volts
185x110x1=1.68a each driver so x16 = 26.88a cant be ran on 110v ac
185x220x1=0.84a x16= 13.44 will work

The better thing to say would be it depends on your setup and what you want to run. You can run a max of 20a but a possible of up to 16 drivers connected.

Im not saying not to get the controller but have realistic ideas and some electrical knowledge before connecting 16 drivers to the controller
Guess the privacy concerns you had are gone since you will be adding bluetooth and wifi