Older people and arthritis pain - CBD or some medicinal MMJ?

I'm Running that Charlotte's atm,There selling it in flower form not charlotte's but other cbd buds at hempelf ,stupid prices works out around 17 quid a gram.O bought one other day called Amnesia from them,photos of it on my journal worked great for a while then just topped up
I use cbd isolate for my migraines, and back spasms. I buy it but the kilo, and I'm a distributor. I actually dab distillate and cbd isolate, as I feel the cbd needs a bit of thc for added kick.

99.64% pure organic cbd isolate, and a little distillate.

My 4x multiple sclerosis, 2x cancer, and myself (rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, and muscle spasm sufferrer). We all use this with excellent results. I make butter for my ms and cancer patients.

I grew cannatonic 4 CBD for 5 yrs. All my patients like it. Then I switched to cbd isolate 1yr sho, and now they LOVE it!

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I be really interested in getting some of this,i would love to try it out .First time i have been out of Oil in years thc oil and shit don't i know it.I be in touch in future.So i could make vape Oil from this ,am i right in thinking that
Google fully activated. That's who I source my isolate from when u bought small amounts. Buy in bulk, kilo at a time, dm me and I'll refer you to a few verified cbd slingers from the extract forum.
Both THC and CBD.
I use CBD to cut high from THC.

CBD edible in the day, maybe some CBD smokes for a quick fix.

CBD/THC/CBN edibles at bed.

Balm/salve too to rub on sore spots.
Both THC and CBD.
I use CBD to cut high from THC.

CBD edible in the day, maybe some CBD smokes for a quick fix.

CBD/THC/CBN edibles at bed.

Balm/salve too to rub on sore spots.
that sound like my days ,bro just got a cannatonic for day ,and charlottes cbd going atm .Then Oil made from what ever i'm running at night like the franco's lemon cheese 1 plant to oil one to smoke at night ,i like to still have the odd joint.too,But i can't smoke a lot during day or my Anxiety goes through roof ,so i use cbd i like that mellow buzz ya get from it.I have some Bloody skunk that is gonna be a night smoke looking at it,Putting the other plant of that to fresh of plant to ice hash.My wife has been making this for a few years,Peanut brittle


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But saying that ,i make my gran the toffee because its pretty easy for her to dose it ,Its soumis way of making it but i use a little cannabis Butter in with the toffee though when cooking this makes it easier to see how much weeds in each bit of toffee we make.
I really like a good cbd/thc balanced strain for arthritic pain. I might grow some soon and make a tincture with it. I think THC and CBD would be the best to help and something like a CBD Durban Poison would be not so sleepy.
The high THC strains help but i think it is mostly the stone. The CBD really seems to help sooth the ache better.
Oil made from Critical Cbd or Cannatonic is great for pain.But i do go for the ones that is like 1/1 8/9% ,but at night if your struggling to sleep through pain higher thc,I use Charlottes cbd during the day just because the thc levels are low ,so it dont get me wrecked so i can do stuff .
My two cents, as a medical patient (going on 50 so not old? lol) - I have a bad spine as well, and the only thing that works for my pain is a combo of THC and CBD (i.e. high cbd strains are better than CBD alone)... Personally, I don't get the same kind of pain relief without the THC as well as the CBD. Edibles are my friend...

The best strain I've tried for pain is Ayahuasca Purple, but basically any Kush will do (this is mostly Master Kush)... Two types of pain relief I get from cannabis, Indica type strains that give you a body buzz are directly effective on the pain, and sativa type energy strains make me forget about the pain and give me energy to do things... I've also heard good things about Cannatonic strain...

Lastly, some of these new "full spectrum" cbd oils which contain trace amounts up to 3% THC might be effective, haven't tried...
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Ch9 Seeds,Blue Lemon Thai.Thats strain is just really good for Pain.Im also using cbd a fair bit during day,but that's mainly for Anxiety.But shit starts to go wrong the older we get.I have ditched the tablets doctor gave me for Anxiety.I smoking good Quality hash atm for Pain.Just small amounts but right through the day,for Anxiety.Seems to be working.The Auto I have just finished up,the Bloody Skunk I've noticed that strain is also good for Pain.And it also does not give me munchies has much .Cbd,on it's own is great for Anxiety and Depression.Im using Sensi Seeds atm.I have Charlotte's cbd that will be going in next.I could make my own from isolate ,but that one from Sensi Seeds works great.
Another arthritic old dude, here. Been disabled a dozen years, Im now 63. I blacktopped 29 years, 17 of those years I was labor. The last 12 yrs I was the owner.

Spinal stenosis, sciattica, and severe arthritis. Not only herniated discs but one disintegrated disc. The arthritic level of pain is real. Recently I may have developed fibromyalgia, I have to see my doc soon. Definitely exhibiting signs of nerve damage in lower legs, biceps, forearms and wrists at times.
Order from Sensi Seeds, there 200 mg or i use there 50 mg one for Anxiety And depression.I have tried to get my hands on isolate but it works out way too much.
But for night time you will need thc,you will more than likely need it during the day too.I have been doing this for a fair few years now and i have found cbd is great for the Mind,But thc is needed too .But for Pain you need thc.I'm not saying you need to be smashed all the time,I use hash during the day.I use the hash in a really old way of doing it,I put a small piece on the top of a dabber and just light it with lighter let it burn that first bit of smoke of then,put on a piece of thick glass and put a glass over it,Blow it out before putting under the glass .Leave it till its burnt out,but you have to burn that first bit off or you tend to get a thicker black smoke to start with .If you have a pipe that you can smoke sift on then use that, but that kills my lungs.I can take a bit of the smoke at a time .Then just lift the bottom of the glass and suck the smoke out with a straw.If you can get Isolate at a good price then make your own but works out at £22 for 0.5 g,Not really sure how much mg that would be .Its the reason i grow a cbd strain with no thc in it,then i just mix with high th strains with a sim strength 13% cbd 18/20 % thc,Thats from Amnesia haze clone i have, a friend.did get it tested in spain.I used to grow the 1/1 years ago but they was never 1/1 all ways higher thc than cbd.With the Charlottes cbd ,from Dutch passion,you can add say 3 1/4's of the cbd and a 1/4 of thc strain for the day.I have found that a Auto i did also is proving to be great for medical use Bloody skunk from sweet seeds.

Hope this helps Tyke.
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Yes! Try CBD oils. It would probably help.
Make sure that you look into what meds you are on,There is a fair bit of new info out there that is saying don't use cbd oil or in edibles if you are on Antibiotics.
Something do do with how they react with each other in the liver.So watch out for that,There is no nicotine in the vape oil i get from sensi seeds,and its defo the best one i have tried.And in time you may get to the stage i'm at i use it now to control my Medical needs,I cut out a lot of the tablets the doctor was only to happy to give me,for depression and Anxiety.I have 1/2 my anti depresent and done away with my Anxiety tablets they did nothing any how.Its also really helped with sleep,I sleep like a baby,i was using oil for this but found it hard to get a right dose,But that is my next step.To make a few gummies up with the dose i need to sleep
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Must be making a little Process with Legal factor ,it was on this morning.Has Medication for well being.Isolate in Small Amounts Hemp Elf ,Great service all ways good quality product.A little on the Expensive side though,0.5 g £15 plus £7 postage.
Don’t know about my friend as he had been treated and operated on in Colorado and started cbd Oil on his doctors recommendation.

I started to see improvement on my shoulder and neck pain immediately and muscle growth where I was reconstructed in about 3 weeks.

But there are always other factors in healing.

Let’s say I will definitely stay on it and will eventually find and grow my own cut to make our own oil.
I just ordered some AC/DC seeds from pacific seed bank https://www.pacificseedbank.com/sho...ana-seeds/acdc-cbd-feminized-marijuana-seeds/ I am a little concerned about CBD oil since I read that oil from European hemp contains heavy metals and growing my own high cbd strain gives me control of purity. SSH has worked well for pain and hypertension but I can only use it at night because of the high THC. I have found that CBD works well for pain.but THC helps with stress and depression.everyone is different and needs to find what works best for them. there is no "silver bullet" different strains affect people differently so it's down to trial and error
Please note - not trying to pimp any product - just trying to help. I am working on some CBD for older relative with arthirtis and other pains.

I got them a bottle of Fine Vine Tumeric Curcumin with Ginger and Bioperine Black Pepper. She is on pain killers and the Tumeric/Ginger/Black Pepper combo seems to help. It was about $20 for 120 tablets on amazon. There are other brands available with the tumeric/ginger/black pepper combo including one company Natrogix with 180 tabs for $17.99.

She was able to cut back pain killer meds thanks to Tumeric combo.

As stated above - I am not trying to pimp just help. I know Tumeric-Curcumin can do some great stuff including cancer when taken in higher doses like 8 x 1000 mg tabs per day.. The black pepper supposedly helps absorbtion and ginger helps as well. I also bought a bottle and occassionally have some finger pain from working on a computer keyboard pretty hard for 20 + years. The Fine Vine combo seems to work well for me. There are dozens of other vendors on amazon and other sites too.