old seeds R they good

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
100% germination today with the towel and new seeds from nirvana. Shit im so happy but wish i pulled the trigger with online ones before. Any one know where to get the killer old strains from. I love the L-3 and cloud 9 i grew years ago or some killer hash plant.


Active Member
First let me say Aloha To all of you this is my first post. Ok so I have been on the water for the last few years so i had no where to grow. Now that Im back in the Islands and 100% legal again I wanted to grow. the thing is i have some old seeds from when i grew back in the mainland and some from friends here but they are a few years old. I have tried all the normal way to make them pop but they didn't. got any advice on what to do. oh And i ordered some new ones from the seed shop on here so I let you know if i get them i have got like four emails and im on step seven of there shipping thing so we will see. Mahalo Hawaiian Kind
How old are the seeds exactly? If they are kept in a cool, dark place I heard seeds can last for at least 2 years. They may take a while longer to pop or they may be duds. Good call on ordering a new batch.


Active Member
hi, new the forum and impressed by the wealth of info! question--why do you use sandpaper in the bottle (germinating)? i'm assuming you're wanting to rub off the outer portion of the seed (shell)? i have germinated before with a few wet papertowels, but got 9 out of 15 to sprout. i'm a novice at best and have a ton to learn obviously. thx-