Old School Skunk, who's found it???

I think my sniffer has either evolved or devolved when it comes to cannabis. I was jarring up what is supposed to be "animal pie" and to me its overwhelming burnt rubber and fuel smell. My partner (who doesn't consume) walked in and said that smells good, I asked what it smells like and she says like strawberry cream cake. I have no clue how we could be so far off. So my thought is since she regularly says my herb smells like "skunk" maybe us enthusiasts have better honed however we smell terps.
Have you had covid?

Since I got covid last Nov I can't smell weed for shit. Nearly anything else I can smell somewhat correctly but weed is all fucked up.

Same here. Also anything solvent based, diesel fuel, gas.. all smell weird. Been like 8 months. Need to have my friends tell me how good the terps are.
Same with the solvents/chemicals. It's slowly getting better. Was able to actually smell the trees but not the river this weekend at a local pack. Caught a split second of blackberries smell too. But it fades almost instantly
Same here. Also anything solvent based, diesel fuel, gas.. all smell weird. Been like 8 months. Need to have my friends tell me how good the terps are.
Ive had covid too its messed with my sense of smell a little but not enough that i cant identify most stuff by smell still but im not at my full power for sure if u get me i always had a really good nose for weed beforehand so i just hope it comes back to full burn over time i think it will time will tell on that one ig and it is funny you say that with fuel type ones it took me a couple of months to smell them correctly i could identify lemon strains and mimosa and all sorts of other stuff but chem like strains like stardawg c4dd superstardog etc took a bit longer to come back its weird i can tell them now but before they came out to me then as more sweet smelling and earthy rather than fuel/solvent etc for a bit but now i can tell straight away but i still cant tell every nuance quite like i used to
I just put the grandfather skunks from @thisbuds4u101 into flower after transplant a few days ago. Out of 6 seeds, I have 4 cloned and sexed, 1 male, 3 females. I want more seeds so I am going to make some F2's. At the same time, I'm going to try and cross with a few cuts also.


Left to right:
Front row: 3 skunk females
Middle row: Chem91, Skunk male, Triangle Kush
Back row: Sour Diesel (Weasel's cut), Slurricane, Tahoe OG

Fingers crossed we see viable pollen and something interesting in the way of terps or flavor. ;-)

I'm not giving up!
Just harvested 3 beauties just as strong and potent as the last time got a really good yield as well. Good luck looks and sounds like you’ve got things under control.

What’s the smell and high like?

I haven’t had a chance to pop the seeds I have yet, but I’ve got 8 different Texas roadkill females I just put into flower, hopefully find something interesting there.
It is not a stretch. Refrigerator/freezers were made better in the
Look up jade nectar in Santa Cruz, some guy bought seeds in 87 from Sam the skunkman that needed up being the grandparents of skunk 1, he didn’t have time to grow them so he froze them for 40 years, germinated them and open room pollinated whatever grew out, now they are for sale at dispensaries

That story seems to get stranger and stranger, with more and more holes. As sam left to go Holland in 1984.
Skunk#1 in Holland was built out of what sam calls ancestral skunk. Ancestral skunk seems to give out the same plants and phenotypes as sams early USA version of skunk#1. Mad jag got loads of them off sam and rob afew years before they left to Holland and from mad jaggs pictures the plants seem to be the same as what comes out of ancestral skunk, still giving the main 3 phenotypes but having alot of hermi problems. In that earlier version it seems to show a extreme sativa Colombian was used (that shows in 1 pf the phenos) but the Afghan dont seem to be the same as what seems to have been added in Holland as some of the Afghan phenotypes show a narrower leaf type Afghan. Mad jag has some pretty interesting pictures as well as some very interesting plants coming out of ancestral skunk. Im pretty sure another more broad leaf type Afghan got added to its development in Holland, most likely the lemony type Afghan sam had which judging by how much it shows now in skunk#1 has probably changed it quite abit from what it originally was or could be found in it
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So I'm smoking on some of this Heime Cheeba skunk right now, and here's the deal- I went in wanting to hate it... but actually, it's pretty good. Not $500 good, and it isn't RKS, not even close, but it is skunky for modern stuff... and sort of taste like a toilet... but not intensely so. Very, very comparable to Bodhi's Hashplant D. Overall, I'd say HPD has a bit more of a "puppy breath" tone, and this is a touch more sour... but it's very similar.
The high is like a good, classic, indica dom type effect. Super mellow, spacey and stupid, with slight body numbing. I could see this being something I bought in a time before dispensaries.
Good, but still not RKS. It doesn't have the ass-blasting, gas attack reek of the old RKS.
Non netherlands skunks did not hermi. The ancestral skunks that were offered recently were field open pollinated in a northern country, not the best way to make seeds. The early mid 80s skunks from seeds started with indica leaves and as they grew the leaves narrowed to sativa leafs at the top of the plant. Cuttings would have the sativa leafs only, but somewhat wider under just floros. The early skunks were crossed to everything around at the time, resulting in the wide range of individual experiences with different skunk morphology.
Hi all, been hunting a true skunk for so long anyone found anything close to it? I'm not talking about the sweet one i want the foul stench skunk, so so hard to find have any of u come across this please comment, or is it best to just start back with the landrace Afghan?
Non netherlands skunks did not hermi. The ancestral skunks that were offered recently were field open pollinated in a northern country, not the best way to make seeds. The early mid 80s skunks from seeds started with indica leaves and as they grew the leaves narrowed to sativa leafs at the top of the plant. Cuttings would have the sativa leafs only, but somewhat wider under just floros. The early skunks were crossed to everything around at the time, resulting in the wide range of individual experiences with different skunk morphology.
I find early 80s skunk less stable sexually vs stuff from the later 80s onwards in my experience especially indoors