Oklahoma Growers Thread!

I run rh around 52% rh and temp fluctuates from 73 in dark to around 80 with lights on. I still run her on 12/12. Should I increase the darkness time? Thanks for the reply and help. It is much appreciated.
I have only grown this strain one other time and it took 14 weeks but this one doesn't even look close to being finished.
Only thing I can think of is to start dropping your day time temps, and light intensity. Im not a flusher, so keep feeding. Even at 650, thats good for ripening. Just try to mimic fall, and maybe they'll start drawing in the pistils..... IDK man, Im kinda stumped on this one. I've never ran a strain that long before.
This is the kinda shit you run across in Oklahoma.. On my way to go check out the grow room, and I find this confrontation going on in my driveway...... My guess is this female carrying babies is pissed at the baby daddy cuz he's late with the rent.

I've never seen babies on the back or two doing that dance before. I found one in my mailbox hiding between mail not long ago. Scared the shit out of me!
I've never seen babies on the back of two doing that dance before. I found one in my mailbox hiding between mail not long ago. Scared the shit out of me!
When it's hot and dry like it is now, we see at least one every day in the house, or outside. MFr's are everywhere. I've even seen them in the globe of my closet light.. how the hell did he get there????... I've been stung about 4 times in the past 20 years. Burns like the devil for about 60 seconds, and then subsides. I wouldn't mind them if they weren't so damn ugly and ..... ok fuck these creatures!
Yep I’ll try to post up some pictures of my outdoor girls later. I’m happy to finally find some locals woot give me time to clean my exif first I don’t want no dang potheads sneaking my buds away in the middle of the night lol