Oklahoma Growers Thread!

Hell yeah man! I'm sure that does good in your favor.
Yeah, they're all cool, they know what I do for a living, and most of them support it actually. Our County Sheriff if a former Vietnam helicopter pilot, and he pilots the County copter, in an old refurbished Huey. He's a Hell bend right wing, but believes in the Law. If its Law, then that's all that matters. He's all about self carry weapons, 2nd amendment rights, but he don't take no bullshit either. That's what I like about this guy. Every time i see him, he's got his 1911 cocked back and ready to rock in his side holster. Being a Vietnam Vet, and at 6ft 6, you don't wanna fuck with this guy.
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Yeah, they're all cool, they know what I do for a living, and most of them support it actually. Our County Sheriff if a former Vietnam helicopter pilot, and he pilots the County copter, in an old refurbished Huey. He's a Hell bend right wing, but believes in the Law. If its Law, then that's all that matters. He's all about self carry weapons, 2nd amendment rights, but he don't take no bullshit either. That's what I like about this guy. Every time i see him, he's got his 1911 cocked back and ready to rock in his side holster. Being a Vietnam Vet, and at 6ft 6, you don't wanna fuck with this guy.

i wouldt fuck with anyone with a gun seems stupid.
my Stance is more like fuck the police.
I'd really like to know the story behind this. I mean, why burn down your own op? Surely this guys knew that OP's are not insurable. ... and to video yourself doing it is even more baffling. I'll get with the County tomorrow and see if they found out anything on this guy.
Yeah, they're all cool, they know what I do for a living, and most of them support it actually. Our County Sheriff if a former Vietnam helicopter pilot, and he pilots the County copter, in an old refurbished Huey. He's a Hell bend right wing, but believes in the Law. If its Law, then that's all that matters. He's all about self carry weapons, 2nd amendment rights, but he don't take no bullshit either. That's what I like about this guy. Every time i see him, he's got his 1911 cocked back and ready to rock in his side holster. Being a Vietnam Vet, and at 6ft 6, you don't wanna fuck with this guy.
We need a picture of this dude lol...
Nope.. I think the guy was thinking that with a North wind, and dry conditions, that it would go up like a match, but the grass was so low, it didn't have a chance to really spread..... Im just curious about the "why".. he did it.
unsolved mystery time. naturally, in a fire we think things are destroyed and we can see that is the case in the fire. perhaps that is what this guy wants folks to think. those pots looked empty tho. maybe he's trying to make some things (like a truckload of herb) "disappear", seems pretty focused on getting evidence of the damage if he is the one that filmed it with the drone. follow the money
unsolved mystery time. naturally, in a fire we think things are destroyed and we can see that is the case in the fire. perhaps that is what this guy wants folks to think. those pots looked empty tho. maybe he's trying to make some things (like a truckload of herb) "disappear", seems pretty focused on getting evidence of the damage if he is the one that filmed it with the drone. follow the money
@DoubleAtotheRON filmed that. Read back a few posts on the thread.
Maybe he started the fire because of spider mites
Or powdery mildew . That stuff is a bitch to get rid of. Or maybe another type of pest that reek detrimental havoc on crops .
Nah... this was something else... I just don't know yet. This place is a few miles down the road from me. It used to belong to another set of Asians, they got raided, and bugged out. They sold the place to this guy a few months ago, then he tries to burn it down. The original Asians lost thier asses on the sale, so... IDK. It had originally sold for $128K, the first Asians bought it for $600K, bugged out, and sold it to this guy. Not shown in the video, but I got down closer to the grow houses, and there were plants in there.... scorched, but there.