Ok, what the fuck am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
What would you suggest FAB? Wouldn't that evacuate my room and cool air thus only allowing displaced hot air?


Well-Known Member
you said dont blame the fan, and I was saying is that not even a possible problem? You know pumping out of my room instead of the proper ducting.....


New Member
you said dont blame the fan, and I was saying is that not even a possible problem? You know pumping out of my room instead of the proper ducting.....
i meant i doubt fan cause it
how far are your veg lights and flower light
like others said more veg time more flower time u only vegged 1 month and a week
what stage were trics at? all cloudy?


Well-Known Member
yep all cloudy, few amber maybe around 2%-5%, I picked up some of TGA line (chernobyl in Veg) and she is a beast.........so maybe it was veg time either way I just thought a month of veg was quite adequate as they were 2-3 feet tall.

veg light 6 inches from canopy if not less, maybe 3-4 inches.

and 1000 watt maybe 15 inches to 18 inches


New Member
reason they got so tall in veg is stretching u had light to far away most but it a inch or two away


Well-Known Member
a t5 at 3-4 inches from canopy is too far? I mean alot of stuff now is literally almost touching it, like a inch away. An inch or 2 away wont that limit me to like literally a small row of plants like 3-4, i was doing 8-12 and picking the best 6


New Member
a t5 at 3-4 inches from canopy is too far? I mean alot of stuff now is literally almost touching it, like a inch away. An inch or 2 away wont that limit me to like literally a small row of plants like 3-4, i was doing 8-12 and picking the best 6
at first said 6" but most place right on them but not touching
and it wont limit u they will grow into light and u will raise it but to make it grow a inch at a time not 3-4 inchs


Well-Known Member
ok gotcha ya in the first 2 weeks or so of veg I raised it to the 6 inches, but then moved my room around and moved it closer to lights etc.

But that fan would definitely evac my cool air from my AC quite quickly, as in the cooler can never keep up?


New Member
ok gotcha ya in the first 2 weeks or so of veg I raised it to the 6 inches, but then moved my room around and moved it closer to lights etc.

But that fan would definitely evac my cool air from my AC quite quickly, as in the cooler can never keep up?
not sure about the fan issue
have u considered air cooled hood


Well-Known Member
to get the heat out :) Nah I have a variable control for my fan. But currently I have the ducting coming from another room (intake) and then through the light and up to the attic, I have a total of 1600 watts, however cant turn on both my 1k and 600 as it gets too hot.

So see I noticed my ducting was misplaced/tore-so see that means my intake became my room sucking all the AC cold out etc?


Well-Known Member
im confused what do you mean? Its like a loop where it says the fan is, I have a ducting from the right, it goes through both lights, and then there is ducting to my attic

Intake (out of flower room)>through 1k>through 600>vented to attic

riuhelp - Copy.jpg


New Member
where is pic what page
ok now i see it fan should be pulling not pushing and and am i right that your ac is intaking from room and exhausting into attic or what im trying to help u but im trying to figure out what u got going on
somethings seems not right


Well-Known Member
wow sorry that intake line got fucked up, to the front right is the door, so the intake is actually in a vent out of the room too!


New Member
wow sorry that intake line got fucked up, to the front right is the door, so the intake is actually in a vent out of the room too!
so do u mean hood intake or ac intake

explain separately where do u intake for ac and where does cool air from that go and where does light intake and exhaust


Active Member
It could be many things. If i where to take a guess

Lights are not close enough. You did not properly train the plants. Did not top enough, Or did little to no lolipopping. Did you grow in a reflective grow area? 1000W should be producing much more than 1oz of wet flowers a plant.

Do you use anything for the roots? Hygrozyme, B vitamins, Mycos?


New Member
It could be many things. If i where to take a guess

Lights are not close enough. You did not properly train the plants. Did not top enough, Or did little to no lolipopping. Did you grow in a reflective grow area? 1000W should be producing much more than 1oz of wet flowers a plant.

Do you use anything for the roots? Hygrozyme, B vitamins, Mycos?
could be but i think his cooling system is off may not be related but still needs to be addressed if what im thinking is right
still waiting on details